On this blog you I am going to share my world with you. What can you expect to find here -- First of all lots of sexy men, off all shapes and types, something for everyone, as I can find beauty in most men. You are going to find that I have a special fondness for Vintage Beefcake and Porn of the 60's, 70's, and 80's. Also, I love the average guy, and if you want to see yourself on here, just let me know. Be as daring as you like, as long as you are of age, let me help you share it with the world! Also, you are going to find many of my points of views, on pop culture, politics and our changing world. Look to see posts about pop culture, politics, entertainment, sex, etc. There is not any subject that I find as something I won't discuss or offer my point of view. Most of all, I hope you are going to enjoy what I post. ENJOY!

Monday, August 24, 2015


By Danny Calvi
adjust the antenna
badger the witness
bash the bishop
beat off
beat your meat
bop the baloney
bust a nut
burp the baby
butter the corn
change gears
charm the snake
chase the weasel
choke the chicken
cuddle the kielbasa
dance with the one-eyed sailor
dunk your dolphin
flog the log
get off
grease your pole
have a wank
hold the sausage hostage
jack off
jerk off
jerk the gherkin
love the Muppet
make the bald man puke
paint the ceiling
play chopsticks
paddle the pickle
peel the banana
polish the knob
pound your pud
pull off
punch the clown
rope the pony
rub one out
smack Johnny behind the ears
spank the monkey
stroke the salami
strum the banjo
take care of business
wack off
walk the dog
whip it
whittle the wood
whistle dixie
yank the chain
yank your doodle dandy


From: Boy Culture

Drenched David & His Snake

From: Queer Click
 Okay, we know the left one’s a fake but the trouser snake (and the not-so-good dress sense) is real!

Norihiro Akahoshi

From: Queer Click
 Japan’s celebrity baseball player Norihiro Akahoshi of Hanshin Tigers appeared at the national league championship party in celebration of their win in a saucy costume. Akahoshi, known as a speedy base runner and 4 times steal base king, has always been calling upon his audience to keep their eyes on his lower body.

The 31-year-old outfielder finally bestowed a big gift to those who had faithfully believed his words…

 The idea of his costume was taken from a contemporary popular comedian nicknamed “Leather Ramon HG”. HG stands for “Hard Gay”.

Ends Of The World

From: Boy Culture
Her trainer's ass is A-plus!

Dwayne Johnson Makes His Nude Debut In Ballers

From; Fleshbot
 Something has been missing from Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's career.
Butt, what could it be?
 This picture is cool. It's just, something's missing. Something that should be there, butt isn't.

What. Could. It. Be?

 I just can't quite put my finger in - I mean on - it. 
 OH, That's right. His Rock hard juicy ass! 
Although Dwayne Johnson has no problem baring his chiseled chest and abs-olutely amazing abs, the wrestler turned actor has been stingy with his butt. That is until this past weekend, when the muscled out stud gave us a full view of his gorgeous ass in his HBO show Ballers.  
 There it is. 
That's more like it. a
Now if only Dwayne would give up that Johnson. 


From:  Manhunt Daily

Art is in the eye of the beholder, right? Sort of. While we’d hardly consider the images by the King of Crayons as “art”, they’re certainly an interesting take on your everyday coloring book. On certain occasions, the pieces may cross the line a little too much, but most of the time? They’re just fucking hilarious.

We apologize if these pictures have been passed around more than Alien Vs. Pooh or Keyboard Cat, but you should really check them out if you haven’t already. Not recommended for those who are easily disturbed. Especially since we’re posting some of the least disturbing of the bunch.

Draw Nearer, Draw Nearer

From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
 Fire’s burning, fire’s burning
Draw nearer, draw nearer
In the glowing, in the glowing
Come sing and be merry

 Camp routines are generally pretty much the same. Early wake up by a blaring trumpet, morning vespers, dining hall, clean-up and showers, arts & crafts, dining hall, swimming and games, dining hall, clean-up, evening vespers and campfire.

 There is something primal, even in 2015, about starting a fire and gathering around it. Although we do it for pleasure, we are not that many generations away from those who did it out of necessity. I still have days the songs from around those fires spin around in my head, especially the song sung in the round. One of my favorite parts of the campfire was the end. Walking back to the cabin, dozens of people, now one from the experiences round the fire. 

Donald Trump’s Drag Transformation Is Predictably Horrifying

From: Queerty
Good things can come in small packages, so they say.
Take, for instance, these eleven glorious seconds from artist Saint Hoax in which national disaster Donald Trump slips in and out of drag with the help of an aptly chosen Abba song.

By the way, Don, your makeup looks terrible. However, your new wig is an upgrade from your old one.

Buddy of the Day - Mikel

From: Queer Click

 Mikel is back in a new photo spread looking yummy and razor sharp in his cowboy gear (not in our picture collage) first and then looking casual. He dumps a hands-free load for the set whilst staring into the camera lens. HOT!

Thanks to Jenkz for pointing out that Mikel resembles Chad Michael Murray.

“MASK4MASK” Deviants Adult Arcade

The Official Closing Party of Folsom Street Fair Video
From: Accidental Bear
Filmmaker Aron Kantor rolled out his official SF Folsom Street Fair promo video last week and it spread through the internet like a wild fire. Kantor has just released a new video “MASK4MASK” for DEVIANTS Adult Arcade, The Official Closing Party of Folsom Street Fair. I feel like Kantor even toped himself here, I hear some people are into that.

Film by Aron Kantor dirtyglitter.com

DEVIANTS Adult Arcade

The Official Closing Party of Folsom Street Fair

Sunday September 27, 2015

Mezzanine – 444 Jessie St, San Francisco, CA

Dancefloor destruction by

Honey Soundsystem

and DJ Harvey

Favorite Pic of the Day for August 24th

From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
DirtRoad by Noplacia Photography



From: 420bate


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