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Friday, August 28, 2015

Ted Cruz Tests Insane Idea: Gays Should Have The Right To Discriminate Against Christians

As many have already pointed out, that idea also violates anti-discrimination law.
From: NewNowNext
Ted Cruz supports discrimination against same-sex couples and, in a bizarre new interview with Newsmax, claims that gay people should also have the right to discriminate against Christians under the bogus “religious liberty” mentality he peddles.

In explaining his wacky plan for justifying and making discrimination legal as president, the GOP presidential hopeful also made a homophobic remark.

Said Cruz: “Imagine if this were inverted. Imagine if there were a gay florist — now I know that’s hard to imagine, a gay florist — but just go with the hypo[thetical] for a second. Imagine if two evangelical Christians came to a gay florist and they wanted to get married, and the florist said, “You know what? I disagree with your faith. I have problems with your faith.” You have no entitlement to force that florist to provide flowers at the Christians’ wedding. We are a pluralistic nation that tolerates diversity.”

Cruz’s presidential platform has more or less been built by the anti-gay business owners and government employees who’ve been reprimanded by the federal government in recent years for refusing to serve same-sex couples due to their religion.

As president, Cruz has promised an attack on LGBT equality, an issue he thinks is fringe “liberal fascism.” We heard some of this rhetoric in his bizarre encounter with actress Ellen Page last week, when she outright told him that LGBT people probably wouldn’t support the idea that they too can discriminate under the guise of “religious liberty.”

As Think Progress points out, Cruz’s statements contradict themselves:

Religion is a protected class. If that hypothetical gay florist refused service on the basis of the customers’ religion, that would be a blatant violation, and he would be just as accountable for that discrimination as other vendors have been for discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation.

You can check out Cruz’s Newsmax interview below.

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