Mr. Fergie tells People magazine about a youthful jockstrap incident, but this screen grab from his upcoming baseball film set in the early '80s is far more entertaining.
On this blog you I am going to share my world with you. What can you expect to find here -- First of all lots of sexy men, off all shapes and types, something for everyone, as I can find beauty in most men. You are going to find that I have a special fondness for Vintage Beefcake and Porn of the 60's, 70's, and 80's. Also, I love the average guy, and if you want to see yourself on here, just let me know. Be as daring as you like, as long as you are of age, let me help you share it with the world! Also, you are going to find many of my points of views, on pop culture, politics and our changing world. Look to see posts about pop culture, politics, entertainment, sex, etc. There is not any subject that I find as something I won't discuss or offer my point of view. Most of all, I hope you are going to enjoy what I post. ENJOY!
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Josh Duhamel Sports Tighty Whities in 'Spaceman'
From: kenneth in the (212)
J.K. Rowling defends gay Olympic diver Tom Daley from Christian Twitter troll
The "Harry Potter" author won't accept homophobia.
From: OutSports
From: OutSports
"Harry Potter" author J.K. Rowling defended gay British Olympic diver Tom Daley when a Christian advocacy group mocked him for failing to make the finals in the 10-meter platform in Rio.
The Christian Voice, which says it is a "prayer and lobby group praying for national repentance and working for godly government," sent out this hateful tweet after Daley failed to make it out of the semifinals on Saturday:
Turning gay doesn't seem to have done Tom Daley any favours at #Rio2016— Christian Voice (@UKCV) August 20, 2016
This prompted Rowling to step in:
Can't decide which is more offensive in this tweet, the stupidity or the spite.— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) August 20, 2016
I had seen the Christian Voice tweet shortly after it was posted but was not going to give it any credence since the group has a whopping 650 Twitter followers. But Rowling's rebuttal was too good to pass up.
The homophobes somehow failed to notice that Daley won a bronze medal 12 days earlier in the platform synchronized diving event or that a gay married couple won a gold medal together for Britain. In all, 47% of the openly LGBT athletes in Rio won medals. With a success rate like that, maybe more athletes need to "turn" gay.
ISIS Kills Four Men, Including Two Of Their Own, For Suspicion Of Homosexuality
LGBT people in the region are living in a constant state of terror.
From: NewNowNext

From: NewNowNext
ISIS militants murdered four men suspected of being gay in Mosul on Saturday, including two of its own members.
According to Iraqi News, a local source claimed the men were executed on “charges of homosexuality and sodomy”— charges we’ve come to learn aren’t necessarily always true or even prosecuted.

Based on previous similar reports out of ISIS-controlled territory, men who are merely suspected of being gay are usually just publicly accused before they’re blindfolded, marched to a rooftop, and thrown to their deaths all while baying, murderous mobs look on.
It’s a terrifying ordeal that has left LGBT people in the region permanently scarred. They live in constant fear of being killed, but fear the thought of leaving their homes and families even more.
“The execution was carried out by throwing the men from the top of a former insurance company building,” the source reported.
Afterward, their lifeless bodies were transferred to Al-Khasfah hole, a corpse dumping ground for ISIS, and simply thrown on top of the pile.
How Ryan Lochte Can Fix His Image With One Perfect Move
Because it couldn't be any worse.
From: NewNowNext

From: NewNowNext
Ryan Lochte might just be the most hated man in America right now.

In the wake of his appalling lie, he’s become a punchline for late-night talk show hosts. All of his major sponsors—including Speedo, Ralph Lauren and hair-removal brand Syneron Candela—have dropped him.

And even the thirstiest queens have stopped panting over him.
There were so many amazing stories coming out of Rio, but they were overshadowed by the actions of Lochte and his irresponsible teammates. And then he made it worse by running away and then doubling down on the lie.
So how can he recover?
The 2016 Paralympics kick off in Rio on September 7. But the games are facing a massive budget shortfall—something in the order of $85 million.
That means some events (though not meets) will be canceled, and others will have to be relocated to smaller venues. Transportation and media resources will be scaled back dramatically, as well.

And worst of all, some smaller countries may not be able to afford to send athletes.
Lochte could (and should) write a big check for the Paralympics. It would go a long way toward showing that he understands what the true spirit of sportsmanship is. And he should do it before anyone else attaches their brand.
But throwing money at the problem isn’t enough: He should hustle to get celebrities, sponsors and organizations to cough up some dough, too. And start volunteering with disabled swimmers— school groups, adults, competitors.

Not just this week for the cameras, but really embrace the role from now on. (Because, let’s face it, even without this ugly scandal the shelf-life of a dim-but-pretty Olympian is pretty short.)
In all likelihood, Lochte will probably blame the whole thing on drinking and check into rehab. But if he turned what happened in Rio into a teachable moment, he could emerge from this with something better than a gold medal.
Hillary Clinton Just Disproved Donald Trump’s Comments About Her Health on Jimmy Kimmel
From: Towleroad

Hillary Clinton made an appearance last night on Jimmy Kimmel Live and offered some answers to the pressing questions of the campaign, and some of the not so pressing ones.
Donald Trump has said some crazy things about her, most recently that she, with Barack Obama, is the co-founder of ISIS.
Said Clinton about that statement:
“There’s enough evidence now that when Trump talks the way he talks it actually helps the terrorists because they make a case – as they made with this comment – I think it’s crazy and I also think it’s harmful.”
Clinton also spoke about how she’s preparing to debate Donald Trump.
“You’ve gotta be prepared for wacky stuff that comes at you,” she said. “I am drawing on my experience in elementary school.”
Kimmel asked the former Secretary of State: “How great would it be if you were President, if your first act was to deport Donald Trump to Mexico? Would you prefer to be running against somebody like Mitt Romney?”
Clinton replied that she would prefer to be running against somebody who is qualified to be running. She also spoke about the Republican endorsements she has received and which made her the most proud:
Brent Scowcroft, Hank Paulson, Meg Whitman.
Said Clinton: “It’s not an easy thing for them and I realize they’re putting country before party. That’s what they say to me. And that’s what we all should be doing.”
Clinton talked about her health. She doesn’t understand why they are talking about this. She is in great health.
And she can open a jar of pickles.
As she demonstrated:
Clinton and Kimmel spoke a bit about the recent Democratic National Convention. Clinton told Kimmel she doesn’t look at her family’s speeches about her before they are delivered:
Then the interview’s silly season really began.
Clinton had to select Donald Trump quotes from a bowl decorated with a Trump toupee and read them aloud.

But there was one she absolutely refused to read.
On the DNC balloon drop and Bill Clinton’s love of balloons:
Clinton enjoys being a grandparent. She uses Facetime a lot:
Finally, Kimmel asked Clinton about why she chose Tim Kaine and the viability of a Jimmy Kimmel vice presidency:
Actress Bella Thorne Comes Out As Bisexual
The former Disney star does her part for bi visibility.
From: NewNowNext

From: NewNowNext
She’s only 18, but Blended star Bella Thorne is doing her part for queer visibility.
wake me up when these damn girls will officially date @bellathorne i'm just a happy shipper— ` (@vodkaingomez) August 22, 2016
After photos of Thorne kissing another girl surfaced online, a fan asked the actress-author-singer point blank if she was bisexual.
Her reply? A straightforward “Yes.”
@bellathorne yes baby! everyone w this sort of platform that is open like this makes it easier for the rest of us!— lil lily lane (@LilyLaneMusic) August 23, 2016
That’s all—no press release, no magazine cover, no drama. Just a nice, no-big-deal affirmation that will mean a hell of a lot to thousands of young people.

We’re not sure when Thorne, who previously dated Faking It’s Gregg Sulkin, will have time to date ladies, though: She’s got a half-dozen movies coming out including Shovel Buddies, Boo! A Madea Halloween, Midnight Sun, The Babysitter and Amityville: The Awakening.
“Crazy Ex-GIrlfriend” Star Vincent Rodriguez Posts Anniversary Photos With His Equally Adorable Husband
OMG, it's Josh Chan!
From: NewNowNext
The CW’s Crazy Ex-Girlfriend has been amazing for gay (and bi) visibility—and not just off-screen, either: Star Vincent Rodriguez III, who plays the adorable Josh Chan, posted an anniversary Instagram yesterday with his husband of one year, Gregory Wright.

“What better way to celebrate your one-year wedding anniversary than going to Disneyland for the weekend?” wrote Rodriguez. “Plus, we had to go back to the exact place I proposed to him, on Disney’s California Screamin’ ride. Love you babe!”

From: NewNowNext
The CW’s Crazy Ex-Girlfriend has been amazing for gay (and bi) visibility—and not just off-screen, either: Star Vincent Rodriguez III, who plays the adorable Josh Chan, posted an anniversary Instagram yesterday with his husband of one year, Gregory Wright.

“What better way to celebrate your one-year wedding anniversary than going to Disneyland for the weekend?” wrote Rodriguez. “Plus, we had to go back to the exact place I proposed to him, on Disney’s California Screamin’ ride. Love you babe!”
As LGBTQ Nation points out, it’s not like Vincent was hiding his relationship. Peep this photo from last year.Back from a fun weekend at Disneyland celebrating (this Tuesday) my 1st year of marriage to this fella. #LuckyMe— Vince Rodriguez III (@VRodriguezIII) August 22, 2016

Below, Vincent thanked everyone for the kind wishes.
Thanks to all for the congrats on our 1 yr wedding anniversary. Espesh @JustJared @PerezHilton @vulture Greg and I appreciate all the love❤️— Vince Rodriguez III (@VRodriguezIII) August 23, 2016
Gay Iranian Claims He Was Outed By TV Documentary
A lawsuit alleges he was arrested, beaten and raped after "Out in Iran" was broadcast.
From: NewNowNext

From: NewNowNext
Farzam Dadashzadeh, a gay Iranian refugee now living in Vancouver, has sued the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation for including him in their documentary Out in Iran: Inside Iran’s Secret Gay World without his express permission.
In the suit, Dadashzadeh alleges that his inclusion in the film led to him losing his job, being disowned by his family and eventually being sent to prison, where he was assaulted and raped by other inmates. After enduring the ridicule and violence, he was forced to flee Iran for Canada.
The claim was filed last week in the Supreme Court of British Columbia and names the CBC as well as two of its reporters, Farid Haerinejad (pictured below, left) and Evan Solomon (pictured below, right), as defendants.

Out in Iran was meant to chronicle the persecution of queer people in Iran and their struggles to gain equal rights under the current theocratic regime. Reporters Farid Haerinejad and Evan Solomon were led through Tehran’s LGBT scene by various subjects, including one gay man named Mani.
At one point in the documentary, Mani leads the journalists to the Jam-e-Jam café, an establishment widely known as catering to Tehran’s LGBT community.
“Most of the people coming here tonight are homosexuals,” Mani tells the reporters in the documentary, adding that they “can’t take the camera in there.”
“We keep our camera hidden, but Mani has told the crowd that we’re here to film, and there’s group consent,” Solomon says over the footage.
Without asking for further permissions, the crew continued to film, leaving the faces of café-goers, including Dadashzadeh’s, unblurred and unhidden.
Dadashzadeh claims that because the journalists were using hidden cameras, he didn’t think to take any measures to protect his identity. His suit asserts that he can be seen in several wide shots of the space as well as in a few closeups that reveal “identifying features” of his face.
At the end of the documentary, Solomon states: “About the people you saw in that item, all of them agreed to show their faces on camera fully aware of the potential consequences. Just so you know that’s a factor we took very seriously in making this documentary.”

The documentary was eventually broadcast by CBC and later shared online. Dadashzadeh states that he was “shocked and scared” to see himself included in the final product, saying he was alerted to the documentary’s existence by a cousin who threatened him.
It wasn’t long before his entire family found out about his true identity, which he’d revealed to only one of his aunts prior to the airing of Out in Iran. Their reaction was swift and negative.
“Farzam became and remains alienated and disowned by and from the members of his immediate family, including his father and mother,” reads the notice of civil claim.
According to the suit, Dadashzadeh was then assaulted in the very café featured in the documentary. When police arrived, he was arrested alongside his assailant.
He spent two weeks in prison, where he was “repeatedly sexually assaulted, which included being sodomized, beaten and kicked by other prisoners, with the knowledge and assistance of, and at the behest, of the police.”
Once he was released, he quickly began figuring out how to flee Iran. In 2014, he emigrated first to Turkey before arriving in British Columbia by February of that year.
Neither Solomon, who was fired from the CBC in 2015, nor Haerinejad have responded to the suit.
Chuck Thompson, head of public affairs for the CBC, has since stated, “[The suit] just came to our attention this week and we’re taking some time to consider our options and how to move forward.”
After Gay Couple’s House Was Vandalized, Their Entire Neighborhood Put Up Pride Flags
“It just happened so quickly—the whole neighborhood said, ‘Get me a flag. Get me a flag.'"From: NewNowNext
Massachusetts is considered one of the most gay-friendly states in the union, but when Lauri and Cari Ryding returned from vacation last week they discovered someone had stolen the Pride flag from their house in Natick and and pelted their home with eggs.
The couple had hoisted the rainbow banner after the Pulse nightclub shooting, so seeing such hatred on their front door was heartbreaking.

“It was our first experience in Natick of having any type of prejudice,” Cari told the Boston Globe. “We hadn’t experienced it all, and it kind of broke open our little cocoon.”
But then something wonderful happened: One by one, their neighbors put up rainbow flags in front of their houses.
“It just happened so quickly—the whole neighborhood said, ‘Get me a flag. Get me a flag. Get me a flag,’ ” explained neighbor Penni Rochwerger. “If we can stop whatever hate is out there, I think that’s really important.”
Some 42 homes, or two-thirds of the houses in their neighborhood of Strawberry Hill, are now sporting the Pride symbol.
“The first thing [I thought] when I heard about it was ’Alright, I’m going to put up a flag. We should all put up flags,” said Maura Gaughan, who helped distribute the flags, which came courtesy of the Rainbow Peace Flag Project.
The Rydings say it’s just another example of the inclusiveness and diversity that drew them to Strawberry Hil in the first place.
“Somebody’s fear called them to action,” adds Lauri. “But our neighbors support and love called them to action, and love conquers hate. Love wins. We win.”
Lois McGillivray, 85, explains the spirit of the neighborhood has always been live and let live, “as long as you’re not digging up the garden and throwing the dirt in my yard.”
hate crime,
Federal Judge Blocks Enforcement Of Obama’s School Guidelines For Trans Students
Students in many districts across the country return to school this week.
From: NewNowNext

From: NewNowNext
A federal judge issued a preliminary injunction overriding President Obama’s guidelines advising schools to allow transgender students to use facilities that match their gender identity.
U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor made his ruling on Sunday in response to lawsuits filed by Texas and other states.

In May, the President and the Department of Education declared that Title IX protections required schools receiving federal funding to not discriminate against trans students. O’Connor’s order means that, until the lawsuit works its way through the courts, Obama’s directive is not enforceable.
He justified the injunction because he felt there is a strong likelihood the states will win their case. O’Connor wrote that, in his mind, Title IX does not cover gender identity.

“[I]t cannot be disputed that the plain meaning of the term ’sex’ as used… following passage of Title IX meant the biological and anatomical differences between male and female students as determined at their birth.”
He also found that the Administration didn’t allow for any comment on the guidelines.
In a joint statement, five civil rights groups—including Lambda Legal and the ACLU—vowed to continue the fight.
“A ruling by a single judge in one circuit cannot and does not undo the years of clear legal precedent nationwide establishing that transgender students have the right to go to school without being singled out for discrimination,” it read.
“We will continue to file lawsuits representing transgender students and litigate them to the fullest extent of the law—regardless of what happens with this particular federal guidance.”
Federal Judge Blocks Obama’s Transgender School Policy at Request of Texas, 12 Other States
From: Towleroad
U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor on Sunday issued a ruling that halts Obama’s plan to allow transgender students to use school bathrooms based on gender identity.
The request to block the directive was made by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (right). Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Utah, Wisconsin and West Virginia are the other states involved in the lawsuit.
Bloomberg reports:
In the Texas case, the judge said his ruling was based on the administration failing to follow rule-making procedures and not underlying issues of students’ rights.“This case presents the difficult issue of balancing the protection of students’ rights and that of personal privacy when using school bathrooms, locker rooms, showers, and other intimate facilities, while ensuring that no student is unnecessarily marginalized while attending school,” O’Connor said. “The resolution of this difficult policy issue is not, however, the subject of this order.”
As we reported earlier:
Harrold Independent School District, near Wichita Falls, Texas is the official plaintiff on behalf of the state, but most of the attention there has fallen on the Fort Worth Independent School District where Superintendent Kent Scribner issued guidelines that would allow transgender students to use the bathroom of their choice.Last week, Paxton issued a nonbinding opinion that the Scribner’s guidelines violate state law by relegating “parents to a subordinate status” in being informed about their children. Paxton added that Scribner illegally enforced the rules without the school board’s input.Scribner has ignored calls for him to step down and has issued a letter to state leaders noting that the district had approved official guidelines relating to transgender students five years ago.
NBC News reported:
The [lawsuit] is the latest in the battle between the federal government, led by the Justice and Education departments, and the various states that are trying to block the policy change.The White House told every public school district in May that they must allow transgender students to use bathrooms consistent with their chosen gender identity or risk losing federal funding.The Obama administration’s guidance explained how Title IX applies to a wide variety of sex segregated activities and facilities including restrooms, locker rooms, athletics, single-sex classes, single-sex schools, social fraternities and sororities, and housing and overnight accommodations.
Ex-Rentboy CEO Jeffrey Hurant Nears Plea Deal In Prostitution Sting
From: Queerty
According to a letter filed in Brooklyn Federal Court on Wednesday, the former CEO of now-shuttered male escort site Rentboy is putting the final touches on a plea agreement following his indictment for promoting prostitution.
Reuters reports that Jeffrey Hurant, 51, pleaded not guilty to charges that he ran what prosecutors breathlessly dubbed an “internet brothel,”alleging that the site “made millions of dollars from the promotion of illegal prostitution.”
Back in August of last year, Hurant and six of his employees were arrested during a sting operation in Manhattan conducted by Homeland Security with help from the NYPD.
The case has sparked outrage from gay rights advocates due to the oddly targeted nature of the crackdown. The legal complaint is bizarrely prurient, with prosecutors listing various fetishes from profile pages, including “sneakers, spanking, watersports, leather,” for no apparent reason other than shock value.
Six Rentboy employees were initially arrested during the sting operation, but the charges were later dropped.
Hurant’s lawyers asked for a plea hearing to be scheduled on August 29. If convicted, he faces up to 20 years in prison — which would be, to put it objectively, a complete and utter disgrace.
Courtney Act Attends A Trump Rally, Learns About “White Genocide”
These people sure have some big ideas!

From: NewNowNext
Courtney Act scraped the bottom of the barrel at a Trump rally in Fairfield, Connecticut this weekend and noticed there were two major things missing: “Facts, or people able to speak in complete sentences.”
Act interviewed a handful of people including a woman who likens “the Muslim” to a “Satanic cult,” a man who simply doesn’t “want a lady as President,” and thankfully, a group of three young protesters who recognized her from RuPaul’s Drag Race season 6:

Act also interviews a group of young white men holding a giant “Diversity = White Genocide” banner on the side of the road. As you can imagine, their ringleader has some pretty interesting ideas for America.
“What this means to me is that basically we stand for the cultural and racial preservation of the European people who built America,” he says about the sign.

The man also suggests that America should “break…up into different ’ethno-states'” and “give the blacks their own country.”
Wow, ok!
In a blog post for Junkee, Courtney reflected on the people she met at the rally:
“Not one of them made any sense — and I don’t just mean their views didn’t align with mine. It was their use of the English language didn’t make sense. None of them spoke in complete sentences or seemed to listen, comprehend or properly respond to what I was saying. There was a lot of buzz words and rambling rhetoric cut and pasted together. But I persisted and listened and occasionally politely pointed out and questioned contradictions and misinformation.”
Check out the semi-terrifying video below, and as Courtney Act says, remember “voting isn’t just your right, it’s your duty!”
drag queen,
Ranking Every Co-Host Of “The View,” From Best To Worst
The good, the bad, and the Hasselbeck.
From: NewNowNext

From: NewNowNext
When The View debuted on ABC on August 11, 1997, it ushered in a new era of TV talk shows, and created a template that many have tried to emulate.

From it’s earliest days with den mother Barbara Walters, the show has become infamous for backstage drama, questionable opinions and a revolving door of “permanent” co-hosts—but it’s managed to survive for nearly two decades in an increasingly competitive media landscape. (And gave us some epic showdowns.)

Before The View begins its 20th season on September 6, we’re ranking all the show’s hosts from worst to best.
Whoopi Goldberg
Sometimes cantankerous—and always direct—Whoopi suffers no fools at the table. And that's why we love her.
Joy Behar
Joy was there at the beginning and was brought back by popular demand. She has weathered the storm with grace.
Meredith Vieira
The original moderator, she kept the show on an even keel even in rough waters.
Rosie O'Donnell
Version 1.0
We loved how much Rosie was force of nature her first time on the show, but that's not always the best thing for a panel with three other people.
Lisa Ling
Known as "the young one" during her three seasons , Ling showed a maturity beyond her years.
Barbara Walters
The Queen of ABC always had the last word. Always.
Michelle Collins
The departure of this hilarious and self-deprecating lady gave us sad face emoji for days.
Rosie O'Donnell
Version 2.0
Rosie's return to the show was shockingly short-lived due to personal struggles and backstage drama.
Nicolle Wallace
The NBC News' correspondent's political knowledge will be sorely missed this election season.
Rosie Perez
Though fabulous and talented, the OTHER Rosie was an odd fit for the show.
Sara Haines
Bubbly and personable, Haineswill be the new permanent co-host when the show returns for its 20th season.
Sherri Shepherd
Shepherd began her stint by admitting she didn't believe in evolution and wasn't sure if the world was round. It got worse from there.
She sometimes gets herself in trouble, but her heart is true and she doesn't mince words. And no one can do ATTITUDE better than Raven.
Paula Faris
Named a co-host last season, Faris has flown mostly under the radar.
Debbie Matenopoulos
One of the originals, Debbie was also the show's first casualty. The "chemistry" just wasn't there, according to Barbara Walters.
Star Jones
After a tabloid-ready parting from the show, Jones wrote "Satan's Sisters," about behind-the-scenes turmoil at a daytime talk show. File under fiction or true crime?
Jenny McCarthy
Smug and ill-informed, McCarthy was not the shot in the arm "The View" was hoping for.
Candace Cameron Bure
Raven-Symoné has the proper response to Bure's Christian quackery.
Elisabeth Hasselbeck
Although she evolved on gay issues, this Survivor's demagoguery was much better suited to her new home on Fox News.
talk show,
television personality
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