On this blog you I am going to share my world with you. What can you expect to find here -- First of all lots of sexy men, off all shapes and types, something for everyone, as I can find beauty in most men. You are going to find that I have a special fondness for Vintage Beefcake and Porn of the 60's, 70's, and 80's. Also, I love the average guy, and if you want to see yourself on here, just let me know. Be as daring as you like, as long as you are of age, let me help you share it with the world! Also, you are going to find many of my points of views, on pop culture, politics and our changing world. Look to see posts about pop culture, politics, entertainment, sex, etc. There is not any subject that I find as something I won't discuss or offer my point of view. Most of all, I hope you are going to enjoy what I post. ENJOY!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Rubber Clad Fetish Santa

Piter Hanisz


From: Yummy of the Day
 Our next runner-up for the November Yummy is my personal favorite. He reminds me of a young Hugh Jackman and you know I love my Hugh!

His name is Andrew P. and get this... he's a model from Australia! They sure no how to grow 'em Down Under.

 Dear Santa,

I've been a really good boy this year. All I want for Christmas is a trip to Australia. PLEASE!!!


Check Out Prince Harry's MASSIVE New Polar Beard!

From:  The Daily Best
 Harry fans hoping he will keep his rugged look for Christmas Day
Prince Harry has grown a MASSIVE ginger beard during his trek to the South Pole - and was proudly showing it off during a visit to the National Science Foundation's Amundsen-Scott South Pole station over the weekend.

Although we had known for some time that Prince Harry was husbanding some chin growth, this is the first time that his new face ferret has been revealed in all its ginger glory.

Need we say he looks even more devastatingly handsome than usual?

We can only hope that Santa - sorry Prince Harry - does the unthinkable and does not shave it off for the annual appearance outside the Sandringham church on Christmas day.

Prince Harry lined up for this latest photo with Alexander Skarsgård (above), the actor who was the celebrity patron of the American team.

Three teams of seven participants each - representing the United Kingdom, the United States and the Commonwealth took part in the Virgin Money-sponsored event in aid of the charity Walking With the Wounded.

The teams arrived on Dec. 13 at the South Pole after a difficult trip bedeviled by atrocious conditions.

Walking With The Wounded is a U.K.-based, non-governmental charity that funds both the re-training and re-education of wounded servicemen and women to help them find long term employment after leaving the armed forces. The group, according to its website, stages "extreme expeditions to illustrate the extraordinary determination and courage of our injured, using this platform to draw attention to the need to help in their career transition and to raise significant funds for charity."

Upon their arrival at South Pole Station, expedition members were welcomed by U.S. Antarctic Program personnel on site with a tour of the station dedicated to science.


 The other day, I received an e-mail with no message, just the below pictures. I replied back asking for more info on this furry yummy. Well, he is a model for the American Man website. What is American Man? I'll let them explain...

Do you remember the days when men were men? When the rural wilderness of America was dominated one mountain at a time by burly lumberjacks, greasy engineers, and gritty miners? Chances are, you probably don't, but I'm sure those characters got your attention. Here at American Man we celebrate those traditions in the designs of the underwear, accessories, and products that unite us all as masculine man-loving men. Let us help you find the perfect jock for your log or briefs for your equipment.

Their slogan is "Real Shit for Real Men". HMMM, catchy.

Hairy Low Hangers

Your Nightly Briefing

From:  The Backlot


From Coitus

 X factor UK finalist and cutie Lloyd Daniels loses his clothes for our sixth issue. Photographed by Pantelis, Lloyd adapts to the role of the Coitus boy perfectly and was a pleasure to work with.
To see him and many more models and photo stories make sure you get a copy of our new issue from our online store with delivery anywhere in the world you might be.
Limited edition of only 1000 copies and they are selling fast.

 Lloyd Michael Daniels, born 14 December 1992, was the youngest act in the X Factor of 2009. He is from Treharris, in Merthyr Tydfil, Wales. In his first audition, Cheryl Cole described him as "the first person I'm going to say you've got the X Factor to." He was placed in the bottom two after the rock-themed week, but the public vote saved him at the expense of Rachel Adedeji. He was in the bottom two again in week 6 but was saved when the vote went to deadlock and Jamie Archer was sent home. On 29 November, Daniels was eliminated from the competition, finishing in fifth place.

 On 7 December 2009, he performed a homecoming concert outside the St David's Centre in Cardiff, and toured with the X Factor live tour . Since then, Lloyd has regularly sung at G.A.Y. London and took part in a photoshoot for Gay Times magazine, although he has not stated his sexuality openly. His first single, "Crazy", was due for release in February 2011 but never happened. His new single 'Suburbian Girl' was released in December 2011 and his EP which got into the top 40 of the album charts. The single received criticism due to "Suburbian" not being an actual word. The EP is stated on his official website to be a precursor to his debut album, which it says he is working on.


 "Beat The Beat" - Now Available On ITunes And Amazon Http://Itunes.Apple.Com/Us/Album/Beat-The-Beat-Single/Id465138209


Mike Munich

Holiday Cheer from Andrew Christian featuring Mike Munich 

WORSHIPPING the Treasure Trail

"And look at those nipples.  He is feeling some kind of higher power, if you ask me.  He is glorious.  Especially all the veins."--  Mark

Winter storm wear

From:  Deliciosdeity
We had a big snow storm, so I got my flannels out, grabbed my robe :)

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