There’s good looking guys all over the place, and all over gay porn too, but there’s more to being a really memorable hottie than simply being cute. Like our previous Qclassic Hotties, Manuel DeBoxer (aka Dereck from Maskurbate) has a certain je na sais quoi that puts him ahead of the pack. Maybe its his French Canadian upbringing that makes him so endearingly eccentric: his cum-inducing idiosyncratic moaning when he bottoms, or his bossy arrogance when he’s on top. Is it the piercings and tats — neither overdone — or maybe it’s Manuel’s vulnerable masculinity, which is also set at just perfect?

Something that the QC editorial team agree on is that the chunky men’s wristwatch, worn at all times, adds a compelling gentleman/working class man aura. Maybe it is his body after all. Nice cock too.


Very obedient:
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Husband material:

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