'This location was perfect for Mark. The classic architecture was a perfect match for this classically handsome man.'

Two years ago, the image that inspired me to contact Syracuse photographer Dale Pierce was of a nude male model in a cemetery. The model was flanero and the FH post was Consumed back in October 2014. I have always loved how art, especially images of a living male model, brings life back into locations often long abandoned and forgotten. I can't think of any location more suited to a burst of energy, light and life than a cemetery.

When I was looking for Halloween themed imagery this year, I again came upon Dale's mages of the male form posing along side the cement scultputres, tomb stones and mausoleums within a final resting place for so many souls. The model this time was Mark, a personal trainer who's incredible physique, as Dale has stated, perfectly balances the curves, lines and structures that surround him. Mark's body is visually a well carved sculpture, and I can't think of a better location to spotlight his many assets.

'This is my fourth photo shoot with Mark. He is so easy to work with. Intelligent, Handsome, instinctive. This location has been a favorite of mine for many years.The challenge was finding new locations for this photo shoot. Mark and i have developed a trust, so important in a collaboration. If he believes in you,and your ideas he will always do his best for the photographer. I feel very fortunate to be working with him. His modeling career has really expanded and the camera loves him.'

'As an adult, I grew to love the quiet cemeteries provided, and the two near my home became favorite destinations for myself and my dogs. With each walk though, there was always another grave to read, another fact to learn, another family to wonder about. I remember my mother once saying it was disrespectful to walk my dogs in a cemetery. I never responded to her. I just know that if I was spending my eternity somewhere, I would welcome visits from anyone, or anything, especially a dog.'

The quote above was a section of the text the first time I featured Dale's cemetery captures. This series of images has me longing to return to the two cemetery's near my home, something I haven't done since my last dog died shortly after I published the first piece. I have avoided most of the paths, locations and lake side trails that I used to so frequently enjoy spending time on during those long walks with my dogs, and my thoughts. Dale's images having me wanting to return to the cemetery, not because of the death, but because of how much life and love I once found there.

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