On this blog you I am going to share my world with you. What can you expect to find here -- First of all lots of sexy men, off all shapes and types, something for everyone, as I can find beauty in most men. You are going to find that I have a special fondness for Vintage Beefcake and Porn of the 60's, 70's, and 80's. Also, I love the average guy, and if you want to see yourself on here, just let me know. Be as daring as you like, as long as you are of age, let me help you share it with the world! Also, you are going to find many of my points of views, on pop culture, politics and our changing world. Look to see posts about pop culture, politics, entertainment, sex, etc. There is not any subject that I find as something I won't discuss or offer my point of view. Most of all, I hope you are going to enjoy what I post. ENJOY!

Sunday, March 27, 2016

13 Easter Egg Butt Pics That Will Make You So Happy

From: BuzzFeed
For the pastel pundit

The man behind the butt

Instagrams That Inspire

From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
MacKillops's Easter Goodies

Elgort's Eggs

NYC Buns

Iggy Kolomiyets Is Black And White And Spread All Over “Yearbook Fanzine”

Will you sign our yearbook?
From:  NewNowNext
School’s back in session: The latest issue of Yearbook, a quarterly male model fanzine, is out and it features the dreamy Iggy Kolomiyets on the cover.

 Kolomiyets, who’s of Russian-Ukraine descent, wasn’t always such an outgoing stunner. “I grew up always being shy, quiet, and inexpressive, and I found most Americans to be very expressive and open, which was interesting,” he told Out.

 Clearly he’s come out of his shell since those days.

Igor also hung out with Davey Wavey a while back, apparently after getting back from building schools in Africa.

Governor Cuomo Nominates NYC Gay Bar Julius For Landmark Statusop9

New York's oldest gay bar, Julius was the site of a protest three years before Stonewall.
From: NewNowNext
 Thursday, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo recommended 19 properties, resources and districts be added to the State and National Register of Historic Places.

Among them was Julius, the oldest gay bar in New York City and the site of a 1966 gay-rights “sip-in,” one of the first organized acts of civil disobedience to come out of the fight for LGBT rights—three years before the Stonewall Riots.

 In the 1960s, gay and lesbians were designated “disorderly” and not permitted to be served alcohol.

To combat this prejudice, Mattachine Society members John Timmins, Dick Leitsch, Craig Rodwell and Randy Wicker walked into Julius’, declared they were homosexual and demanded to be served.

In a moment captured by press photographers, the bartender covered their glasses with his hands and said “I cannot serve you.”

In February, the Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation petitioned to get landmark status to Julius for its role in gay history.

In a statement, Gov. Cuomo said the bar helped define what it means to be a New Yorker.

“By placing these landmarks on the State and National Registers of Historic Places, we are preserving their legacies and ensuring that they will be enjoyed for generations to come.”

Cuomo’s recommendation needs to be approved by the state historic preservation officer and then later by the National Register of Historic Places.

A Lot of Men Were Free Balling at SXSW

From; Accidental Bear
CEO (Customer Experience Officer) Matt hits the streets of Austin during SXSW to ask the toughest question to the festival attendees… What kind of underwear are you wearing?

If only we had some proof of the free balling. Proof in the pudding or some shit like that.

Video by Mack Weldon

Featured Artist | Christopher M Tandy Shares Image of “The Gatekeeper,” Ascension, Passing Through Barriers

From: Accidental Bear
 Meet NYC artist Christopher M Tandy and take a look at what he is currently creating.

 I was zooming through Instagram and got a good look Christopher M Tandy’s work that peaked my curiosity. I had been to a show of his here in San Francisco some years ago when he was living here. His worked appeared to journey into a new direction so I reached out to catch up with him. I asked Christopher to tell me a little bit about his newest piece, The Gatekeeper. His reply, “The Gatekeeper is about ascension, passing through barriers. I tend to use very stark colors with pops of red. I see the red as something that is blocking the figures path and they somehow have to manipulate it – either by force or by other forms of effort. It’s really about identity, and investigating what it means to have a place.” And yeah, he’s a total stud. I know all you guys were thinking it.

#SupportQueerArtists #SupportLGBTartists

Find out more about artist Christopher M Tandy at christophermtandy.com and on Instagram

Check out his web shop here christophermtandy.bigcartel.com to find his print titled The Gatekeeper, featured below.

The Gatekeeper

Limited Edition print of 20. Printed on 280g cold pressed paper. All prints are 12x9inches. Each edition signed and numbered by artist.

Check out his web shop here christophermtandy.bigcartel.com

 Artist statement

“My work addresses aspects of the human experience through careful abstractions of portraits and figures. I seek to explore the murky waters of the collective unconscious and isolate human emotions. My goal is to address aspects of identity, sexuality, and gender by obscuring elements – faces and genitalia that our society readily associates with these concepts. Almost all of my figures are juxtaposed by overwhelming white space; this denotes a sense of loneliness, as if these figures and the emotions they carry are all that’s left of their world. “

 “I want to create art that is relatable but also asks the viewers to look inside themselves and ask questions about their own human experience. Creating abstractions that communicate an element of humanity in a nuanced way, which is both relatable and provoking is constantly a challenge. It is this challenge, and these nuances of humanity that I find so fascinating – what are we hiding, what are we allowing people to see and why – these are questions that I explore.”

Charlton Heston: Tied up, caged and stripped....

From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
Will Penny (1967)
 I am surprised as anyone that I am doing a piece featuring a series of images of a mostly naked Charlton Heston. Despite his one hundred plus movie and television roles, I think the first time I saw Heston the big screen was his appearance in Michael Moore's 2002 documentary Bowling For Columbine.

Heston on the set of Julius Caesar (1970)
 Not the best introduction to an older actor, and an impression that has stuck with me mostly to this day. I have had to learn however, that separating actors from role is often important to be able to enjoy a film, and not just because of politics.  There are a ton of actors out there that I don't think too highly off, yet put that aside to enjoy a film.

 It helped a little to find out that although Heston became more conservative in some of his views when he got older, there was a time he was an early supporter of civil rights and at one point not only walked with Martin Luther King, but also picketed outside a movie theater playing one of Heston's own movies because they would not allow blacks into the theater.

 I was fascinated by Heston after searching for images of him for the piece on The 10 Commandments that I did.  It was sort of surprising, and also oddly stimulating, to see how often the conservative actor was drawn to movies in which he is is mostly naked, tied up, caged and mistreated.  Not sure if this was a particular fetish of his, or simply a sign of the movies being made at the time.

 Heston was stripped down in not only The 10 Commandments, but The Planet of the Apes, Ben Hur and as you can see, in the out-takes shown here with some of the extra's on Julius Casesar.   Heston also had a nude scene in Number One  in which you can see from the full screen version included him being completely naked on screen.

Number One (1969)
 Cropped Widescreen version  and un-cropped full screen  from a scene from Number One.

Planet of the Apes (1969)
 I still have not seen a lot of Heston's films, in fact I believe I have only seen two, Earthquake, and The Planet of the Apes.   The 1969 version of the film has become a favorite of mine, and there is some interesting male nudity that seems quite ahead of it's time. 
'Take your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape!'

 In the movies first third, Heston and his two astronaut friends go skinny dipping and although not much is shown, it is still an interesting scene to kick off the film. Then of course there's scene where Heston must remove his clothing in order for the Apes to get a better look at his naked human body. The facial expression on Zira's (Kim Hunter) face when she beholds Heston's butt is priceless. Clearly the first time she such little fur on a male backside. The scene is, and I think meant to be, a bit of a strange turn on, and in many ways mirrors my feelings about Heston. 

 Although I am still not remotely attracted to him, he is clearly a talented actor and there was something sort of fun about seeking out naked images of a man, who I would guess would not, (jut like taking his clothes off for the Apes) want to be featured exposed on FH.

Heston photographed for Hollywood Life

Favorite Pic of the Day for March 27th

From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
The Rabbit Hole

Ex-Pit Crew Shawn Morales Goes For It With James Cerne In “Loverboy” Magazine

Anybody else hungry?
From: NewNowNext
Loverboy magazine returns this week with a steamy collection of photos and essays.

The queer mag’s third issue includes interviews with Colby Keller, Elle King, Michelle Visage and JD Samson—as well as photo spreads of Drag Race star Violet Chachki.

Ex-Pit Crew member Shawn Morales also snagged a photo shoot with photographer Roman Udalov, and another of the magazine’s covers.

Morales wows in a spread with hunky L.A.-based DJ James Cerne, who released a sneak peek on his Instagram account.
A photo posted by James Cerne (@jcerne) on

The pair are perfectly matched, though their scowls do have us wondering if their hangry for food or something else entirely.

Buy your copy of Loverboy here.

Exodus 20

From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
 Charlton Heston

Thou Shalt Not Covet...

 In addition to chocolate eggs and cute hunks in bunny ears, for people of faith, Easter is first and foremost a religious holiday which celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  No matter where you fall with religion and faith, for me, it is important to keep some sort of meaning, the giving and forgiveness, as part of the celebration.  If not....those who use religion only as a way to back up hate and prejudice own the holidays, and for me, that would be a greater sin.

 So... that leads me to this post.   I wanted to bring faith somehow into today's postings, and nothing has me say 'thank you God' than tied up shirtless men in skirts.  Although The 10 Commandments is really an Easter movie, most of us are aware it airs on ABC pretty much every Easter Weekend.

John Derek, Heston and Vincent Price
 Regular FH readers won't be too surprised to learn I have never seen the 1956 Cecil B. DeMille extravaganza.  Although I am sure I have seen a few minutes here and there when walking into the rec room when my mother watched, nothing about it, until today, really had me wanting to watch.  It it a really long movie, and from the little I saw, looked incredibly boring.

Yul Brynner costume fitting shot

Brynner by George Platt Lynes
 Although I have gotten over my phobia of movies made before I was born, I have still not gotten around this one.  When looking for images however, I must say I was taken by all the man chests, especially on actor John Derek.  Although I think I knew Derek was an actor, up until today, all I really knew about him was his penchant for recycling Hollywood blondes. 

John Derek
Usually Derek was getting the shirts off others, especially his wife Bo, but in The 10 Commandments, it is Derek's shirt that mostly stayed off. When doing a bit more digging, a few things did come back to me. I have seen the Derek directed Tarzan The Ape Man, mostly because of the loin cloth wearing Miles O'Keeffe. I remember when I did a small image piece on Miles reading their was conflict on the set, mostly due to Derek, who if I remember, earned a reputation of being a wee bit controlling by this point in his career.

Heston and Derek working out for their shirtless scenes.
 Derek is certainly stunning in most of the promotional shots for The 10 Commandments, especially when tied up.  Not sure if it warrants a four hour viewing of the film, but it may have me watching with my finger on the FF button.

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