New scene + wicked good discount for ya.
From: Manhunt Daily
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!
Got that outta the way. I know this is a big holiday to lots of folks and that parade is about to go by my block any time now, but I’m Norwegian and not a really orthodox alcoholic, so it’s not something I celebrate at home. But that doesn’t mean I can’t send you some St. Patrick’s Day discounts!
Let’s start with Lucas Entertainment, who’s got a new scene out with a guy who is ridiculously hot, and an offer you can’t refuse (if you wanted to sign up to watch this guy BE super hot). Dario Leon (there’s not really any apostrophe. I was just Irishing-up his name for the title) doesn’t bring up any results on MHD, but he’s got a couple scenes in the can over at Lucas, and is heavily featured in the imaginatively titled “Barebacking Abroad.”
I like what this guy is doing. And I like the guy he’s doing it to/in/on, Logan Rogue (although there’s something about the way Logan Rogue feels in your mouth when you say it out loud that I’m not crazy about. Loooohhgaahn Roohhhggg. I don’t know). This opening line from the description is a bit much though:
"Dario Leon might be all top, but he’s sure a passionate one who knows how to relax and soften his men up before stripping down and sticking it in."
Oh good. As long as he’s gonna soften em up before sticking it in. That’s how you know it’s real love.
At any rate, if you’re into that (I was pretty into that), Lucas is offering
a super deep discount right now – 9.95 to join and then 19.99 after the first month. That’s twenty bucks off your first month, and then ten dollars less than their regular price every month after! You do that long enough, and you’re saving so much $ that you’re basically MAKING $!

You, too, can jack it to Lucas scenes for fun and profit!
And you can inspect the details of this ridiculously cheap sale here: