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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Yes, these 'babes' live in Croatia!

From:  Dnevnik.hr ‎
 Croatian water polo team represents an attractive campaign 'likes Croatian water polo. " Naked water polo breathtaking!
Campaign 'likes Croatian water polo 'wants to introduce our water polo in full glory and to invite all fans of water polo, but also those who will be at the new representative of excitement that are before us 
Andro Bušlje
 .. Fashion photographer Goran Matijasec through his lens led us into the hidden world of gold hero out of the pool and discovered an entirely new look at water polo. The campaign was made ​​possible partner representation PBZ Card.

"I'm proud to play for Croatia and a special feeling to defend the colors of their homeland in the pool. Each new game for us is a new challenge and a great desire to win, we go into each of them. Through this campaign, we thank all the fans who follow us and also invite all those who are about to become to discover the magic of this water sport and cheer us in new thrills that await us from 10th December and match with Greece! "- said the representative Peter Muslim.Our representatives  they acted in front of the camera to Goran. Goalkeeper Mark representations Bijač pass through the middle in the role model, 
Anđelo Šetka

and  on the recording said: "The only record of the campaign it was interesting and somewhat funny because we are not accustomed to this kind of shooting, so this was a real challenge. Photos turned out great and we are happy and in this way promote water polo!"

In addition to the carved body, water polo should be congratulated on the great results that are achieved by winning the gold medal at the Mediterranean Games in Turkey and the bronze medal at the FINA World Championships in Barcelona. Campaign is an introduction to the new season of the FINA World League, whose first game played in Zagreb on 10 December at 20:15 hours, a few days later, 21 and 22:12., also in Zagreb, water polo and expects Croatian Cup final.
Ante Vukičević
 Croatian water polo team led menu Ivica Tuck in the next year continues to battle for the highest sports awards, and crown the season's European Championships in Budapest.
Photos of the breathtaking are Josip Pavic, Luke Potter, Fran Paskvalin, Maro Joković, Peter Muslim, Andro Bušlje, Sandro cloth, Niksa Dobud, angels Šetka Paulo Obradovic, Marko Bijač, John Krapić, John Milaković, Anthony Vukicevic and Luke Bukić.
If you ever decide to discontinue water polo career, we suggest they go to the modeling of water. The female population will enjoy these photos, and the males suggest that you look up to our golden boys.
Fran Paškvalin
 Da, ovi 'komadi' žive u Hrvatskoj!
Hrvatska vaterpolska reprezentacija predstavlja atraktivnu kampanju 'Hrvatska voli vaterpolo'. Goli vaterpolisti oduzimaju dah!
Kampanja 'Hrvatska voli vaterpolo' želi predstaviti naše vaterpoliste u punom sjaju i pozvati sve ljubitelje vaterpola, ali i one koji će to postati, na nova reprezentativna uzbuđenja koja su pred nama.. Modni fotograf Goran Matijašec kroz svoj nas je objektiv poveo u skriveni svijet zlatnih junaka izvan bazena i otkrio nam sasvim novi pogled na vaterpolo.  Kampanju je omogućio partner reprezentacije PBZ Card.
Ivan Krapić
 “Ponosan sam što igram za Hrvatsku i poseban je osjećaj braniti boje domovine u bazenu. Svaka nova utakmica za nas je novi izazov i s velikom željom za pobjedom ulazimo u svaku od njih. Ovom kampanjom zahvaljujemo svim navijačima koji nas prate ali i pozivamo sve one koji će to tek postati da otkriju čari ovog vodenog sporta i bodre nas u novim uzbuđenjima koja nas očekuju već od 10. prosinca i utakmice s Grčkom!” – izjavio je reprezentativac Petar Muslim.
Naši reprezentativciodlično su se snašli pred Goranovim fotoaparatom. Golman reprezentacije Marko Bijač odlično se snašao u ulozi modela, a o snimanju je rekao: “Samo snimanje kampanje bilo je zanimljivo i pomalo smiješno jer nismo navikli na ovakva snimanja, pa je ovo bio pravi izazov. Fotografije su ispale odlično i sretni smo što i na ovakav način promoviramo vaterpolo!”
Ivan Milaković
 Osim na isklesanom tijelu, vaterpolistima treba čestitati i na sjajnim rezultatima koje su postigli osvojivši zlatnu medalju na Mediteranskim igrama u Turskoj i broncu na FINA Svjetskom prvenstvu u Barceloni. Kampanja je uvod u novu sezonu FINA Svjetske lige čija se prva utakmica igra u Zagrebu 10. prosinca u 20.15 sati, a nekoliko dana kasnije, 21. i 22.12., također u Zagrebu, vaterpoliste očekuje i finale Kupa Hrvatske.
Hrvatska vaterpolska reprezentacija pod vodstvom izbornika Ivice Tucka i u idućoj godini nastavlja s borbama za najviša sportska odličja, a kruna sezone je Europsko prvenstvo u Budimpešti.
na fotkama koje oduzimaju dah nalaze se Josip Pavić, Luka Lončar, Fran Paškvalin, Maro Joković, Petar Muslim, Andro Bušlje, Sandro Sukno, Nikša Dobud, Anđelo Šetka, Paulo Obradović, Marko Bijač, Ivan Krapić, Ivan Milaković, Ante Vukičević i Luka Bukić.
Josip Pavić
 Ako ikada odluče prekinuti karijeru vaterpolista, predlažemo im odlazak u manekenske vode. Ženski dio populacije uživati će ovim fotografijama, a muškom dijelu predlažemo da se ugledaju na naše zlatne dečke.
Luka Bukić
Luka Lončar

Marko Bijač

Maro Joković

Nikša Dobud

Paulo Obradović

Petar Muslim

Sandro Sukno

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