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Another great shot of model Tyson Ballou. |
On this blog you I am going to share my world with you. What can you expect to find here -- First of all lots of sexy men, off all shapes and types, something for everyone, as I can find beauty in most men. You are going to find that I have a special fondness for Vintage Beefcake and Porn of the 60's, 70's, and 80's. Also, I love the average guy, and if you want to see yourself on here, just let me know. Be as daring as you like, as long as you are of age, let me help you share it with the world! Also, you are going to find many of my points of views, on pop culture, politics and our changing world. Look to see posts about pop culture, politics, entertainment, sex, etc. There is not any subject that I find as something I won't discuss or offer my point of view. Most of all, I hope you are going to enjoy what I post. ENJOY!
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Farmboy Jocks
boxer briefs,
speed skater,
water polo
Everybody Arrived for This Tweet About the Irony of ‘Masc-4-Masc’ Gays
From: Cocktails and Cocktalk
During the midst of all the current political madness, Twitter user Kareem was putting the world to rights, but it had nothing to do with the White House. Kareem was spilling all the T about the irony of ‘Masc-4-Masc’ profiles/attractions. The simple fact that ‘seeking masculinity in a man’ is a feminine trait certainly generated a buzz, to which the Twittersphere replied with a number of GIFs of they’re own.
Masc4Masc homos think that Fem gays ruin the gay community but the gag is...Seeking Masculinity in a man is Feminine Quality! pic.twitter.com/K9izQUP8g3— Petty White (@KareemDAnt) November 7, 2016
Everybody arrived to appreciate the T:
@KareemDAnt I saw this tweet and was like.... pic.twitter.com/SG2ruA6lpF— TJ (@TJKelly10) November 7, 2016
— tired (@ughsadkid) November 7, 2016
— S.L. (@literockstar) November 7, 2016
Eric Holder Says The Electoral College Must Be Abolished
From: Huffington Post“But so all right, it involves heavy lifting, let’s lift heavy, let’s do it.”
Former Attorney General Eric Holder called for an end to the electoral college voting system on Friday.
With Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton winning the popular vote but losing the election, he said it was now time to change the way the U.S. elects its presidents.
“I’m in the process now of writing an article that says there’s a simple solution to it and we have to just abolish the electoral college,” Holder told “Real Time” host Bill Maher.
He acknowledged such a move would require a constitutional amendment, which Maher quipped would mean “some heavy lifting.” “But so all right, it involves heavy lifting, let’s lift heavy, let’s do it,” Holder replied.
The duo later discussed why, despite President-elect Donald Trump’s claims throughout his campaign that the election was rigged against him, the electoral college system actually meant the opposite.
And they found common ground on why voting days should be moved to a weekend or made a public holiday.
Check it out in the clip below.
Ends Of The World: Warwick Rowers Strip For Equality Again
From: Boy Culture
Welp, the Warwick Rowers know how to pick a guy up. Check out their hot nakedness below. The butts are bangin', and guys are always hotter when they're not just physically sexy but also pro-LGBTQ.
Check out their bio and mission:
Never before has the LGBT community had greater need of its straight allies to assert that the battle for LGBT rights comes not from self-interest but from a belief in justice. There has been a 147% increase in homophobic attacks post-Brexit, and it seems likely the Trump vote will amplify this globally.The Warwick Rowers project has long been one of the world’s most eye-catching straight ally projects, and its serious influence continues to grow. Sport Allies, the charity they have set up and continue to fund, has now become a registered charity. It has caught the attention of top UK politicians and is about to launch an in depth academic report on homophobia and gender inequality. It’s an extraordinary story of ground level activism that has captured the imagination and support of millions around the world.
2017 Calendar,
Ends Of The World,
Warwick Rowers
Emboldened by Trump Win, NOM Lays out Plan to Reverse LGBT Rights, Marriage Equality
From: Towleroad
The National Organization for Marriage, whose health has been so stunted in recent years that it has resorted to meddling in the marriage affairs of other countries like France, is feeling emboldened by Trump’s win, calling it a “bright and exciting time” for the hate group.
NOM’s President Brian Brown presented the group’s plan to remove LGBTQ rights across the nation in a blog post Wednesday. Here are his bullet points:
We will work with President Trump to nominate conservative justices to the U.S. Supreme Court, individuals who will adhere to the words and meaning of the constitution. Such justices will inevitably reverse the anti-constitutional ruling of the Supreme Court imposing same-sex ‘marriage’ on the nation in the Obergefell decision, because that decision lacked any basis in the constitution.We will work with President Trump to rescind the illegal, over-reaching executive orders and directives issued by President Obama, including his dangerous “gender identity” directives, attempting to redefine gender just as he sought to redefine marriage.We will work with President Trump to reverse policies of the Obama administration that seek to coerce other countries into accepting same-sex ‘marriage’ as a condition of receiving US assistance and aid. It is fundamentally wrong for a president to become a lobbyist for the LGBT agenda, and we are confident that will end in the Trump administration.We will work with President Trump and Congress to pass the First Amendment Defense Act (FADA), which Mr. Trump supports. FADA is critical legislation to protect people who believe in marriage from being targeted by the government for persecution.
If Brown thinks that LGBTQ people and our allies are going to sit quietly while they try to pull this crap again, he’s as delusional as ever.
Electoral College: Make Hillary Clinton President on December 19
From: change.org
On December 19, the Electors of the Electoral College will cast their ballots. If they all vote the way their states voted, Donald Trump will win. However, they can vote for Hillary Clinton if they choose. Even in states where that is not allowed, their vote would still be counted, they would simply pay a small fine - which we can be sure Clinton supporters will be glad to pay!
We are calling on the Electors to ignore their states' votes and cast their ballots for Secretary Clinton. Why?
Mr. Trump is unfit to serve. His scapegoating of so many Americans, and his impulsivity, bullying, lying, admitted history of sexual assault, and utter lack of experience make him a danger to the Republic.
Secretary Clinton WON THE POPULAR VOTE and should be President.
Hillary won the popular vote. The only reason Trump "won" is because of the Electoral College.
But the Electoral College can actually give the White House to either candidate. So why not use this most undemocratic of our institutions to ensure a democratic result?
There is no reason Trump should be President.
"It's the 'People's Will'"
No. She won the popular vote.
"Our system of government under our Constitution says he wins"
No. Our Constitution says the Electors choose.
"Too many states prohibit 'Faithless Electors'"
24 states bind electors. If electors vote against their party, they usually pay a fine. And people get mad. But they can vote however they want and there is no legal means to stop them in most states.s.
From: Wicked Gay
Dustin McNeer isn’t shy about showing off his body, anyone who follows him on social media knows that. And why should he be?

Sometimes, however, Dustin likes sharing more than just his abs or biceps. In one now deleted picture, he (accidentally?) flashed the tip of his dick. Was it just too big for his briefs? Who knows. But thankfully, it was saved by Tumblr users and reposted.

And what of all the risqué Snapchat shots? Don’t worry, someone got those too.


Dustin McNeer isn’t shy about showing off his body, anyone who follows him on social media knows that. And why should he be?

Sometimes, however, Dustin likes sharing more than just his abs or biceps. In one now deleted picture, he (accidentally?) flashed the tip of his dick. Was it just too big for his briefs? Who knows. But thankfully, it was saved by Tumblr users and reposted.

And what of all the risqué Snapchat shots? Don’t worry, someone got those too.


From: Wicked Gay

I realize I write for the gay version of Tiger Beat, but I’m usually able to come up with SOME words to string together in a legible way on a given subject. Except for last Tuesday night. As I’ve statused on Facebook a couple of times – “I got “nuthin’.” It’s up to better writers than myself to create something eloquent to light up the dark that we’ve found ourselves in.

Oh, wait, I DO have a message for a certain 14% of the LGBTQ community.
You do realize who Orangina Scrotum Face’s backup is, right? So, if Trump gets impeached or whatevs, we’ve got a guy in the White House who thinks we all need to be fixed. That should work out splendidly for all of us. Way to fucking go, you cowardly motherfuckers. I know the flinging of blame is useless, but this really enraged me. Fear is no excuse to sell your people out. Just sayin’. (Apparently, I DID have something to say.)
Ok, where was I? Right – thirst. So I went to see Dr. Strange to drown my sorrows in some comic-book sorcery. It was pretty good. The visuals were rad (it’s one of those flicks you should see in 3D IMAX if you can), and it was a fairly involving superhero story (if you are one of those who can get involved in superhero stories). The high point for me was the bad guy’s chief henchbody. I looked him up afterwards. His name is Scott Adkins. He’s a stuntman/actor and he is FOINE.
Here he is on the Dr. Strange set being athletic and martial-arty AF.
A video posted by Scott Adkins (@thescottadkins) on
Anyway, he’s been in a bunch of flicks I haven’t seen but has apparently been playing “Hot Dude Who Knows Guns And Karate” for awhile now.
A photo posted by Scott Adkins (@thescottadkins) on
If you like shredded dudes and need a distraction before gathering yourself and helping to make sure this never happens again, there’s more pics of Scott Adkins below.

Who Will Be People's Sexiest Man Alive?
From: kenneth in the (212)

I think the magazine's Sexiest Man Alive this year will either be a JACKED-UP John Krasinski, a BEARDED Prince Harry or a pussy-grabbing Donald Trump.
Sexiest Man Alive,
Song of the Day: 'Tous les Garcons et les Filles' by Françoise Hardy
From: kenneth in the (212)

Wow, have you checked out Season 2 of Amazon Prime's "Red Oaks"? The first season was admittedly just a guilty pleasure because of its '80s and tennis themes, yet the sophomore effort has started off with a bang, as if control of the show went from me to John Hughes' gifted offspring who grew up obsessed with his father and French New Wave cinema.

The New Year's episode in Paris is especially poignant -- has Craig Roberts been working out? -- and Jennifer Grey and Gina Gershon still manage to make the most of their tiny parts in some of the best "mom porn" I've seen since "Freaks and Geeks."
Song of the Day
Donald Trumps’ Leaked Cabinet Short List is a Who’s Who of Anti-LGBT Bigots
From: Towleroad
A list of Donald Trump’s potential cabinet appointments leaked on Thursday.
The list reads like a veritable who’s who of the right-wing anti-equality fringe. Prominent names include Chris Christie, Pam Bondi, Mike Huckabee, Ben Carson, Rick Scott, Mary Fallin, Sam Brownback, Jeff Sessions, Jan Brewer, Sarah Palin, and Newt Gingrich.
The Huffington Post writes:
So far, the names being floated for a Donald Trump administration largely have one thing in common: They’re men. And for the most part, they’re white men. BuzzFeed obtained one list of 41 names under consideration for Cabinet and top White House positions. Of those, only six are women. In other news stories listing potential appointees, no women are named.Many of them are also fringe figures ― people who have never been in government or who have been out of government for some time and are itching to get back in.Trump did not have the support of much of the Republican establishment, and many of the officials who would traditionally get into an administration now may be hesitant to do so for a leader they distrust. Trump may also block them since they didn’t support him. Meanwhile, some figures who have been lurking on the fringe may now have found a home with this unlikely president-elect.
And here’s the list itself via BuzzFeed:
List of Potential Trump Cabinet Nominees:
Attorney General:
Gov. Chris Christie
Attorney General Pam Bondi
Sen. Jeff Sessions
Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani
Secretary of Commerce:
Former Nucor CEO Dan DiMicco
Businessman Lew Eisenberg
Former Gov. Mike Huckabee
Sen. David Perdue
Former Sen. Jim Talent
Agriculture Secretary:
Gov. Sam Brownback
National Council of Farmer Cooperatives CEO Chuck Conner
Gov. Dave Heineman
Texas Agricultural Commissioner Sid Miller
Former Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue
Secretary of Education:
Ben Carson
Hoover Institution fellow William Evers
Secretary of Energy:
Venture Capitalist Robert Grady
Businessman Harold Hamm
Secretary of Health and Human Services:
Former New Jersey state Sen. Rich Bagger
Ben Carson
Newt Gingrich
Gov. Rick Scott
Secretary of Homeland Security:
Sheriff David Clarke
Secretary of the Interior:
Gov. Jan Brewer
Gov. Mary Fallin
Oil Executive Forrest Lucas
Rep. Cynthia Lummis
Former Gov. Sarah Palin
Secretary of Defense:
Former Gen. Mike Flynn
Stephen Hadley
Rep. Duncan Hunter Jr.
Former Sen. Jim Talent
Secretary of State:
John Bolton
Sen. Bob Corker
Treasury Secretary:
Rep. Jeb Hensarling
Businessman Carl Icahn
Banker Steven Mnuchin
Chief of Staff:
Reince Priebus
Director of Office of Management and Budget:
Secretary of Labor:
EEOC Commissioner Victoria Lipnic
Veterans Affairs:
Rep. Jeff Miller
White House Counsel:
Donald McGahn
Donald Trump's racist immigration adviser is drafting instructions to begin deportations on day one
We are all afraid—for good reason
From: Daily Kos
From: Daily Kos
The Los Angeles Times is confirming the worst fears of many undocumented workers and their children may very well be coming true in very short order:
Nearly a third of the 742,000 so-called Dreamers — those given protection under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program — live in California and are potentially at risk of losing legal status.Trump’s aides have begun drafting instructions that he can issue on his first day in office for the nation’s 5,000 deportation officers to begin rounding up more people for removals, according to two advisors to his transition team.“There is vast potential to increase the level of deportations without adding personnel,” said Kris Kobach, the Kansas secretary of state and a member of Trump’s immigration policy transition team.By giving more authority to Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, Trump easily could boost deportations by more than 75% in his first year in office, Kobach said.
Kris Kobach is the architect of the most racist law in modern America history. He devised Arizona’s S.B. 1070 law that gave police the power to stop people with brown skin or a foreign accent, demanding they prove their citizenship on the spot and jail them if they are unable to produce their citizenship paperwork. That bill quickly spread to six other states thanks to the Koch Industries-sponsored ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council).
Getting rid of the undocumented workers in this country who build our homes, grow our food, process our meat will lead to economic ruin. Think your milk price is high now? Wait until there are no undocumented workers to underpay. How will we replace the $11.66 BILLION dollars they contribute in state and local taxes? Immigration needs to be fixed. Mass deportations are not the way. Tearing families apart is not the way. These actions will tear the very fabric of this immigrant nation apart.
And they aren’t making these policies up on the fly. Kris Kobach and other Republican officials have dug in deep with lobbyists who represent extreme right-wing views. They’ve been plotting and planning to take action for a very long time. Immigration, the environment, women’s right to choose—they have legislation to swiftly move through and they WILL enact it. From the New York Times:
Secretaries of state from Washington, Ohio, Colorado and Nevada — all Republicans — participated in closed-door meetings in May with representatives from Reynolds American, the nation’s second-largest tobacco company; the National Restaurant Association; and the National Rifle Association, while ballot initiative signatures in those states were still being collected, documents obtained through open records requests show.At a weekend retreat last month at a hunting lodge in Kansas, Republican secretaries of state mingled with donors, including a representative from Koch Industries, as they shot pheasant and clay pigeons. The owners of Koch Industries — Charles G. and David H. Koch — have funded groups involved in several ballot initiative fights this year, including over a solar energy measure in Florida.“The Koch brothers out with the Republican secretaries of state — that’s a news story I don’t need,” Allen Richardson, a Koch lobbyist, joked, unaware that a reporter was in attendance.
All of this while Hillary Clinton’s popular vote lead has surpassed 400,000 votes. The majority did NOT elect these dangerous partisan politicians and they have the keys to the kingdom now. We have to destroy the Electoral College once and for all.
Donald Trump’s ex-hairdresser reveals secrets of his strands
From: New York Post

His hair is nearly as controversial as his political views – and now a stylist who worked on the set of “The Apprentice” has revealed a few secrets about Donald Trump’s signature mane.
A TV and film hairstylist for 30 years, Amy Lasch worked on the first two seasons of the TV show and claims the show’s host and now President-elect of the United States is predictably very particular about his barnet.
Lasch told The Mirror: “If I noticed a flyaway that the camera was sure to pick up, I would hold a large mirror up to Donald and ask, ‘Do you want me to fix it?’”
“I knew damn well – ask before I raised a finger to that hair.”
According to Lasch, 52, Trump shunned professional stylists and she thinks he even got his own family to cut his locks.
She claimed: “When I looked at the back of his hair I could tell it was not a hairdresser cutting it.”

“It was scary.”“The color was so inconsistent….They just colored the top and did not color what was underneath properly.”“It was someone in his inner circle who was cutting and coloring his hair. His wife or maybe his daughter.”
She described his hair as a “calamity” and revealed he used so much lacquer to hold it in place it became “solid and matted.”
Lasch dismissed rumors that Trump wore a toupee or had a hair transplant.
Instead, she revealed his hair is very long which enables him to comb it straight back over his head.
Lasch didn’t try to drastically alter Trump’s hairstyle on set.
Instead, she’d use a comb to point out areas which could be improved, then he would usually make alterations himself.
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Donald Trump during an interview with host Jimmy Fallon. |
Due to the amount of product on it, Lasch couldn’t change the shape too much either. She claims that her comb would “bounce back” if she used it to tap Trump’s head.
Amy also touched on how Trump was on set, revealing he always knew what he wanted.
She said: “He was very commanding and you didn’t want to be caught talking about him on set.”
“If you’re on his side and doing well in his eyes, everything is fine – if you are not, then it is difficult.”
Billy Gilman Sings Queen’s Timely “The Show Must Go On” On “The Voice”
Garth Brooks said "the future now belongs to him."
From: NewNowNext

Blake Shelton agreed, telling Gilman that he was blown away by his voice when he was a boy, but added “you are a million times better as an adult.”
From: NewNowNext
Billy Gilman is continuing to dominate the competition on The Voice, delivering a performance of Queen’s “The Show Must Go On” on Monday that launched all four judges onto their feet.
The country singer said it’s been an uphill battle for him since his voice changed after puberty, and coming out of the closet a few years ago didn’t make things easier.

But Gilman has been giving show-stopping performances on NBC’s singing competition and Monday night’s Queen cover only solidified his front runner status.
Garth Brooks served as a mentor to the contestants this week and, after recognizing Billy from his days as a child singer, declared “the future now belongs to him.”
Blake Shelton agreed, telling Gilman that he was blown away by his voice when he was a boy, but added “you are a million times better as an adult.”
It’s tough coming up with stuff to say about penises right now.
From: Badwolf Blog

From: Badwolf Blog
Well. That isn’t entirely true. Just the events of the last week have made it harder for me to see penises as so supremely important.
And then yesterday I came across this beautiful gif on tumblr:

And I realized I was being silly. Penises are supremely important. And this kind of contemplative affection towards them is what we need more than ever right now.
If you subscribe to my personal newsletter, you saw me talking this week about how napping and masturbating (with friends and alone) was how I was processing what happened and what we’re in for in days to come. It’s always been like that for me with big life events.
If you’ve got a buddy with a penis, now is a great time to remind him how special that is. Gentle and affectionate fraternal jacking is a way to let somebody know that they’re OK, that you’re cool with them, and that their pleasure matters.
We need more penis masturbation right now. Love your brothers. Love your brother’s penis.
PS – that gif is from a short film by Antonio Da Silva, who makes beautiful movies about male sexuality, featuring explicit sexual interaction, but which are far to gorgeous and thoughtful to be considered pornography. You should check out his site if you’re into such things.
Alex Castro aka Elian Cortez
American Gladiators
Gladiators Bio & Profile
Alex Castro
HEIGHT: 6'3"
WEIGHT: 220 lbs
The 6-foot, 3-inch, 220-pound Gladiator targets his opponents with tactical precision. With an impressive arsenal of skills at his disposal, he is well equipped for any operation and will do anything to complete his objective. Once Militia has you in his sights, you'd better have a plan, or the game is over. .
Before he joined the cast of NBC's recently relaunched American Gladiators and began wielding gigantic Q-tip shaped battle thingies, Alex Castro, the drop-dead gorgeous massive mound of muscle, was wielding more "personal" and impressive clubs as a highly-paid gay porn model. Much of the overnight controversy over Alex's history in Porn Valley for his work at COLT as "Elian Cortez" but actually Alex Castro posed as, well, "Alex Castro", for a number of muscle worship studios, Playgirl, and his recent star turn in Cirque du Soleil's Zumanity.

American Gladiators,
porn star,
reality tv,
television personality
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