On this blog you I am going to share my world with you. What can you expect to find here -- First of all lots of sexy men, off all shapes and types, something for everyone, as I can find beauty in most men. You are going to find that I have a special fondness for Vintage Beefcake and Porn of the 60's, 70's, and 80's. Also, I love the average guy, and if you want to see yourself on here, just let me know. Be as daring as you like, as long as you are of age, let me help you share it with the world! Also, you are going to find many of my points of views, on pop culture, politics and our changing world. Look to see posts about pop culture, politics, entertainment, sex, etc. There is not any subject that I find as something I won't discuss or offer my point of view. Most of all, I hope you are going to enjoy what I post. ENJOY!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Classic Television - Prime Time

This is Tom Jones
Original channel
Original run
7 February 1969 – 15 January 1971
Tom Jones
This is Tom Jones is an ATV variety series starring Tom Jones. The series was exported to the United States by ITC Entertainment and was networked there by ABC.
The series ran between 1969 and 1971 to total 65 color episodes. Jones was nominated for a Golden Globe Award for "Best Actor In a Television Series - Musical or Comedy" in 1969.
The show also featured comedy sketches by the Ace Trucking Company improvisational group, featuring Fred Willard and Patti Deutsch, among others.
The show featured guest appearances by many top actors, comedians and singers of the time, including Mary Hopkin, Peter Sellers, Liza Minnelli, Janis Joplin, Cher, Dusty Springfield, Ella Fitzgerald, 
Stevie Wonder and Bob Hope.


Your Nightly Briefing

From: Boy Culture

How the Outrage Over the Pope's Kim Davis Meeting May Have Paid Off in a Big Way

From: Huff Post
The Vatican has now spoken out publicly in response to the international outrage over Pope Francis' meeting with Kim Davis, saying it was not an endorsement of her stand. And one unnamed Vatican official even noted to the media that there is a "sense of regret." The Vatican and those close to it described the meeting in the way that some Vatican-watchers had speculated in recent days, based on their own sources: Davis' meeting was not arranged by the Vatican, and it appears she was part of a procession line of people greeting the pope.

The pope, according to the Vatican's clarification, knew little of the particulars of her story. It appears it was not a private meeting to endorse her. Vatican spokesman Fr. Federico Lombardi even described it as not "a real audience" -- quite an insult to Davis -- unlike some of the pope's other meetings. And Fr. Tom Rosica, who assists the Vatican press office, said Francis personally approved the clarification, so the rebuke is coming straight from the top. Whatever the case, it is very rare that the Vatican offers a clarification of any kind. So this is a slap at Davis and her lawyers for using the meeting in a political manner.

That is great, and the fact that the rebuke is coming from Pope Francis himself is huge. It was absolutely necessary and will go a long way. And there are two important points that should be taken away from this:

1. The Vatican got itself into this mess, and further exacerbated it.

The Vatican is saying it didn't organize a meeting with Davis, implying someone with an agenda brought her there. There have been various speculative accounts about this in recent days, some focusing on the Vatican ambassador to the U.S., who is described as a long-time Benedict supporter who was perhaps determined to undermine Francis. Whatever the case, someone either screwed up royally at the Vatican Embassy by even allowing Davis to get through, or the Vatican planned the meeting and this is all damage control for what it now realizes was a big mistake.

And then, the second screw up was the Vatican's issuing a "neither confirm nor deny" statement about the meeting only to later issue a "won't deny" statement. This is really what lit the torch that spread outrage around the world. The Vatican must learn that it needs to put out a fire with all the might it has before its spreads. Instead, it poured gasoline on the fire. The Vatican perhaps thought it could get away with not insulting Davis and evangelicals even after the meeting was made public and that it could just sweep this under the rug. It was wrong.

2. Contrary to those who are demanding apologies from those of us who spoke out, it is in fact the moral outrage that got the Vatican to issue its clarification.

The Vatican rarely clarifies anything, often still clinging to its worn-out image as a centuries-old mysterious institution that sits above the fray, even though it is a global empire with websites, social media accounts and sophisticated p.r. operatives who work for it in dozens of countries. Had there not been a collective sense of betrayal expressed in a forceful way by people around the world, the Vatican would have done nothing.

In that case, Liberty Counsel, the anti-gay legal firm associated with the late Jerry Falwell's Liberty University and which represents Kim Davis, would have gotten away with using the pope and the Catholic Church for its hateful, hideous, law-breaking agenda. So, actually, we did the pope a favor in forcing the Vatican to speak out. And more importantly, we exposed Liberty Counsel and pressured the Catholic Church, in a rare instance, to slam an anti-gay entity by exposing its lie. In its now-thwarted master plan, Liberty Counsel expected the Vatican to simply do what it has done in the past: Put out a vague comment and let it stand, thus allowing Liberty Counsel to continue to control the narrative. But the outrage -- and only the outrage, from millions of people globally -- changed that: Now the church controls the narrative while Liberty Counsel is rebuked even as it is now trying to continue a war of wordswith the Vatican.

The damage is still there for Pope Francis, no doubt. This was a bad incident, and not the punctuation he wanted on his trip. Hopefully he'll deal with those around him who put him in this position. The Vatican needed to issue this clarification as a first step. Maybe the pope has further plans.

To those who say that we should have given the pope the benefit of the doubt, I again say that without the outrage there would be no response.

But more importantly: This is a powerful church that still condemns homosexuality as "intrinsically disordered," attacks transgender people and allows its institutions worldwide to discriminate against LGBT people, with Catholic schools in the U.S.firing gay or lesbian teachers, for example, after finding out they're exercising their right to marry . The pope has both refused meetings with LGBT Catholics on these issues and refused to stop that discrimination.

The church surely cannot be seen as a "friend" of LGBT people even if we see a very slight -- in a centuries-long context -- overture by this new pope. It will need to be treated as a hostile institution for a long time. In the meantime, it's important to expose hypocrisies and encourage the pope -- who doesn't want this issue bogging him down and keeping him from focusing on the issues he's passionate about -- to do much, much more. The pressure got him to take control of this situation. That was big. It means that we need to keep the pressure up.

Guys with iPhones: A Moment of Reflection

From: Fleshbot
Feel free to take longer than a moment though, should you need it

GoFundHim: Umpqua Hero Chris Mintz

From: Boy Culture
Mintz heroically urged others to safety.
With so much focus (and rightfully so) on the monster that Umpqua Community College shooter Chris Harper Mercer was, I like that at least some of the attention he craved is being diverted to Chris Mintz, the 30-year-old dad who stood up to the little creep, getting himself shot not five (as was previously reported) but seven times in the process. 

Mintz offers a smile from his hospital bed.
 Already pumped full of bullets, Mintz told the gunman it was his son's birthday.

Mintz as seen in a family photo with his son in the background. 
 A hastily arranged GoFundMe page—apparently set up by Mintz's cousin, and containing a picture of the hero after surgery—has soared past $20K in donations, with no real signs of slowing down.
Mintz is quickly becoming an online sex symbol
... hot on the heels of being shot nearly to death

Ex-QB Tim Tebow Reveals His Sculpted Six Pack In New Facebook Video

From: The Gaily Grind
Tim Tebow may have been cut by the Philadelphia Eagles last month, but he is not letting that get in the way of showing off his incredible physique to his adoring fans.

The Ex-QB posted a short video on Facebook of himself playing with a young girl (apparently a relative at a family pool) on Wednesday, which has already been seen by millions.

The 28-year-old looks as muscled as any NFL player. Watch below:

Here are some of the top comments Facebook users left Tebow:

Bonus: Tim Tebow’s workout routine:


Express Your Selfie

From: Boy Culture

Vatican: Pope Francis’ Meeting With Kim Davis Is No Big Deal

A Vatican spokesman said Pope Francis barely knew who Davis was
From: NewNowNext
 Despite confirming Pope Francis met with Kentucky clerk Kim Davis—and the Pope himself stating government officials have a “human right” to disobey laws that violate their religions beliefs—the Vatican insists the encounter shouldn’t be considered an endorsement of Davis’ position.

Davis and her team, of course, have taken the rendezvous as a sign from God.

“Just knowing the Pope is on track with what we’re doing… kind of validates everything,” Davis said in a statement.

 But Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi says His Holiness barely knew who she was.

“Pope Francis met with several dozen persons who had been invited by the [Vatican embassy] to greet him as he prepared to leave Washington for New York City,” Lombardi said.

“Such brief greetings occur on all papal visits and are due to the Pope’s characteristic kindness and availability. The only real audience granted by the Pope at the [Vatican embassy] was with one of his former students and his family.”

Lombardi says the Pope didn’t discuss detail of Davis’ case, “and his meeting with her should not be considered a form of support of her position in all of its particular and complex aspects.”

But why was Davis invited in the first place if the Vatican didn’t sympathize with her cause? It’s not like they were giving out tickets to people on the street.

Maybe what the incident really underscores is how deep the divide between Francis’s goals and the Vatican’s agenda really is.

The Weekly ShoutOUT™

This week we give a ShoutOUT™ to … Peter Allen
From: NewNowNext

Even though Peter passed away in 1992, his legend lives on. In 2004 Hugh Jackman won the Tony Award for The Boy From Oz.

And just last month the mini-series Not The Boy Next Door aired on Australian TV, with Joel Jackson as Peter.

Shoot Your Mouth Off

From: kenneth in the (212)
Let people know you're tired of mass murders in America. Sign the petition on the White House website to reinstate the 1994 federal ban on assault weapons HERE..

Dan Osborne and his training partner continue to be bromantic

A photo posted by Dan Osborne (@celebtraindan) on

Save this pic of Matt Dallas for later. If you’re ever feeling down, just look at those nipples and you’ll cheer right up.

A photo posted by matt dallas (@mattdallas) on

You know when you’re cute but your friend is really hot and somebody takes your pic at a pool party, but you’re not not okay with it? Derek Theler’s dog does.

A photo posted by Derek Theler (@derektheler) on

OMG, how does one get invited over to Tyler Posey’s place for a shirtless beer?

A video posted by Tyler Posey (@i_love_harveys) on

Today’s Briefs are brought to you by …

 Furry Friday Guy Guillermo Angulo

The 100 Greatest Lost Hits of The 80’s Part 2: The New Batch

From: NewNowNext
“Catch Me I’m Falling” 
Real Life

Aussie band Real Life are best known for their classic “Send Me An Angel” (which was a hit twice, in 1984 and 1989), but their sadly neglected follow-up (and only other chart entry) is just as catchy. “Catch Me I’m Falling” peaked at #40 in May 1984.

Pope Francis Met Privately with Gay Couple During U.S. Visit

From: Towleroad
Pope Francis had a private meeting with a gay couple of 19-years during his visit to the U.S., CNN reports:

Yayo Grassi, an openly gay man, brought his partner, Iwan, as well several other friends to the Vatican Embassy on September 23 for a brief visit with the Pope. A video of the meeting shows Grassi and Francis greeting each other with a warm hug.

In an exclusive interview with CNN, Grassi declined to disclose details about the short visit, but said it was arranged personally by the Pope via email in the weeks ahead of Francis’ highly anticipated visit to the United States.  “Three weeks before the trip, he called me on the phone and said he would love to give me a hug,” Grassi said.

CNN adds:

Grassi said the Pope has long known that he is gay, but has never condemned his sexuality or his same-sex relationship. Grassi said he and Iwan (he declined to disclose his last name due to privacy concerns) also met Francis last year in Rome.  “He has never been judgmental,” Grassi said. “He has never said anything negative.”
“Obviously he is the pastor of the church and he has to follow the church’s teachings,” Grassi added. “But as a human being he understands all kinds of situations, and he is open to all kinds of people, including those with different sexual characteristics.”

Here’s a video of the meeting, published to YouTube on September 24 by TV Canal 9:

News of the meeting broke as the Vatican struggled to contain a narrative surrounding its meeting with Rowan County, Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis.

Earlier on Friday, the Vatican released a statement regarding the meeting with Davis, denying that it was private or that it was “a form of support of her position in all of its particular and complex aspects.”

Davis’s lawyers countered by saying the Vatican’s statement was a lie, and presented its own narrative (which you can read HERE). They also released a set of photos of Kim Davis and her husband allegedly sitting in a Vatican embassy waiting room.

UPDATE: Here’s a longer video of the meeting.

Man Buns-Explained

From: Vox
 Can I have a music break? Preferably with a man singing the word "man bun" in falsetto?

As man buns have become famous, they've taken over pop culture. Like any trend, they inspire parodies. But a host of factors have made the man bun great for spreading quickly: it has a catchy name, it's emerged in an era of increasing internet influence over the culture at large, and, most importantly, everybody has an opinion about it.

There are too many man bun parodies to list, but they include celebrities with man buns Photoshopped on, satirical guides, and man bun clipping vigilantes.

Check In to This Scary Hotel With The Sexiest Guys Of American Horror Story

From: Queety
Wes Bentley is Detective John Lowe
Handsome Bentley moves into the Cortez on the trail of a Ten Commandments Killer. Wife Chloë Sevigny gets addled by harsh lighting.



Brian The Tennis Player


Academy Award for Best Actress

Bette Davis 
Joyce Heath
Ruth Elizabeth "Bette" Davis (April 5, 1908 – October 6, 1989) was an American actress of film, television and theater. Regarded as one of the greatest actresses in cinema history, she was noted for her willingness to play unsympathetic, sardonic characters and was reputed for her performances in a range of film genres, from contemporary crime melodramas to historical and period films and occasional comedies, although her greatest successes were her roles in romantic dramas.

After appearing in Broadway plays, Davis moved to Hollywood in 1930, but her early films for Universal Studios (and as loanout to other studios) were unsuccessful. She joined Warner Bros. in 1932 and established her career with several critically acclaimed performances. In 1937 she attempted to free herself from her contract and although she lost a well-publicized legal case, it marked the beginning of the most successful period of her career. Until the late 1940s, she was one of American cinema's most celebrated leading ladies, known for her forceful and intense style. Davis gained a reputation as a perfectionist who could be highly combative, and confrontations with studio executives, film directors and costars were often reported. Her forthright manner, clipped vocal style and ubiquitous cigarette contributed to a public persona which has often been imitated and parodied.

Davis was the co-founder of the Hollywood Canteen, and was the first female president of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. She won the Academy Award for Best Actress twice, was the first person to accrue 10 Academy Award nominations for acting, and was the first woman to receive a Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Film Institute. Her career went through several periods of eclipse, and she admitted that her success had often been at the expense of her personal relationships. Married four times, she was once widowed and thrice divorced, and raised her children as a single parent. Her final years were marred by a long period of ill health, but she continued acting until shortly before her death from breast cancer, with more than 100 films, television and theater roles to her credit. In 1999 Davis was placed second on the American Film Institute's list of the greatest female stars of all time.

After Pope Pushback, Attorneys Post Photos of Kim Davis in Vatican Embassy Waiting Room

From: Towleroad
Kim Davis’s attorneys at the Liberty Counsel are pushing back after a Vatican statement this morning that Pope Francis did not request a meeting with Kim Davis, nor did he offer her unconditional support.

Said the Holy See press office statement from earlier today:

The brief meeting between Mrs. Kim Davis and Pope Francis at the Apostolic Nunciature in Washington, DC has continued to provoke comments and discussion. In order to contribute to an objective understanding of what transpired I am able to clarify the following points:
Pope Francis met with several dozen persons who had been invited by the Nunciature to greet him as he prepared to leave Washington for New York City. Such brief greetings occur on all papal visits and are due to the Pope’s characteristic kindness and availability. The only real audience granted by the Pope at the Nunciature was with one of his former students and his family.
The Pope did not enter into the details of the situation of Mrs. Davis and his meeting with her should not be considered a form of support of her position in all of its particular and complex aspects.

Vatican link.

Despite a statement this morning by a Vatican official, the Pope’s own words about conscientious objection being a human right and his private meeting with Kim Davis indicate support for the universal right of conscientious objection, even for government officials. The meeting with Kim Davis was initiated by the Vatican, and the private meeting occurred at the Vatican Embassy in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, September 24. This meeting was a private meeting without any other members of the public present.

The Liberty Counsel posted several photos featuring Davis and her husband allegedly waiting in the Vatican Embassy waiting room, and of the alleged van in which Vatican security picked them up.

 While the Vatican is desperate to control their side of the narrative, The Liberty Counsel is equally desperate to maintain theirs. The Liberty Counsel adds:

On September 23, the meeting for the next day was confirmed by the Vatican official. On the morning of September 24, the meeting was again confirmed with Kim Davis, with instructions that security would arrive for a pickup at 1:15 p.m. Kim and Joe Davis were picked up by security at the hotel in which she and her husband were staying and driven to the Vatican Embassy. Kim and Joe Davis waited for the private meeting with the Pope. There were no other people in the room. This was a private meeting between Pope Francis and Kim and Joe Davis. This was not a meeting with other people in which Kim and Joe Davis were a part, but rather a private meeting with no other people in the room except Vatican security and personnel.

Staver claims the Reuters story, which was based on the Vatican statement, which is now published on the Holy See press website, is a lie:

“That statement by Reueters (sic) citing a ‘senior Vatican official, who delined to be named,’ is false. There was no line of people before, near, or around Kim Davis. Had Kim Davis been in a line of people or been seen by anyone outside of Vatican personnel, we would not have been able to keep her visit secret. Kim’s face is easily recognizable. When we walk through airports as large as LaGuardia, Philadelpia, and Reagan, people recognize her and give her encouragement. This was a private meeting with no other people except for the Pope and select Vatican personnel.”

A Horny Morning With Young Ripped Stud Adam Cub

From: Rough Straight Men
We’ve seen the preview where Adam Cub teases us in his car and later at the beach (check it outhere), but now comes the main part of his video. Adam is a very sexy guy, and although he’s just beginning to discover his attractiveness, he certainly knows how to tease us.
 Last night Adam went for a night drinking binge (that didn’t involve any sex), and tomorrow morning he dropped by at our place. You can imagine how horny this motherfucker was. He gets naked pretty quickly and starts flexing his great muscles. His cock gets hard in no time and soon enough we can see it in its full size and glory. Adam heard that we also love to see hairy men’s ass, and he gave us a good view of his ass crack.

 Then he focuses on his fully hard cock again and strokes it like a madman. Adam is a mischievous horny motherfucker and we thoroughly enjoyed watching and filming him. I hope he’ll be cumming again as this was really great.

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