Just a little over a year ago, Chris Durso (creator of Foodiggity) and his then-8-year-old son Cameron embarked on a fun, visual collaboration known as Foodnited States of America. Together, the Durso duo planned to recreate all 50 states of the U.S. out of various, edible ingredients with a pun-fueled theme.

The project began with "New Jerky" (a lean piece of beef jerky cut into the shape of New Jersey), followed by "Kaleifornia" (a fibrous piece of kale shaped into the sunny state of California) and "Pork Lo Maine" (the northernmost state of Maine made from a carefully shaped batch of pork lo mein). From there, the father-son duo took their time rolling out each newly named state.

We marked the halfway point of this project earlier this year. Today, Chris and his son have officially completed this extraordinary project with their final state—New Pork (the concrete jungle where dreams are made of... pork). "When my son, Cameron, came to me with the idea for 'States made out of food,'" Chris explains, "it was his idea of 'New Pork' that got the ball rolling. So, although this is the last State in the series, it was the first that had a name, and was the inspiration for the entire project."

Chris also assures everyone that though the project is officially complete, it isn't the end. "The project will live on in various forms... including a complete Foodnited States map that you can hang on the wall of your choice, and each State available individually in various forms. Because, much like the actual United States, the Foodnited States are all about capitalism."