I have a serious permaboner for Adam Russo, which I have explained before, over and over and over. Probably you don’t care. When I talked to the classy throat-fucker this May, I basically gushed on the phone for an hour. And then I got off the phone and gushed multiple loads of jizz. True story! I am a professional.

I’ve mentioned before how Adam Russo is basically my hero, so it was with great pleasure that I finally got to speak to the busy porn star (and current Cybersocket cover model) last week. At 45, Russo says he’s in better shape than he’s ever been and thrilled to be running his own porn company. We spoke over the phone, which was good, because meeting him in person or even on Skype probably would have resulted in something really unprofessional on my part.
How’s it going? What’s up?
Things are good! I’m shooting a scene in a couple of hours, and tomorrow I’m doing a shoot for 665 Leather. Monday, I’m doing a Green Lantern parody! I’ve been traveling a lot, too. I was in New York this past week, and I was recently in Palm Springs, Berlin, Vegas and Aspen. I’m going to Europe in the summer.
Oh yeah? What for?
My boyfriend, Cutler X, goes back and forth. He’s from LA, but he was in living Cologne and London. We met a year and a half ago in Berlin and performed on stage at Hustlaball together, which was a lot of fun.

Let’s talk about your website. You work with a lot of different studios, but you also have your own site with all original content. How’s that going?
I’ve got a lot of things in the works. Right now, I’m working on a site redesign. I just saw the links to the new skins yesterday. Working with web guys can be challenging, because you want to make it look good, but the site also needs to be practical and make sense within the structure.
It’s going to have the iTunes approach. You see a scene, you can just buy it right there. Most people now aren't really into buying memberships, so this is going to be very straightforward. We’re also working on fitness/lifestyle webisodes. I’m working with another trainer to do 3-5 minute episodes. Hopefully that works out, too.
Describe your site, for readers that maybe aren't familiar with it.
I want it to be as real as possible. I film right through and try to keep going to make it seem like you’re really there. I work with all kinds of different guys. It’s about sexiness more than it’s about race or age or hair. And I’ll film whatever the performers want to do. If they want to pimp out their boyfriend, we’ll show that. We've got water sports. We haven’t done fisting yet, but if someone was into doing it, we’d definitely do it. I want to make sure the person’s enjoying what they’re doing, and I hope that gets through to the audience.

I first saw you on Manhandled. A few months ago I was at a fashion show with a friend of mine and this really hot guy sitting in front of us, and my friend was like, “Oh, that looks like the guy that does all the really hot facefucking scenes at Manhandled.” He described it as “classy facefucking”, so of course, I immediately had to know more about you.
That’s funny, I actually worked in the fashion industry for a long time.
I’ve been getting more and more fan mail, and it’s almost always from guys who've seen me on Manhandled and the smaller sites. I’ve worked for Titan, but when you Google me, rarely does anything Titan-related come up. It kind of pisses me off!
It’s funny, though, because people are almost always surprised when I actually write back. I’m thinking that maybe other guys aren't responding to their fan letters?
I sent you a fan letter a while back, which is something I never do. Do you get a lot of mail?
I get a lot lately, especially from boys that want to get into porn themselves, and they send me pictures and ask me whether I think they have the looks for it. And… sometimes they might.
I say, “Why do you want to go into porn? If this is something you really want to do, great. And if you’re doing it for the money, maybe don’t bother.” You know, a lot of people in the porn industry already work in film for a living and have professional careers. They do this for fun, or because they can. And why not, you know?
The other thing is that a lot of the time I have to question them. Say to yourself, am I really going to do this? In that case, get yourself to the gym and work out. There’s so much competition and so many beautiful boys out there that you've got to really be on your game. But how do I politely say that without sounding like a dick?

I think one of the best things about you is that you really honestly seem to like fucking. Regardless of the kind of scene you’re doing, whether you’re a dom top or a total sub, you always seem to be having a lot of fun.
I really, really, really do enjoy sex. There’s something about me. I mean, I think most people enjoy having sex, but a lot of them don’t really know how to do it. And trust me, I’ve been with enough people. I’ve been with some tops that have really big dicks and really don’t know how to fuck.
I was a top for most of my life until about five years ago, when I decided to bottom for an ex. We weren't having a lot of sex, and I thought that would change things. It didn’t. But now I’m versatile.
Doing porn is very different than having regular sex, so you need to tap into the things that turn you on. When you hook up with somebody in real life, you talk first, you look at pictures of each other, you negotiate what you want to do with them and probably what the roles are going to be. When you do porn you just show up, and it’s like “Here’s your scene partner. Go.” And a lot of people can’t do that.
I like to fall into the character of whatever I’m doing. You need to really moan for the camera. It’s a performance, after all.
I did a scene for Cazzo with Cutler X where I was the sub, and he was pissing on me, and at one point, he slapped me across the face. I wanted to kill him, but it looks genuinely good on camera. But at the time I was just thinking, I want to kill you.

Ha. I like that some of your work is a little bit darker.
I’m actually starting to work on the first feature on my site. It’s an abduction story. I’m only just starting work on it, but it’s going to be an actual movie. I want you to be turned on and disturbed at the same time. You know, a real bottom isn't rock hard when he’s getting pimped out, and I want to try to show that it’s not that fun.
There’s going to be kidnapping and water sports. I don’t do bareback, but I will film it if that’s what the performers do, and so for this film there will be a mix of condom and bareback, because that’s what the real world is like.
I’m really interested in lighting, and I think a lot of lighting is too much at the major studios. Do you know the Bijou movies from the seventies and early eighties? The lighting’s dark, and it’s more about imagination. You need to see the dick going into the hole, but you don’t need three solid minutes of the dick going into the hole. The facial expressions are so much better.