This is a heavy topic for a site like this, but I’ve got to confess, the opening scene for Charlie Harding‘s bottoming debut hit a trigger for me. My intentions were to write an I’ve Never Done
This Before post about Charlie’s first time (even though I’m pretty damn sure he bottomed for Jesse Jackman in an unofficial, homemade release last year). Then, I’d dust my hands off, lean back and watch your comments roll in…
Unfortunately? I couldn't make it past the first two minutes.
The camera starts on a classy pineapple
decorative piece, as we zoom out to see Charlie in his kitchen emptying the dishwasher. His real-life partner Scotty Rage walks through the door, sees him putting dishes away and tells him that he doesn't have to do that. Charlie insists! So, logically, Scotty uses this opportunity to take advantage of Charlie’s generosity and ask him to bottom.
This is where I lost my boner, and I should state quite explicitly, it wasn't MEN.COM or any of the performers’ fault. They couldn't have possibly known that my first gay relationship ended due to a similar request. You see, my boyfriend got tired of taking my dick all of the time, and in the interest of equity, he decided it was time for me to “man up” and give up my ass.
The key words are “he decided”. He decided this for me.
In an ideal world, he would express his concerns and present this as a suggestion. I would take some time to reflect on it, decide I truly love him and make every
possible arrangement to step outside of my comfort zone and at least give it a try for the sake of our relationship. I would buy a dildo or a starter set of butt plugs. I would finger myself and get used to the sensation. And I would mentally prepare for the main event by pairing these activities with fantasies of my boyfriend’s hairy body on top of me.
As you might have guessed, that wasn't what happened! He emotionally manipulated me to give in, stating that it would be a “big problem”
if he didn’t get to fuck me. He would physically try to hold me down, then turn the tables on me when I tried to fight back and accidentally “hurt” him. He would try to shove his fingers or cock inside of me without any form of foreplay, and I would repeatedly say “no”. No, no, no! After tears were shed and voices were raised, he’d call me a “big baby”, roll over to the other side of the bed and repeat the process when we woke up the next day.
I realize that a story like this is more appropriate for my therapist’s couch than the pages of Manhunt Daily. I’m just hoping that, maybe, if I share what I went through, it will prevent someone else from making the same mistakes. Nobody should feel pressured to bottom until they’re ready for it.
This is where I have to give MEN.COM credit. Charlie’s character might feel pressure from Scotty, but as soon as he walks out the door, it’s Charlie himself who makes the decision
to give up his hole. He’s eager to learn. He wants to get fucked. And once I “manned up” enough to skim through this video, I saw that Colby Jansen did a great job at respecting his body, communicating with him and bringing out the submissive bottom daddy slut inside of him."

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