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Broadway Bares 24: Rock Hard! |
On this blog you I am going to share my world with you. What can you expect to find here -- First of all lots of sexy men, off all shapes and types, something for everyone, as I can find beauty in most men. You are going to find that I have a special fondness for Vintage Beefcake and Porn of the 60's, 70's, and 80's. Also, I love the average guy, and if you want to see yourself on here, just let me know. Be as daring as you like, as long as you are of age, let me help you share it with the world! Also, you are going to find many of my points of views, on pop culture, politics and our changing world. Look to see posts about pop culture, politics, entertainment, sex, etc. There is not any subject that I find as something I won't discuss or offer my point of view. Most of all, I hope you are going to enjoy what I post. ENJOY!
Thursday, June 1, 2017
Kayden Gray: “I Would Like Everyone To Know That I’m HIV Positive”
From: Str8Up Gay Porn

Popular gay porn star Kayden Gray has posted the below video to his YouTube channel, and in it he comes out as HIV positive. Gray—who has performed for nearly a dozen studios since 2013—goes into details about when he became positive, and why he’s decided to discuss his status openly now.

Gray’s video is both informative and touching, and it ultimately sends a strong message of support for other positive performers in the industry, as well as anyone outside the industry living with the virus. Given the antiquated stigma that still exists around HIV, this was a brave and courageous thing for him to record, and it’s worth viewing in its entirety:
Darren Criss removes his Speedo to show off his stunning sunburn
From: Queerty
Thanks to the upcoming American Crime Story: Versace, we recently got to see loads of photos featuring Darren Criss in a Speedo.
And now, we’re even luckier. In order to demonstrating his sensational sunburn, Criss uploaded a photo to Instagram that shows off his lobster-hued flesh, barely covering up by holding a Speedo over his junk.
“So what’s more red?” he writes. “My sunburn, my speedo, or YOUR FACE?”
Hard to say, but one thing is clear: This is a good look for him.
Perhaps Intraweb personality Tyler Oakley put it best after witnessing the gasp-inducing photo: “I can’t even, I’m unable to even, I have lost the ability to even.”
Sex Toys, 30,000 Condoms Stolen From Warehouse
The heist was captured by surveillance cameras
From: NBC Bay Area
From: NBC Bay Area
Police in Las Vegas are investigating a pair of burglaries at a condom and sex toy warehouse during the holiday weekend.
A representative of Stockholm, Sweden-based LELO Inc. said in a statement Tuesday that thieves were seen on security recordings taking items Friday night and Saturday morning from the warehouse in an industrial park not far from McCarran International Airport.
Officer Laura Meltzer says detectives are following up on the burglary reports.
The company posted YouTube video showing what it says were thieves taking two shipping boxes containing more than 30,000 condoms in the Friday break-in.
In the second incident, police and the company say a vehicle was backed through a loading dock door. Video shows a man throwing two large boxes into it before driving away. The thieves stole more than 6,000 worth of sex toys, reported KSNV, the NBC affiliate in Las Vegas.
"What kind of party are these people having?" the company said in a blog post in response to the theft.
Is this even legal? Kathy Griffin decapitates Trump in grisly photo shoot
From: Queerty

Like a cat leaving a dead canary at your doorstep, Kathy Griffin has a present for you: Donald Trump’s head.
TMZ shared a photo of Kathy Griffin appearing to hold aloft the decapitated, bleeding skull of Trump by his bloodstained comb over. It definitely makes a statement.

Joking about the image — culled from a recent shoot by photographer Tyler Shields — Griffin apparently said “that she and Tyler would need to move to Mexico once the pics got released.”
We gotta say: He looks better in red than orange.
Michigan Breweries Asked To Name 13 Puppies Born To Injured Rescue Dog
From: MLive

The snuggly one with the pale fur could be Atwater's Dirty Blonde. Its litter mate with the red hue to his fur could be Founders' Rubaeus or maybe Brewery Vivant's Pumpkintart. Their dark-furred brother? How about Elk Brewing's Dankalicious.

A West Michigan dog rescue group is asking the state's celebrated craft breweries to step up for charity and pick out names for a surprisingly large batch of 13 puppies born to an injured dog in its care.

Hearts of Hope has a lot of beer lovers among its members and volunteers, so a friendly competition among brewers in Grand Rapids' "Beer City USA" and beyond seemed to make sense. In exchange for a $100 donation, a brewery will get to name a pup and receive a professional portrait of their staff and the pup.

When the little dogs are big enough to go to adoptive homes in mid-July, rescue founder Janelle McFarlane won't be surprised if the new owners decide to keep the creative names thought up by the brains behind some of the country's best beer monikers.

She kicked off the trend by naming the injured mother dog Harmony Irene, after Harmony Brewing in Grand Rapids.

When the very pregnant, lanky shepherd mix came into the Kent County Animal Shelter a couple weeks ago, she was holding up an injured paw.

Someone in a rural area had seen the mom-to-be running around and thought it was a good idea to put out a coyote trap to catch her. It caught her, puncturing her skin in places and causing her to favor her swollen leg.

When no one claimed her as a stray, the shelter called Hearts of Hope. The nonprofit places dogs in a network of foster homes until adopters can be found - a nice option for animals who are pregnant, sick, or who might have anxiety issues when left too long in a loud shelter. Since it started five years ago, the group has placed more than 1,100 dogs.

Because Harmony was pregnant, she could not have pain medication. But when the puppies began to arrive a week ago, McFarlane said the cycle of bedrest, eating small meals, and nursing the little ones has forced the 2-year-old dog to limit her activity, and that's helped Harmony heal.

At 13, it's the largest litter of puppies Hearts of Hope has handled. The shelter had estimated Harmony would have six to eight.

McFarlane said she knew that guess was really low when the puppies started being born.

"When she had the first one, I looked at it and it was so tiny," she said. "I thought, 'Oh no. We're going to have a lot.' "
Harmony delivered them in batches between 6 a.m and 7:30 p.m. that day.
"She had five, and then she took a nap, and had five more. Then she took another nap and had three more."
"It's like she had two litters."
They are cute little bundles. All are healthy, and are being nursed by their mom in shifts. McFarlane is also supplementing with bottle feeding.
Judging by their looks, the father of this crowd is likely a Labrador retriever.
Volunteers and the community have shown a lot of support in the last week, donating food, puppy pads and baby wipes.
Once enough breweries sign on to label the big family, Hearts of Hope will do a big reveal of all the puppy names.
And when the puppies have all been weaned, the group can turn its attention to Harmony. The new mom tested positive for heartworm - which does not transfer to her puppies. Once she is no longer nursing, she can be treated for that condition.
McFarlane expects Harmony to stay with her for the summer, until she gets a clean checkup and can be placed in a new home of her own.
All Photos Courtesy of Lynae Marie Photography.
Nothing Less Than Perfect in a Less Than Perfect World, 2013 V E N F I E L D 8
Venfield 8
365 Groovy Books Worth Reading
From: Deep Dish
How I Lost 10 Pounds in 53 Years: A Memoir
Kaye Ballard
Jim Hesselman
The actress, who will turned 91 on November 20, shares amusing stories about her long career, which includes roles in film (The Ritz, Freaky Friday), television (Cinderella, The Mothers-in-Law, The Doris Day Show) and on Broadway (The Golden Apple, Carnival!, The Pirates of Penzance).
365 Groovy Books Worth Reading,
100 Hottest Out & Proud Celebs
From: OUT
Ben Whishaw
The British actor was cagey about his sexuality until 2014, when he told Out that there had been no need to fear coming out. "It's hard to have a conversation with people you've known your whole life about a very intimate thing."
Benjamin John "Ben" Whishaw (born 14 October 1980) is an English actor. He is known for his stage role as Hamlet; his roles in the television series Nathan Barley, Criminal Justice, The Hour and London Spy; and film roles including Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (2006), I'm Not There (2007), Bright Star (2009), Brideshead Revisited (2008), Cloud Atlas (2012), The Lobster (2015), Suffragette (2015) and The Danish Girl (2015). He has also played the role of Q in the James Bond films starting with Skyfall (2012), and was the voice of Paddington Bear in the 2014 film, Paddington.
100 Hottest Out & Proud Celebs,
History's 125 Hottest Gay-Porn Stars
From: Boy Culture
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Caribbean King |
Melchor Diaz
Melchor Agular
Melchor Agular
This Puerto Rican devil was a familiar face (and booty) in movies throughout the '80s and into the early '90s, before he became too ill to work. He was sexually voracious but also had a playfulness that I always find welcome in adult movies. Got great reviews from co-stars and was an integral part of both Night Flight (1984) and Dynastud (1986).
125 Hottest Gay-Porn Stars,
porn star,
Puerto Rican,
Soap Dish #10 (In Which You Are Invited To A Pine Valley Wedding)
From: Deep Dish
Today we revisit All My Children and the dramatic events leading up to the wedding of Adam Chandler and Dixie Cooney on June 1, 1989. Unfortunately, most of the 25 episodes below are edited, but you can still enjoy this main story line (Click Here For Previous Soap Dish Posts).
Pat Baxter - Lee Chamberlin
Adam Chandler - David Canary
Dixie Chandler - Cady McClain
Julie Chandler - Lauren Holly
Ross Chandler - Robert Gentry
Stuart Chandler - David Canary
Marian Colby - Jennifer Bassey
Melanie Cooney - Paige Turco
Palmer Cortlandt - James Mitchell
Will Cortlandt - Lonnie Quinn
Sean Cudahy - Alan Dysert
Skye Cudahy - Robin Christopher
Tom Cudahy - Richard Shoberg
Bitsy Davidson - Ann Flood
Brooke English - Julia Barr
Myrtle Fargate - Eileen Herlie
Dr. Angie Hubbard - Debbi Morgan
Jeremy Hunter - Jean LeClerc
Natalie Hunter - Kate Collins
Cecily Kelly - Rosa Nevin
Nico Kelly - Maurice Benard
Marcia - Lori-Nan Engler
Dr. Joe Martin - Ray MacDonnell
Joey Martin - Michael Brainard
Ruth Martin - Mary Fickett
Tad Martin - Michael E. Knight
Barbara Montgomery - Susan Pratt
Erica Kane Montgomery - Susan Lucci
Jackson Montgomery - Walt Willey
Travis Montgomery - Larkin Malloy
Karen Parker - Ellen Wheeler
David Rampal - Trent Bushey
Marissa Rampal - Nancy Addison
John Remington - Eddie Earl Hatch
Donna Sago - Candice Earley
Jasper Sloane - Ronald Drake
Myra Murdock Sloane - Elizabeth Lawrence
Olga Svenson - Peg Murray
Stan Ulatowski - Eugene J. Anthony
Langley Wallingford - Louis Edmonds
Phoebe Wallingford - Ruth Warrick
Dr. Cliff Warner - Peter Bergman
Monday, May 1, 1989
Erica is upset when Jackson agrees with Travis that they should hire Barbara. Dixie is convinced that Brooke knows the truth about her baby.
Tuesday, May 2, 1989
Dixie and Ross tell Adam that Brooke knows the truth, but Adam refuses to believe them.
Wednesday May 3, 1989
Brooke confronts Dixie about her nightmare. Adam convinces Dixie to go to Sea City.
Thursday, May 4, and Friday, May 5, 1989
Marissa and Jeremy kiss after being held hostage. Melanie and David ride horses in West Virginia as Peter Cetera sings "Glory of Love". Cecily has Nico pick a name from a hat to determine whom she will marry in order to get her trust fund money. A suspicious Brooke hires a private eye to follow Adam, who sleeps with Dixie again. Dixie believes Adam's pledge of love when he chooses her over Brooke. Brooke discovers Adam and Dixie in an embrace.
Monday, May 8, and Tuesday, May 9, 1989
Brooke tosses her wedding ring at Adam and later breaks down at Laura's grave. She is then almost hit by Tom's car. Dixie meets a minister named Kevin while praying in his church. Nico and Cecily announce to their friends that they are getting married. Julie shows up at Nico and Cecily's engagement party.
Wednesday, May 10 - Friday, May 12, 1989
Dixie tells Will that she's carrying Adam's baby, and he later confronts Adam with a bullwhip. Adam presses assault charges against Will, who is arrested.
Monday, May 15 - Wednesday, May 17, 1989
Dixie convinces Adam to drop the charges against Will, who is released from jail. Brooke tells Adam their marriage is over, and he later learns that she has filed for a divorce. Nico and Cecily marry and spend their honeymoon in New York City. Travis agrees to let Erica move in with him to take care of Bianca, who has the chicken pox. Julie accepts a summer job with Jackson.
Thursday, May 18, 1989
Adam hires Sean to work at Tempo. Adam tries to reconcile with Brooke, but after she rejects him, he asks Dixie to marry him.
Friday, May 19, 1989
After learning that Adam is the father of Dixie's baby, Palmer thinks it's in Dixie's best interest to marry Adam. Travis thinks Erica is trying to seduce him. Dixie turns down Adam's marriage proposal.
Monday, May 22, 1989
Although he and Cecily have to wait six months to get her trust fund money, Nico calls off their annulment and seeks a loan so they can purchase the club. Palmer catches Natalie when she breaks into Marissa's hotel room. Cliff proposes to Angie.
Tuesday, May 23 - Wednesday, May 31, 1989
Travis and Barbara kiss. Adam pretends to be Stuart, hoping to make Dixie think that Adam is planning to kill himself. He is delighted when his plan makes Dixie agree to marry him. Brooke changes her mind about quitting Tempo. After Stuart reveals that he didn't talk Dixie into going to see Adam in Sea City, Tad realizes that Adam pretended to be Stuart. Rushing to stop Adam and Dixie's wedding, Tad spots Skye crying in the rain, and she is then struck by lightning.
Thursday, June 1, 1989
Adam and Dixie are married just before Tad carries an unconscious Skye into the room. Ross finds Natalie out in the rain after Jeremy breaks up with her. Nico and Cecily name their nightclub "Kelly's". Tad tells Dixie that Adam pretended to be Stuart.
Friday, June 2, 1989
Adam goes to see Brooke to tell her he loves her, but she tells him to go home to his wife.
Soap Dish,
soap opera,
Rowers Descend On Washington For 24th Stonewall Regatta
Anacostia River will be scene of the action on Sunday
From: OutSports![]() |
DC Strokes is the host rowing club for the Stonewall Regatta |
More than 400 rowers from 30 teams will take to the waters of the Anacostia River in Washington, D.C., Sunday for the 24th Stonewall Regatta, sponsored by the DC Strokes Rowing Club, the nation’s oldest LGBT rowing organization.
Races run from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, starting just north of the 11th Street Bridge and finishing at the Anacostia Community Boathouse.
Here are the details from the DC Stokes:
DC Strokes Rowing Club is gearing up for its 24th Annual Stonewall Regatta on the Anacostia River in Washington, DC on June 4. Stonewall Regatta kicks off the sprint regatta season for the Mid-Atlantic region, and has the unique honor of representing LGBT athletes and allies after the sport of rowing was dropped from this year’s World Out Games in Miami.Participation at Stonewall will provide an early indication of the excitement and possibilities to bolster the DC 2022 Gay Games XI bid being led by Team DC.The first Stonewall Regatta was held in 1994 during Gay Games IV in New York City. About a year before the Games, DC Strokes Rowing Club (DCSRC) learned that the host committee for the NYC Games was dropping rowing from the sports line-up, and subsequently decided to organize an independent regatta to run concurrently with the Games.In honor of the 25th anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising in Greenwich Village in 1969, considered the start of the gay civil rights movement, this regatta was named "Stonewall Regatta."The original regatta occurred at the Orchard Beach Race Course in Pelham Bay State Park, site of the 1964 Olympic Rowing Trials. The event was such a success that DCSRC decided to bring it home to Washington, D.C., where it has since been held every June.This year, more than 30 teams are expected, bringing over 400 rowers to the Anacostia River for a full day of racing by rowers of all backgrounds, orientations and abilities, including adaptive rowers. Races will run approximately every eight minutes between 8 a.m. to 4 pm., starting just north of the 11th Street Bridge and finishing at the Anacostia Community Boathouse.Spectators are welcome at the boathouse, and there is no admission fee. Parking and shuttles will be provided from Maritime Plaza at 1201 M St. SE. Good views also can be had from the Pennsylvania Avenue Bridge, the Anacostia River Walk pedestrian bridge, and from Anacostia Park.DC Strokes Rowing Club, one of four independent self-sustaining LGBT and ally rowing teams in the world, provides competitive and recreational rowing opportunities in a safe and supportive environment for rowers of all skill levels. It offers a popular “Learn to Row” program every spring, as well as Novice, Club and Competitive teams.
24 Obscure Kinks and Fetishes of Gay Men
From: The Advocate
Fetish For Licking Eyes
Oculolictus is the erotic practice of licking an eyeball. Also know as "worming," this practice was made famous in one of the more memorable scenes of Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov:
I cam across her in her mother's bedroom. Prying her left eye open to get rid of a speck of something, Checked frock. Although I do love that intoxicating brown fragrance of hers, I really think she should wash her hair once in a while. For a moment, we were both in the same warm green bath of the mirror that reflected the top of a poplar with us in the sky. Held her roughly by the shoulders, then tenderly by the temples, and turned her about. "It's right there," she said, "I can feel it." "Swiss peasant would use the tip of her tongue." "Lick it out?" "Yeth, Shly try?" Sure, she said. Gently I pressed my quivering sting along here rolling salty eyeball. "Goody-goody," she said nictating, "It is gone." "Now the other?" "You dope," she began, "there is noth-" but here she noticed the pucker of my approaching lips. "Okay," she said co-operatively, and bending toward her warm upturned russet face somber Humbert pressed his mouth to her fluttering eyelid.
30 Days of Gay Pride
The month of June was chosen for LGBT Pride Month to commemorate the Stonewall riots, which occurred at the end of June 1969. As a result, many pride events are held during this month to recognize the impact LGBT people have had in the world. Brenda Howard is known as the "Mother of Pride", for her work in coordinating the first LGBT Pride march, and she also originated the idea for a week-long series of events around Pride Day which became the genesis of the annual LGBT Pride celebrations that are now held around the world every June. Additionally, Howard along with fellow LGBT rights activists Robert A. Martin (aka Donny the Punk) and L. Craig Schoonmaker are credited with popularizing the word "Pride" to describe these festivities. As LGBT rights activist Tom Limoncelli put it, "The next time someone asks you why LGBT Pride marches exist or why [LGBT] Pride Month is June tell them 'A bisexual woman named Brenda Howard thought it should be.'"
On several occasions, the President of the United States has officially declared a Pride Month. First, President Bill Clinton declared June "Gay & Lesbian Pride Month" on June 2, 2000. Then, in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015, President Barack Obama declared June Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month.
Google marked any LGBT-related search results in June 2012 with a rainbow colored pattern underneath search results.
In honor of this I will be posting "30 Days of Gay Pride" for the month of June!
30 Days of Gay Pride,
Gay Pride,
World’s Top-Ranking Tennis Player Delivers Perfect Backhand To His Homophobic Peer
From: Queerty
They’re both among the greatest tennis players of all time, but it’s what divides these two champions that’s making headlines.
Andy Murray, currently ranked No. 1 in the world, has fired back against homophobic comments made by fellow titleholder, Margaret Court. And like most great rivalries, it all started with a pie in the face.
Well, sort of.
Alan Joyce is the CEO of Australian airline Qantas. He’s also gay, a fierce advocate for marriage equality, and a recent victim of antigay harassment in the form a pie to the face. Some people truly have a regrettable lack of chill.
Among that group is Margaret Court, who made it clear last week she would not be flying with Qantas in light of Joyce’s position on marriage equality.
In a letter published by The Australian, Court said “I believe in marriage as a union between a man and a woman as stated in the Bible. Your statement leaves me no option but to use other airlines where possible for my extensive travelling.”
This week, Murray issued a response in The Sun: “I don’t see why anyone has a problem with two people who love each other getting married. You know, if it’s two men, two women, that’s great. I don’t see why it should matter. It’s not anyone else’s business. Everyone should have, in my opinion, the same rights.”
We’re just going to go ahead and call that love-15.
Out tennis player Richel Hogenkamp has also spoken publicly about Court’s remarks, and is asking the Australian Open to consider changing the name of the stadium that currently bears Court’s name.
“I don’t think you should be that outspoken,” she told ENCA.com. “I have a girlfriend myself. I don’t agree with what she’s saying.
“So I think it would be a good thing to see if Australian Open can maybe change the name of the stadium, because I think if you’re in that kind of position, maybe some players they don’t feel so comfortable playing in a stadium named after Margaret Court.”
The Orlando Ribbon Project bringing together the world to mark one year since Pulse tragedy
From: WFTV
What began as a simple roll of rainbow ribbon and a box of pins has grown into an international movement to never forget the victims of the worst mass shooting in the country’s history, the tragedy at the Pulse Nightclub on June 12, 2016. As the one-year mark of the Pulse shooting approaches, the Orlando Ribbon Project is committed to remembering the 49 men and women who lost their lives that night, those left critically and emotionally injured and supporting the rights of the GLBTQ community. The Project is asking those in Orlando and beyond to don one of their simple, yet profound rainbow ribbons in support on June 12, 2017.
Founder Ben Johansen began the Orlando Ribbon Project immediately following the shooting in an effort to bring together the community and spread love and hope, one ribbon at a time. As his husband Tim Vargas, then President of the GLBT Community Center of Central Florida’s Board of Directors, rushed to the Center that Sunday morning of the shooting, Ben headed to a nearby craft store and bought a roll of rainbow ribbon and a roll of black ribbon and a box of pins. He began making the ribbons for volunteers, but the requests began pouring in and the Orlando Ribbon Project was born.
Since then, over 300,000 ribbons have been made and sent around the world in support of the victims of the Pulse shooting and the Orlando community. The movement continues to grow with celebrities including Alan Cuming, Jamie Lee Curtis, Chita Rivera and the B-52’s proudly wearing the ribbons in support and encouraging their fans to do the same.
"The Pulse shooting may have taken place here in Orlando, but it was felt all over the world,” says Johansen. “I feel that when people see the ribbon, not only do they remember what happened, but they smile in memory of those we lost. I believe there are more good people than bad out there. The Orlando Ribbon Project is about blanketing Orlando and the world with rainbow ribbons and spreading love and hope at the same time. We must never forget why we wear the rainbow ribbon. We must always remember The49 and we must also continue to fight for GLBTQ rights as human beings just like everyone else.”
The Orlando Ribbon Project is marking one year after the Pulse shooting by asking local politicians, community leaders, television personalities, celebrities and supporters around the globe to don the rainbow ribbon in solidarity, support and love. Many are pledging their support including Orlando Police Chief John Mina who has announced that the Orlando Police Department will be wearing the ribbons in support on June 12. For more information and to order ribbons, contact The Orlando Ribbon Project at www.orlandoribbonproject.com or send an email to info@orlandoribbonproject.com or ben@embellishfx.com.
LGBT History,
Pulse Nightclub
8 LGBT Service Members Who Shaped American History
From: Gay Pop Buzz

Harvey Milk
Yes – that Harvey Milk. He joined the United States Navy during the Korean War. Milk served aboard the submarine rescue ship USS Kittiwake (ASR-13) as a diving officer.
Later, he transferred to Naval Station, San Diego to serve as a diving instructor. In 1955, he was discharged from the Navy at the rank of lieutenant, junior grade.

Final Thoughts
We honor all who serve or have served our country. In the final analysis, sexual orientation should never have acted as a barrier to service.
All we can say with humility is thank you!
New Police Body Cam Videos Sheds Light On Pulse Nightclub Shooting
From: Orlando Sentinel
New Pulse Nightclub footage shows the response through police officers’ eyes — from initial confusion to shock as they began to understand the scope of the attack that killed 49 people in Orlando on June 12.
More than 30 videos offer the most complete picture of what happened during the three-hour standoff.
In the body camera video released this week by the city of Orlando, Belle Isle Police Officer Brandon Cornwell entered the club through a large broken window near the front door and took cover behind a bar as Orlando police officers yelled commands toward the bathroom where gunman Omar Mateen had cornered survivors.
At 2:17 a.m., an officer started to scream and a barrage of shots could be heard. Orlando Police Chief John Mina has said officers fired at Mateen but did not hit him. Mateen did not fire at officers at that point, he said.
A couple minutes later, an officer yelled: “You, in the bathroom, let me see your hands now. Come out with your hands up, or you will die.”
Cornwell said a prayer to himself.
“Lord Jesus, watch over me,” he said.
"I couldn’t see the guy,” he later told another officer in a conversation captured on his body camera. “He came out of the left bathroom and we were stacked up, and the guys that were up front just started shooting right at him. And he went back into the bathroom. As soon as he came out, I saw like a dark-colored shirt ... and about that time they started firing at him, but I couldn’t open up on him."
The 15 new hours of footage given to the Orlando Sentinel through a public records request initially made nearly a year ago was redacted, and none of the people who died that night are shown.
Body cameras in this latest release captured officers encouraging victims to crawl out of the club, racing to the scene, talking about the many victims inside and the need for bomb dogs, and just waiting outside for further instructions. Patrons were frisked as they were rescued.
Orlando Police Officer Graham Cage’s body cam captures the scene of another officer cautiously leading a victim out of one of the bathrooms and down a hallway.
“Hands up, both hands, put your hands up,” the officer says off-camera. “Follow the sound of my voice. Come this way. Show me your [expletive] hands! … I need you to crawl this way. … Follow my light.”
The Orange County Sheriff's Office released its own body cam footage from that night in November. Those two dozen videos showed officers clearing the entrance, one of the bathrooms, helping victims outside and pulling victims out of the building after it was breached by the Orlando Police Department.
In another video, chaos unfolded simultaneously in the bright white hallways of Orlando Regional Medical Center, after rumors of a second shooter at the hospital reached officers in the middle of the standoff. Footage from Orlando Police Officer Matthew Davis showed a team sweeping the hospital for a “bad guy.”
With a long gun drawn in front of him, Davis and other officers followed a trail of blood down the stairs to the basement and back up to the first floor, but they found nothing.
“Does anybody know where this blood is going?” someone asked.
A hospital worker told them a bleeding patient was taken to a room on the sixth floor and described the patient. They went upstairs to that room, but he wasn’t there.
Seconds later, they spotted a man down the hall who fit the description.
“You, here, down the hall,” one officer yells, as the man ducks into a room. “Hey, hey, hey, where are you at? Come here! Let me see your hands!”
Off-camera, the man cries out, “I’m shot.”
“I don’t care, [expletive] crawl to me right now,” the officer shouts back. “ … Crawl to me right now. [Expletive]. Crawl out! Crawl out! Crawl out now!”
Footage then shows the man splayed on the ground, cuffed, with a white sneaker on his right foot and a gunshot in his left foot.
It’s determined that he is a patient – and he is taken to the ER.
“We’ll obviously get him treated and everything,” Davis says. “But we’re gonna keep someone with him until we can figure out who he is.”
The report of a shooter at the hospital turned out to be unsubstantiated.
Belle Isle Police Officer Jon-Paul Gargano ran back to his car about 2:45 a.m. to get a roll of paper towels from the trunk.
He found a woman sitting on the sidewalk nearby.
“Y'all gonna [expletive] shoot his [expletive]?” she asked.
“We can't, ma'am,” he responded.
“What do you mean, you can't?”
“We can't; there’s more victims in there. We start to shoot, we might shoot other people,” Gargano said, running back to his post in front of the club.
“[Expletive] go in there and shoot his [expletive], man,” she called after him.
hate crime,
LGBT History,
Pulse Nightclub,
15 Ways You Can Stay Safe On Grindr And Other Dating Apps
From: Pink News
And Finally: Be Calm
Almost everyone on dating apps is just like you: looking for romance and/or someone to hang out with for a bit. Plenty of people have found love on dating apps – PinkNews CEO Benjamin Cohen is set to marry a guy he met on Grindr.
The 15 Gayest Moments On “The Real O’Neals”
Boyfriend: The Musical!
Kenny finally has a boyfriend and he tells the whole world about it in a colorful musical number that was made for the Broadway stage.
100 Most Eligible Bachelors, 2017
From: OUT
Lisle Richards
If his ginger coif and broad frame weren't enough to draw you in, take note that this restaurateur is well equipped to wine and dine you, serving as owner of three of New York's hottest eateries: The Kola House, The Gilded Lily and The Wayferer.
100 Most Eligible Bachelors,
11 LGBT Nights at MLB games during this June’s Pride Month
From: OutSports
Friday, June 9
The New Hampshire Gay Men’s Chorus will sing the Star-Spangled Banner before the game.
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