From: Fleshbot
Tarzan is getting a Hollywood reboot in 2016 staring our favorite naked vampire Alexander Skarsgård. It looks like Al (we're kewl) has beefed up a little and all his vine swinging has left him a dirty, roughed up, and looking very much so like Kevin Sorbo. In this Tarzan reimagining instead of being tamed and subdued by the Western world, Tarzan gets reverse Pocahontased and the flick focuses on his return to the Congo after living in Britain as a fancy gentleman for 10 years.

From Alexander: Via USA Today
It’s almost the opposite of the classic tale, where it’s about taming the beast. This is about a man who’s holding back and slowly as you peel off the layers, he reverts back to a more animalistic state and lets that side of his personality out.
Director David Yates, who helmed the past four Harry Potter flicks, chimes in with why Alexander is perfect for the role of Tarzan:
Yates also found Skarsgård a perfect Tarzan for 2015. The filmmaker liked that he was born in Sweden but found a career in America, so “he has this wonderful quality of not quite belonging to one or the other.”
Yea I'm sure Alex is having a real identity crisis. The insanely gorgeous Margot Robbie stars as Jane, and although I'm not sexually attracted to her, if I could have one famous actress friend to dress up is whatever clothes I wanted, it would be Margot. I don't think that's a weird fantasy. The movie also stars Christoph Waltz, and if I'm being honest with myself if I was in the probable situation of having to fuck either this new beefed up Alexander or Christoph, and I could only choose one, I'd go with Christoph! Just as long as he's yelling at me with that scary accent.

Are you loving the jacked up Skarsgård or to you prefer your Swedes lean? We included some pics of Alex in his prime (IMHO) to help you decide, as well as another Tarzan promo pic!

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