From: NewNowNext
Always wished your Scoobies looked a little more like the actual Scooby Doo gang?
If so, then you’re in luck because Seattle-based illustrator Stephen Byrne has created a trailer for The Animated Adventures of Buffy, the Vampire Slayer a cute cartoon take on the supernatural exploits of Buffy Summers as she battles Sunnydale vampires with her friends.

Since ending in 2003, Buffy has lived on in video games, a comic series and now this animated trailer, which would take place after the series finale.
Buffy isn’t the first pop culture property to get a cartoon makeover by Byrne. He also did a trailer for The Animated Adventures of Doctor Who, and he’s illustrated the world of Harry Potter and illustrated a comic book version of Serenity.
Watch the animated Buffy trailer below:
Where do we sign the petition for Netflix to make this series happen?