On this blog you I am going to share my world with you. What can you expect to find here -- First of all lots of sexy men, off all shapes and types, something for everyone, as I can find beauty in most men. You are going to find that I have a special fondness for Vintage Beefcake and Porn of the 60's, 70's, and 80's. Also, I love the average guy, and if you want to see yourself on here, just let me know. Be as daring as you like, as long as you are of age, let me help you share it with the world! Also, you are going to find many of my points of views, on pop culture, politics and our changing world. Look to see posts about pop culture, politics, entertainment, sex, etc. There is not any subject that I find as something I won't discuss or offer my point of view. Most of all, I hope you are going to enjoy what I post. ENJOY!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

8 Signs We’re Winning The War Against HIVAIDS—And 1 Big One That We’re Not

From: NewNowNext

PrEP works.
Introduced just three years ago, pre-exposure prophylaxis has become an increasingly popular treatment for helping HIV-negative people stay that way.

The CDC and World Health Organization have both broadened the guidelines for who should be taking PrEP—and insurance carriers are starting to cover it, as well.

"God Isn't Fixing This!" - Congress Needs to Step the F*&K Up and ACT NOW!

From: Wicked Gay
WAKE THE FUCK UP AMERICA, enough is enough with democrats and liberals being passive on this topic, we MUST fight for gun control legislature NOW not later. This is ridiculous America. The NRA and a fringe group of Republicans have blood on their hands and it is unacceptable. They are ALLOWING this murder to take place and feel not an ounce of guilt or responsibility!

I had a person tell me yesterday that this wouldn't happen if every man and woman in the USA had a gun. Really? That would solve it? That makes a lot of fucking sense?!

I had an uncle tell me recently that he won't give up hunting. That's fine, but how much firepower does one need to hunt a defenseless deer?

I am not suggesting no guns. I am suggesting gun controls, better checks, psychological evaluations, decreased fire power ability.

There have been 355 mass shooting in the United States this year alone. Something needs to be done now!

Dish of the Day #1790: More Dishes to Be Thankful For

Today's Dish is Steve Siler.From: Deep Dish

Before the internet… this is how you had to do it!

From: Daily Squirt

Classic Television - Prime Time

The Dean Martin Summer Show Starring Your Host Vic Damone
Original Run
Summer 1967
Summer 1971
Original Network
Vic Damone
Vic Damone is a singer in the 1940s & the 1950s. In 1967, He hosted the summer variety show for the vacationing Dean Martin and in 1971, the show returned for 6-7 week period on NBC-TV.

Someone has to be the one to get naked at the party!

MAN GROOMING. Which Simon Dunn do you prefer?

A photo posted by 🇦🇺 Simon Dunn (@bobsleighsimon) on

He knows if you've been bad or good....

These 17 Posters Powerfully Document The AIDS Epidemic Over The Last 30 Years

From: Huff Post
I think also -- and this is going to be a generalization -- there were a number of people suffering from or touched by AIDS who worked in the graphic design industry. This sort of public service announcement -- it's a genre of communication that's time-tested and it's something that they knew. I think it's also a way, at least within the 20th century, for artists to enter public discourse.

To me, it's interesting because posters are these temporary sort of throwaway objects. Very few people collect them. And I think what's so interesting about this collection -- and I find this with any kind of collection -- is, when do you start collecting? When do you say that this is something worth having? Because the collection bestows value upon the object, the posters, which for the most part are value-less.

But we now know that there are posters from different civil liberties unions like the Black Power movement that now have tremendous value. Those things now are worth a lot of money. 

Gay Coffee Shop Manager Among 14 Killed in San Bernardino Massacre

From: Towleroad

A 42-year-old gay coffee shop manager was among the 14 people killed in Wednesday’s mass shooting in San Bernardino, California.

Daniel Kaufman managed a coffee shop at the Inland Regional Center where the shooting took place, training developmentally disabled clients who worked there.

Kaufman is one of four killed in the shooting who’ve been identified thus far.

The Los Angeles Times tells the heartbreaking story of how Kaufman’s boyfriend of three years, Ryan Reyes, learned of his death.

Reyes dropped Kaufman off at work Wednesday morning and exchanged text messages with him up until shortly before the shooting, when Reyes began frantically calling to find out whether his boyfriend was OK.

When Kaufman didn’t respond, Reyes traveled to a community center where survivors were brought. After hearing secondhand reports that Kaufman was injured and in surgery, he began calling and visiting local hospitals, but none of them had Kaufman. Finally, Reyes was asked for a description of Kaufman to compare with bodies at the shooting scene.

It wasn’t until Thursday morning, 22 hours after the shooting, that Reyes learned Kaufman was among the dead.

LA Times photojournalist Rick Loomis captured this image of Reyes’ reaction upon learning of his partner’s death:

Killer Comeback

From: kenneth in the (212)

In The Wake Of The San Bernardino Shooting: Ryan Reyes Waited Over 22 Hours To Hear If His Boyfriend Was Safe

From: Towleroad
“He was his usual cheerful, chattering self.”
That’s what Ryan Reyes (pictured) remembers when he dropped his boyfriend Daniel Kaufman off at work on Wednesday, around 7 a.m. All through the morning, they traded texts and photos.
42-year-old Kaufman ran the coffee-shop in building 3 at the Inland Regional Center, training the developmentally disabled clients who worked there.
The last message Reyes received was at 10:37 a.m., and it was a picture of a friend he’d met at a comic book conference.
An hour later, Reyes got a text from his sister: “Hey Ry does Daniel work at the Regional Center in Sb? Check the news.”
He called Kaufman repeatedly, but he kept being sent to voicemail.
“Call me ASAP!” he texted.
No response.
Hours passed as slowly as possible. It was the worst kind of torture.
Conflicting reports about his boyfriend’s fate kept surfacing.
Finally, he learned the awful truth.
Kaufman was among 14 people murdered on Wednesday at the regional center.
Or perhaps not.
Hours later, around 4 p.m., Reyes’ cousin posted on Facebook that Kaufman was alive.
He’d been wounded. Shot in the arm. But alive.
That’s the word he heard right from his girlfriend, one of Kaufman’s disabled clients.
Officials at the community center had a similar story.
Kaufman was in surgery, and totally safe.
No one knew which hospital.
There were more phone calls. Visits to six hospitals.
None of them had him.
At the community center where survivors congregated, buses arrived all night, issuing shell-shocked survivors into the gym.
Kaufman wasn’t among them.
He wasn’t there and there were no more buses coming.
Reyes’ aunt, Wanda Clemmons, says, “We were the last family there.”
Oficers told Reyes that the bodies of the dead were still at the crime scene. They would need a physical description of the man.
He was a little under 6′.
Roughly 195 pounds.
Reyes remembered he was in black dress shoes. Square toes. Khaki pants. Black polo shirt. The coffee shop's uniform.
No, no tattoos. But lots of rings, necklaces.
Both ears were pierced. That was something. Rainbow bars for gay pride on either side.
Reyes swallowed sleeping pills — four — and finally, somehow, fell asleep well after midnight.
He fell asleep in the worst kind of uncertainty.
The two men shared a love of horror films. They’d been together for almost three years.
Kaufman was masterful at engaging in conversation, meeting people. Even holding up the check-out line at the grocery store.
He never got a driver’s license. Why would he? That would mean giving up the daily rides to and from work with Reyes.
After his parents died, Kaufman was adopted by his aunt and uncle. He lived in Pasadena for most of his childhood, but moved to Rialto during high school.
For the last five years, he’d worked at the social serves center.
Reyes waited for news the next morning at his house in Rialto.
“I don’t know if I want to scream, cry or break a window,” he said. “I’m trying to cling to hope.”
Then at 10:30 Thursday morning, the cellphone rang.
It was the aunt who’d adopted Kaufman.
He was dead.

Get ready for a runway showdown like no other on the series finale of America’s Next Top Model, TOMORROW at 98c

People Are Upset About The Wiz’s All-Black Cast, Forget ‘The Wizard Of Oz’ Was All-White

From: Gaily Grind
The Wiz Live! musical premieres on NBC tonight and it looks like it is going to be amazing.

Unfortunately, hundreds of clueless people are calling out the program for featuring an all-Black cast.

Refinery29 notes:
The musical boasts a massively talented ensemble of actor-singers, including Uzo Aduba, Mary J. Blige, Amber Riley, Queen Latifah, Common, Ne-Yo, Elijah Kelley, and Shanice Williams. The TV event is adapted from the 1975 Broadway musical The Wiz, an all-Black reinterpretation of L. Frank Baum’s 1900 children’s novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. In 1978, that musical was made into a film starring Michael Jackson and Diana Ross. The version of the Oz most of us are familiar with, though, is the iconic 1939 screen adaptation starring Judy Garland. That film, like many others of its time, features an all-white cast; The Wiz was something of a response to that. You could say the whole point of The Wiz is indeed that it stars an all-Black cast. And yet, people seem very confused by this concept.

Just check out some of the reactions Buzzfeed found on Twitter to the “racist” live musical:

Here’s How the 2016 GOP Candidates Reacted to the San Bernardino Shooting on Twitter

From: Towleroad
In the wake of the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California yesterday that has left 14 people dead and many more injured, Republican presidential hopefuls took to Twitter to offer their solution to gun violence in America: prayers.

None of the Republican candidates indicated that the deadly shooting was emblematic of a larger problem with mass shootings, let alone one that should be curbed by stricter gun laws. Instead all they could muster the strength to do was to pray for victims and first responders.

Vox points out that there have been “at least 1,042 mass shootings, with shooters killing at least 1,312 people and wounding 3,764 more” since the 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. A map created by Mass Shooting Tracker details where those shootings have taken place over the past three years.

Read the Republicans’ responses to this latest mass shooting, below.

Marco Rubio — No response on Twitter as of posting.

Carly Fiorina — No response on Twitter as of posting. Fiorina is from California.

Rick Santorum — No response on Twitter as of posting.

Meanwhile, the three remaining Democratic presidential candidates took a different tone on Twitter


Rick Santorum weighed in. As of 9:21 AM PST on December 3, Carly Fiorina and Marco Rubio had yet to address the shooting on Twitter.

2011 Rundu Men Black Male Calendar

Did You Make Santa’s Naughty List? Here Are The 12 Best Toys To Buy Mr. Naughty This Xmas

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Can you tell that I’m so excited to see fellow deafie, my former classmate, Nyle, being on America’s Next Top Model.I just have to animate that part where he signed his name. Congrats, Nyle! we all are rooting for you!

From:  carodoodles
I just have to animate that part where he signed his name. Congrats, Nyle! we all are rooting for you!

California Police Arrest Suspect in Hate Crime Against LGBT Activist

From: Wicked Gay
"Police arrested a man from Desert Hot Springs, Calif. Monday whom they believe is connected to a hate crime against two gay men, one of whom is a prominent LGBT rights activist, local newspaper the Desert Sun reports.

Authorities believe Christopher James Carr, 30, is connected to the Nov. 1 attack in Palm Springs, Calif., where he and Keith Terranova, 35, allegedly attacked two gay men. One of the victims is a well-known LGBT rights activist, according to the newspaper." Full story here via Edge!

25 Gays of Christmas

Brent's Auto Wall 120315

From: Brent's Auto Wall
This Table Is For Two, Want To Join Me

25 Male Survivors Of Sexual Assault Quoting The People Who Attacked Them

From: BuzzFeed

Ben Jalet

 Connecticut, United States at Age 47
From: My Ex
 "Cougars and Single Mothers or any gender with a rich relative dying. Jalet Con Man"

Cheat, psycho liar with the charm of a prince. Narcissist with cognitive dissonance when it comes to reality.rnCheated with 6the women while my father was terminal in the hospital. I heard he stuck it out only because I was due to inherit . Did the same with his ex wife. Treats his kids horridly but my kids charmingly. Thief, used my credit cards to buy himself luxury items while hemy had toto borrow my childs clothes.rnTotal alcoholic WAY TOO MUCH ECSTACY.rnFound granny porn in his closet and extreme grannyteen porn on data disc.rnGlad I snooped. Oh, hes got herpes, HPV, and reccurent ass problems as he loves challenging the elasticity of his sphincter. Its damn frightning. Truly a bad person... Psychopath.

10 Great Books To Get You Through The Holiday Season

From: Queerty
Alexander McQueen: Blood Beneath The Skin 
Andrew Wilson

When forty-year-old Alexander McQueen committed suicide in February 2010, a shocked world mourned the loss of a prodigious talent. The first definitive biography of the iconic, notoriously private British fashion designer explores the connections between his dark work and even darker personal life.

Scandal at the Vatican 2, 10 Inch Blessing

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