Want to feel old...
In 2015, my Classic Christmas day 12 Days post featured Jimmy Stewart . Although I personally prefer Shop Around The Corner over It's A Wonderful Life, Stewart's films are synonymous with Christmas. Although Love Actually is not, nor may never be, the classic that It's A Wonderful Life is, It is one of my favorite holiday films and I have probably watched it 20 times since it's debut in theaters back in 2003.

I love everything about Love Actually from the music to the most manipulative romantic scenes. I love Hugh Grant dancing to the Pointer Sisters, Colin Firth's Jamie proposing to Aurelia, Rodrigo Santoro in his undies, trying to have sex with Laura Linney, and Andrew Lincoln showing his cards to Keira Knightley. No matter how many times I have watched, I never can stop a tear rolling down my cheek when Emma Thompson is alone in her bedroom listening to Joni Mitchell's Both Sides Now. Joni is joined on the soundtrack by many other great artists, including The Bay City Rollers...

Bye Bye Baby plays as Daniel (Liam Neeson) says goodbye to his wife, and Sam (Thomas Brodie-Sangster) says good bye to his mom. I loved the relationship between Daniel and Sam, and although the final airport run and kiss was a little drawn out, Sam's kiss on Joanna still brings a smile. Thomas Brodie-Sangster was only 13 during the filming, but believe it or not, he is now 26. I never really thought of featuring Thomas before, I always thought he was that 'cute little kid' from the film. But.. after seeing the actor on Game Of Thrones a few years ago, and googling to find he was now 23, a post seemed in order.

I decided to wait for a Christmas piece, given that except for Game of Thrones, Love Actually was the only other project I had seen him in. I started reading Maze Runner the book a few years ago, but didn't realize until putting together this piece, that Thomas is also one of the films leads.

Thomas has been busy in both television and film, and had a small role in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Thomas will also be seen in the next Maze Runner movie, The Death Cure, due out in 2018. Finding out that 'cute kid' was now 26 was a bit depressing, but nothing that a repeat viewing of Love Actually wouldn't cure!

Game of Thrones
Maze Runner
