
I think about sex more than anyone I know, and yet, all I can think about is cuddling with David John Craig. Keep in mind that I’m not trying to desexualize him by any means. Nope! I would fuck his brains out… But afterward, he better be down with spooning and taking a nap before round two.

Perhaps I’m saying too much, but Daddy Mayonnaise and I were having a conversation recently about the incredibly explicit pictures people tend to use on Manhunt. I’m paraphrasing, of course, but he said something to me like, “I don’t want to see any buttholes. I just want to see you wearing a cute sweater with your pants off.”

That resonated with me, because I feel like a lot of guys feel that way. While I’ve come to enjoy staring at those spread eagle shots and throbbing headless cocks, some of my fellow brothers in M2M sex get squeamish about stuff like that. I totally understand these feelings! It’s a little awkward to see a total stranger’s dick or butthole before you've seen his face. Kind of hot, in my opinion! But also a little awkward.

All of this is my convoluted way of introducing these new pics of David John Craig. He’s definitely wearing undies under that t-shirt, but in my head, there’s only a thin layer of fabric (and several hundred miles) separating me from his dick. The whole “no pants” angle really accentuates his legs, and as a self-professed “leg man”, I appreciate that.

To sum it all up? I would not mind being between those thighs at all.

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