Today is the battle of the Jonasties, and you're about to get all of the white foam you can handle! Nick Jonas has been a staple here at Fleshbot Gay ever since I got a look at that upper ass beard and fell totally head over heals. His not a boy, not yet a man phase is officially over, and the youngest Jonas brother is looking FINE in pretty much every appearance he makes (which is a lot.) Older brother Joe Jonas is quickly catching up, however, and has been taking the Jonecessary steps to become a Gay Internet staple. With his bulge-baring "Body Moves" music video and ridiculously hot photo shoot, could the student become the master? Let's explode. I mean explore...
24-year-old Nick Jonas has no problems getting dicks wet by showing off his gorgeous body, and has even gone nude in a number of acting roles. AND he swapped spit with a dude on camera, which is just about about the hottest thing you can do as a sexy young celeb. His eyebrows, his body hair, his armpitssss, and his amazing body all cumulate to create on damn fine specimen of masculinity. No one could top this, right? (But hopefully bottom it someday.)
Maybe not. If you were a Joe Jonas fan back in the day and have been waiting for his comeback as a solo artist, you may have dropped Nick Jonas like he was hot when you saw Joe's semi hard dick in "Body Moves." And I can't say that I blame you, because Joe is looking damn good these days. He's bulked up, and in addition to his looks, he's giving the dick wetting interviews that must run in the Jonas genes. If you haven't already, you should check out his Reddit AMA asap.
A picture tells a thousand words, and a gif tells like two thousand at least, so check out these images and chose for yourself who wins this Battle of the Hunks: Nick Jonas or Joe Jonas!
PS: I think there's another brother but IDK.

Joe Jonas

Nick Jonas

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