I’m seriously considering booking a flight to Spain to lecture eldhelus on the countless benefits of a polyamorous relationship. The couple has a joint profile on Manhunt, and unless something was lost in translation, they appear to be open to playing with a third… But, damnit, that level of commitment isn't enough for me! I want them all of the time. I want to

sit on a couch and cuddle with them, fighting over the remote control until we give up and decide sandwich-fucking is a better option than any of the crap reality shows on television.
Oy, is this veering into creepy territory? Their headline states that they’re a “normal couple looking for normal people”, and I’m relatively certain it’s not classified as “normal” to develop a fictional relationship with a really cute couple you saw on Manhunt. Oh well! Maybe I’m normal enough for them to spit-roast me for a few hours. I’d settle for that, I guess.

eldhelus Parla, Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Pareja normal buscando gente normal
Estoy ya lo iremos rellenando :) Pero eso, buscamos conocer gente nueva, interesante, para lo que apetezca. Unas cañas, cenar, una buena conversación, o quien sabe...
Si te mandamos un guiño es porque nos has gustado o nos pareces interesante, asi que no te cortes y propón algo.
Si te contestamos con un guiño es porque no nos quedan mensajes, mandanos uno tu con movil o correo y te contestamos :D

Parla, Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Normal couple looking for normal people
I'm already filling go :) But why seek to know new, interesting, for whatever you people. A beer, dinner, good conversation, or who knows ... If you send a wink is because we've liked or we seem interesting, so do not be shy, propose something. If you answered with a wink is because we are not messages, send one to your email or mobile and you answer: D

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