
We wrote
“While Manhunt, Manhunt Daily and all our properties are not pro-incest by any standards, we’re willing to embrace that these fantasies are doing something for you… And at the end of the day, our goal is to get you off by any means necessary! Even if it, um, takes reading a comic strip about a young man who jizzes on his father’s mustache.”

Well, this is weird! Last Tuesday’s rather incestual Drawn To You post about “My Wild & Raunchy Son” was a surprise hit amongst Manhunt Daily readers. Not only did it manage to become last week’s third most popular post, but it also looks like it might give “Lex Stern M.D.” and “Sex Ed With The Coach” a run for their money when we look at the numbers and compile our end-of-the-year countdown.

While Manhunt, Manhunt Daily and all our properties are not pro-incest by any standards, we’re willing to embrace that these fantasies are doing something for you… And at the end of the day, our goal is to get you off by any means necessary! Even if it, um, takes reading a comic strip about a young man who jizzes on his father’s mustache.

I can’t believe I just wrote that last sentence. My mother would be so proud (or completely mortified).

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