"This was a fun shoot. Xander has been increasingly comfortable in front of the camera and he even picked me up in his Camerro. He had the top down and we both got a little sunburned, and talked about something that happened because of the site.

Recently, I got some fan email to forward to him. As it happens, he called me at the same time. Xander is straight and first question was if it was from a woman. When I told him no, he said "That's alright, but, I don't swing that way." Then he asks, "what does he say." All the models want to know if people think they look good. The email complimented him a lot so he was flattered and a little bit embarrassed.

The member wanted Xander to respond to his email. I thought that was probably pushing the limits of how gay friendly a straight guy can be. Nice guy that he is though, Xander sent a thank you email and he also dedicated this shoot to his #1 fan." -- The Guy Site
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