From: Brent's Auto Wall
On this blog you I am going to share my world with you. What can you expect to find here -- First of all lots of sexy men, off all shapes and types, something for everyone, as I can find beauty in most men. You are going to find that I have a special fondness for Vintage Beefcake and Porn of the 60's, 70's, and 80's. Also, I love the average guy, and if you want to see yourself on here, just let me know. Be as daring as you like, as long as you are of age, let me help you share it with the world! Also, you are going to find many of my points of views, on pop culture, politics and our changing world. Look to see posts about pop culture, politics, entertainment, sex, etc. There is not any subject that I find as something I won't discuss or offer my point of view. Most of all, I hope you are going to enjoy what I post. ENJOY!
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Deconstructing the Cowboy: Kent Clark by takeapic4u
From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things

'When I saw the final images, I thought what they showed was that we had a whole lot of fun!'

Fun has definitely risen as a theme in several of my most recent model and photographer features. Thank goodness! We seemed to go through a period where images of the naked male form became so serious. Photographers appeared to want 'justify' their nude work by using exaggerated themes and overly edited images. Models often looked angry, almost pained. It was if there instruction was to reassure the viewer that they didn't want to be standing there naked, and were not having the leas bit of fun.
Some of my favorite shoots are based on fun. Bringing forth the sense of imaginative play we all experienced when we were young. A time before life got tough, when everything was new, exciting and an adventure. Times when we put a towel around are neck as a cape, and we ran around our backyard saving the world. In the run of one afternoon, we morphed back and forth into being a superhero, a spaceship captain, monster, pirate or cowboy.
Playing a cowboy was a favorite for most young boys, and many young girls. Riding a horse, shooting a gun, using the lasso and gathering up the bad guys in the wild wild west. This sense of fun and play is certain beautifully at the core of takeapic4u's images of 22 year old model Kent Clark. Both artist and model embraced the fun, and the play, especially when Kent dove into the mud!. I certainly saw, and felt this strongly while enjoying the resulting images.
'I have pretty much had a camera in my hand since I could hold one. I started taking serious photos of wildlife and landscapes and when people that looked through my shots liked them, I started getting requests for portraits, engagement photos, family shots and lots of senior pictures'

Dave choose the perfect model, and cowboy to deconstruct. Kent has an engaging look that captivated me from the get go. Kent clearly has a great body, but his strength is his commitment to the process and the theme. Kent also has the most beautiful face and lips and a killer smile that when you see it, (in the last pic below) confirms he was having a blast on the farm morphing into a cowboy. Dave also beautifully captures both Kent's maturity and sensuality, along with that fun and Kent's youthful sense of play.
Whenever I profile a model, I usually like to ask them about shooting naked, especially their experience taking it all off for the first time. Kent shares that people were always telling him he had a great body, so he thought why not see if he could get paid for it! For this shoot, it was Kent's second time shooting nude, and only his second professional shoot. It is truly amazing, the level of comfort he exudes in front of the camera. This may be partly because this wasn't Dave's first, or second time shooting nudes.

Down & Dirty

In addition to wanting to know about a model's first experience, I also am fascinated to learn about a photographer's first time shooting a naked model. I used to assume all the nerves are with the model, but photographers also often experience similar feeling when starting out shooting the nude male for. Dave didn't really get those 'night before nerves', nor did the naked model he shot. Although the shoot was planned, the naked part wasn't exactly on the shoot list for the day.

A few years after shooting his high school graduation shot, one of the seniors David shot, now in college, contacted him about doing an starter model portfolio. Dave agreed, without really knowing much about what he was going to do. Dave researched some ideas, and came up with his shoot list he felt would cover a variety of looks. Formal clothes, some casual looks and several styles of underwear to get some body and fitness shots.

'After getting all the clothed shots behind us, we went down to a river and he just tossed his trunks on the water's edge and let it fly. He started posing and I have to say looked quite impressive. He was 22, 6-2, blond and clean cut. He had a full 6-pack and well developed arms, pecs and legs. You could also say that God gifted him in other ways as well. Although I am a straight photographer, I could see why there is an audience to see him au natural. He was very good looking. '
It was during this first nude shoot, that one of Dave's themes, Dirty Nature was born. The model that Dave was shooting accidentally stepped into the mud, almost to his knees. Dave figured he would step out and wash it off. Nope... instead, he began spreading it all over his abs, chest and eventually even his face. I can see the appeal and Kent beautifully jumped into the theme, and the mud creating some of my favorite shots from his day on the farm.

Kent's day on the farm, and naked bath in the mud, began with he and Dave connecting on Model Mayhem. Dave was on the site looking for another model when he happened across Kent's MM portfolio. Dave noticed that Kent was looking to shoot nudes, and felt the photos Kent had didn't capture him at his best. Dave shot him an e-mail and a shoot was set. 'I asked him what it was about my portfolio made him want to shoot with me and he said it was the "black model fishing with the spear" that he really liked the best. I said, well, that guy isn't black, he is 100% covered in mud and that will be you very soon.'

'Kent has an amazing body, is good looking, but more importantly he is a free spirit that is fearless and super easy to work with. I liked him a lot and hoped we would have another opportunity to work together.'
A couple of weeks after their first shoot, Dave received a request for some cowboy themed shots, he instantly thought of Kent, remembering that Kent had shared he loved to sing Western karaoke. Kent was game, and another shot was scheduled, this time, with Cowboy Kent. Initially another model was also invited, but they were a no show, changing the some of the ideas Dave had come up with for the shoot.
'Kent made up for being the only mode in spades. He delivered shot after shot. We didn't know exactly how far to take the collection of photos, so we discussed what he thought about having an erection for some of the shots. He said, sure, let's see what we can get! He was so comfortable at one point I even caught him doing a windmill move....I just shook my head and laughed.'
The shots turned out so well, Dave is considering Deconstructing more characters and professions in addition to Kent's sexy cowboy. It is pushing Dave to think differently creatively, and hopes it might attract new models who might want to dive into themes they love and are passionate about. Oh, about that windmill move.... no shots of that.
Bakasyon Grande: LJ by Mark Leighton
From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things

When I dream of the perfect place for a holiday, laying on, and walking along, the incredible beaches of The Algarve, Portugal would certainly be near the top of that list. FH readers should be visually familiar with those beaches given the many images I have been fortunate to have featured from photographer Mark Leighton. But.. no matter how beautiful where you live is, a holiday requires leaving home.

Mark says this was his first holiday in 15 years and heading The Philippines meant not just a vacation, but an adventure. Of course, like any artist, it is almost impossible to entirely leave your work behind. So before heading out, Mark check out models in the area and planned a few shoots as part of trip. Mark graciously shared some of his working vacation which featured his work with local models LJ and Nico. Mark shot both models separately and together, and today I am featuring my favorite images featuring LJ.

'What took me there? Well I guess the need for a proper holiday and adventure after 15 years of living in Portugal (beautiful as it is). I also wanted to do some shoots in a different location but still be able to use the Ocean. The light over there I found to be much better for shooting as it is usually filtered through light clouds, so not so harsh. Also the South China Sea was so warm compared to the Atlantic Ocean here! Needless to say, I would love to go back one day.'

27 year old LJ describes himself as a young professional who is passionate with the art of Modeling. The Manila model describes himself as motivated and looks at every job, and every opportunity as a way to expand, learn and grow. LJ balances his full time day job in the corporate world with his modeling and performing that he makes a priority to fit in, whenever he can find the time.

'I found the Filipinos to be really warm and friendly people, living up to their reputation. Traffic and transport was beyond chaotic but it is a fascinating place being a real melting pot of so many cultures and influences including Spanish, American, Chinese, etc.'

As with his work from home, Mark's pull towards the ocean makes for some of the most breathtaking images. I love LJ's eyes and lips, and he uses his face, along with his great body, lean and athletic, in the creation of so many beautifully sensuous poses. My favorite image is Mark's capture of LJ flying over the water like a dolphin. He seems so natural and at home within the ocean, almost as one with the environment which surrounds him.

Kristen Bell “Jokes” About Murdered Trans Man Brandon Teena In “Bad Moms” Trailer
Last week, the actress positioned herself as an LGBT ally in the wake of the Orlando shootings.
From: NewNowNext

From: NewNowNext
A trailer for the new film Bad Moms invokes the tragic murder of Brandon Teena, a Nebraska man who was raped and killed by close friends in 1993 after they found out he was transgender, for the sake of a “joke” about Mila Kunis’ breasts.
The film is a comedy about three “stressed out moms on a quiet quest to liberate themselves from conventional responsibilities.”
At one point in the trailer, the three stars — Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell, and Kathryn Hahn — are gathered in a bedroom talking about Mila Kunis’ unattractive bra, which they’ve dubbed the “mom bra.”
“It looks like you have one long boob,” says Hahn. “It looks like you wrapped an Ace bandage around yourself like three times.”
Bell adds: “You got a very Boys Don’t Cry thing happening right now.” She’s referring to the 1999 Brandon Teena biopic which starred Hilary Swank and Chloë Sevigny. At one point in the film, Swank spends an emotional few moments binding her chest with a similarly-colored Ace bandage.

On Twitter, LGBT people and allies were expressed their outrage over the transphobic reference.
“YouTube insisted on not letting me skip a trailer for ’bad moms’ which manages to be sexist and transphobic in the same breath,” one person wrote.
oh good. and YouTube insisted on not letting me skip a trailer for "bad moms" which manages to be sexist and transphobic in the same breath— idgaf (@nevermordor) May 3, 2016
hey u wanna explain how ur such a good fucking ally & yet u spat out a transphobic joke for "bad moms" w/o blinking an eye? @IMKristenBell— gay (@transluke) June 18, 2016
Writing for the Huffington Post, trans activist S. Bear Bergman said the casual nature of the film’s transphobia and the lack of the stars’ response to outrage are indicative of a larger transphobic culture that, for the most part, is still largely intolerant of people’s differences.
Said Bergman: “How are we supposed to teach children to stand for justice and equality when they’re surrounded daily with endless, reinforcing messages that only some people’s lives are important and others are fine to make a joke about?”
Kevin Keller Leaves Riverdale Behind In New “Life With Kevin” Comic
Catch up with Kevin in the first pages from his new series.
From: NewNextNow

From: NewNextNow
Since his debut in 2010, Archie Comics’ first openly gay character, Kevin Keller has become one of the comic company’s most popular characters, even starring in his own miniseries. Now he’s back in Life With Kevin, a new digital series debuting on June 22 on the Archie app and other digital comic platforms.

In the new series Kevin is a young adult who has moved from Riverdale to New York City to make it as a TV news reporter.
Vulture caught up with Kevin’s creator, Dan Parent, and asked him about Kevin’s new life in the big city, and how big of a role his sexuality will have in the series:
“A big part, because Kevin is dating a lot,” said Parent. “This is the age where you get to date, have fun, and explore your freedom. He’s on his own, in a big city. And he’s a young guy.”
The series will introduce a new group of friends for Kevin but his old BFF Veronica, will also be making an appearance or two as he gets settles in his new home.
Check out the opening pages from Life With Kevin below and be sure to download the first issue when it debuts on June 22:

Australian Prime Minister Promises National Vote On Marriage Equality By Year’s End
"We have a very clear policy which is that every Australian will get a vote on the subject."From: NewNowNext
Australia’s Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has promised to legalize same-sex marriage by the year’s end, if his party is re-elected in the current election cycle.
Turnbull overtook Australia’s homophobic PM Tony Abbott in September 2015. As a longtime supporter of LGBT rights, he became the first sitting Australian leader to attend the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras earlier this year.
“We have a very clear policy which is that every Australian will get a vote on the subject,” Turnbull told reporters this week.
“Of course, if we are successful on July 2, then I have every expectation that the parliament will swiftly legislate for a plebiscite and a plebiscite will be held shortly after parliament resumes, which I would assume to be in August.”
Happy #SydneyMardiGras! Lucy and I have been here many times but I am very proud to be the first PM to attend.— Malcolm Turnbull (@TurnbullMalcolm) March 5, 2016
In a strange plot twist, Turnbull’s conservative challenger, opposition leader Bill Shorten, is also interested in legalizing same-sex marriage as quickly as possible.
However Shorten would like to see same-sex marriage legalized by a Parliamentary vote, as a referendum — or plebiscite — could expose the country’s underlying homophobia.
“I do not want this plebiscite unleashing some of the homophobic attitudes which I think poison the debate about marriage equality, full stop,” said Shorten. “We all know this plebiscite is a tawdry, second-best option.”
He added: “In modern Australia, no-one should have to justify their sexuality or their love to anyone else. And instead of sitting in judgment, instead of providing a taxpayer-funded platform for homophobia, we will gift every Australian an equal right in respect of love, nothing less.”
The Australian federal election will take place on July 2, 2016.
“The New Yorker” Celebrates The Triumph Of Love On This Week’s Cover
Plus,: 10 other times the New Yorker put the LGBT community on the cover.
From: NewNowNext

From: NewNowNext
The New Yorker had already planned a Pride cover for its June 27 issue, but in the wake of the mass shooting of 49 people at a gay club in Orlando, artist Frank Viva reworked an image he had initially conceived back when the Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act.

As it appears on the cover now, the couple is kissing, rather than just embracing. (The sight of two men kissing reportedly outraged Omar Mateen.)

“It’s a celebration of love–it’s just that simple,” says Viva, a frequent New Yorker contributor.
Of course, this is not the first time the magazine has highlighted the LGBT community on its cover.
This 1994 cover addressed the advent of civil unions.
This cover a decade later addressed same-sex marriage, in a less than ideal way.
This one was more on the mark.
The New Yorker tackled gays in the military 15 years before the end of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.
And gays in the NFL more than a decade before Michael Sam.
This 2012 New Yorker cover presaged President Obama turning the White House lights rainbow three years later.
Artist Gayle Kabaker submitted this cover, her first for the magazine, to a cover contest being held by New Yorker art editor Françoise Mouly. The theme was “weddings,” but since it was Pride week, Mouly was tickled by the image of two brides.
This Mother’s Day cover paid tribute to lesbian moms
The magazine spotlighted the Supreme Court ruling reversing the Defense of Marriage Act in 2013 with an illustration of Bert and Ernie watching the justices on television.
In one image from 2007, the magazine addressed both Iranian president Ahmadinejad’s claim there were no gay people in his country, and Rep. Larry Craig’s claim that he just had a “wide stance” in a bathroom stall at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.
LGBT History,
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