On this blog you I am going to share my world with you. What can you expect to find here -- First of all lots of sexy men, off all shapes and types, something for everyone, as I can find beauty in most men. You are going to find that I have a special fondness for Vintage Beefcake and Porn of the 60's, 70's, and 80's. Also, I love the average guy, and if you want to see yourself on here, just let me know. Be as daring as you like, as long as you are of age, let me help you share it with the world! Also, you are going to find many of my points of views, on pop culture, politics and our changing world. Look to see posts about pop culture, politics, entertainment, sex, etc. There is not any subject that I find as something I won't discuss or offer my point of view. Most of all, I hope you are going to enjoy what I post. ENJOY!
Thursday, January 12, 2017
Horror Hunks: The Men Of Friday The 13th
From: Queerty

Tom McBride
Friday the 13th Part 2

Before making his feature film debut in Friday the 13th Part 2, out gay actor Tom McBride was one of the models who portrayed the Marlboro Man on billboards posted throughout New York City. By the time he appeared in this scream-worthy sequel, there were legions of audience members who were dying to take the wheelchair-bound Mark for a ride.
The Men Of Friday The 13th
Interview by Michael Ladner
Photography by Bella Lieberberg
On a Sunday, in May 2011, at around 7:30 p.m. CET at the Hebbel am Ufer theatre in Berlin-Kreuzberg, a massive iron curtain thundered upwards, marking the premiere of Bruce LaBruce’s first-ever staging of Arnold Schönberg’s melodrama Pierrot Lunaire. Leave it to Bruce LaBruce to transform Schönberg’s opera of sorts into a one-hour-long gender-bending tale of impossible love, guilt, and confusion — complete with a neo-expressionist stage design including a dick-guillotine and dildos aplenty. A day before the premiere Bruce and his art director Cyril Duval aka item idem took time out from tending to the production’s final kinks to answer some of BUTT’s pondering questions.
Michael: Bruce La Bruce directing an opera? I didn’t know you were a lover of classical music.
Bruce: I’ve never been an opera queen, although I listen to a classical music station whenever I’m at my barber’s, who always has it on. So I don’t know much about opera, but I like the sound of it: dramatic and melodramatic. But the classical music world per se doesn’t interest me so much. It seems kind of stuffed and mounted.
So how did this project come to be? Did you choose Pierrot Lunaire yourself? What drew you to this opera?
B: I didn’t choose it; it chose me. The Serbian conductor Premil Petrovic, who is a friend of my frequent collaborator, the actor Susanne Sachße, suggested that we mount a production of Schönberg’s Pierrot Lunaire with Premil conducting and me directing, and Susanne starring. I jumped at the chance to work with Susanne again, and I was also interested in directing an existing musical work that I could interpret.
And how did you join the project, Cyril?
Cyril: Bruce and I have wanted to do a larger production together for few years. About a year and a half ago Bruce mentioned he was going to direct an opera…
B: …we actually prefer to refer to Pierrot Lunaire as simply a musical melodrama now…
C: And Bruce wanted me to be the art director and stage designer. He mentioned that the highlight would be a glory hole-guillotine, and obviously that conceptual slice of humor was just the right thing to bring me in!
The character Pierrot has dramatically evolved over time and can embody a wide range of characteristics from the fool, the narcissist, the dreamer. How did you assemble your Pierrot?
B: I decided to apply a narrative to Pierrot Lunaire, and the one I chose was based on an urban legend from Toronto, a gruesome and tragic tale involving a female-to-male transsexual. So our Pierrot is a female dressed as a male, but also living and believing she is male. It was only after I decided to use this story that I discovered that Schönberg actually intended for the role of Pierrot to be played by a female.
What is the Toronto-based story that was the inspiration for your version?
B: I don’t want to reveal too much. It happened 20 or 30 years ago. A female living as a male decided, for various reasons, she needed a cock of her own, so she went hunting for one… That’s all I can say.
Was there an overall aesthetic concept for the stage design?
C: I tried few paths, first obsessing about a mirrored castle sculpture that Michael Jackson used to own. Then I looked at classical German Expressionism — like Murnau’s Nosferatu, or Fritz Lang’s M — which were the obvious key references. But I also turned to traditional arts like Butoh and Bunraku, who enhanced my Japanese way of understanding what I conceived of as expressionist minimalism. Also some rare Schönberg drawings, early Keith Haring paintings, or movies from the ’80s and ’90s such as Tron, Hellraiser, or Twin Peaks. Finally, I was inspired by the contemporary makeup artist Alex Box and indulging myself in low-key video games from my childhood. In the end it’s like looking down at abyss and falling. I actually call it “Merzbau on Steroids,” based on Kurt Schwitters’s Merzbau. The whole thing is largely rendered in black and white with reflective tape adding another dimension.
What’s the juiciest scene?
B: The dick-capitation! Actually, there are two — a fake one and a “real” one. The dildo situation is kind of complicated. I’m not even sure I understand it yet.
C: Bruce created the concept of dick-capitation, I’m pretty sure this is to be heard again! We ended up using something very simple, an oversized glowing blade sliding down on a web of black rubber. But the body of the guillotine itself is nested in a massive scaffold installation with two infinite poles for Luizo Vega to perform acrobatics on and finally chop his manhood off in a David Copperfield-like stunt.
If you could use the glory hole-guillotine on anybody, whose cock would you chop off?
B: Sarah Palin’s!
C: Lady Gaga’s, though I presume that as Hydra she has several, so more would grow back.
Wikileaks Threatens To Dox Verified Twitter Users
From: Joe My God
The tech world is rightfully freaking out.
Via Ars Technica:
A Friday Twitter post from Wikileaks’ official “task force” declared intent to build a publicly searchable database revolving around a particular group of people: verified Twitter accounts. The task force neither clarified where this information would come from, nor did it clarify its reasons for mulling such a project.On that same day, the task force’s feed repeatedly replied to and quoted posts from verified members of the media. These posts accuse specific journalists and broader media outlets of lying and committing libel, particularly in their reports on alleged hacking perpetrated against the US government.The task force’s posts include repeated use of the phrase, “cease and desist or face the consequences.” The account also posted a call to its “troops” and asked them to “find falsehoods pushed by journos/politicians” and “correct them.” The task force included a search link for any posts by verified accounts with the words “Wikileaks” or “Assange.”Such a database, distributed specifically to users known as “troops,” would likely be used for doxing—as in, the combined gathering and publishing of personal information with intent to exploit that information for the sake of harassment or abuse.
You know Trump’s army of trolls are all salivating at the prospect.
We are thinking of making an online database with all “verified” twitter accounts & their family/job/financial/housing relationships.— WikiLeaks Task Force (@WLTaskForce) January 6, 2017
Should be easy since we all live in our mother's basements. https://t.co/THrwlWC83F— JoeMyGod (@JoeMyGod) January 6, 2017
24 Times Drag Queens Perfectly Described How High You Are
From: NewNowNext
When The High First Kicks In
“I don’t think I feel anyth——oh girl I better sit down.”
#Goldenshower memes and jokes flood the Internet thanks to #PEEOTUS-elect Donald Trump
From: Queerty
Jesus H. Christ. Just when we thought things couldn’t possibly sink any lower with Donald Trump, they did.
Last night, #goldenshowers was the #1 trending hashtag on social media thanks to a bombshell report that alleged Trump once hired two Russian prostitutes to perform golden showers on one another while he watched and that the whole thing was caught on hidden camera.
The 35-page report, while still unverified, has apparently been floating around Washington, D.C. for a while now and was purportedly written by a former British intelligence agent with ties to Russia. It alleges that Trump’s “unorthodox behavior in Russia” has provided authorities there with “enough embarrassing material … to be able to blackmail him if they so wished.” Including the whole golden shower thing.
Of course, Trump, being Trump, responded to the allegations via Twitter:
FAKE NEWS - A TOTAL POLITICAL WITCH HUNT!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 11, 2017
But that still hasn’t stopped the memes from flooding social media.
Scroll down for the first batch of Donald Trump #goldenshower memes. We’re sure this is only just the beginning…
🏆⛈⛈☔️ #winning #Trump #goldenshowers #MakeShowersGoldenAgain 🇺🇸 #Petus #PEEtus |
He loved it. 💛 #watersportsgate #goldenshowers |
😂😂😂 #goldenshowers #fucktrump #kellyanneconway |
DONT PEE ON ME #WaterSportsGate #ontpeeonme #notmypresident #fucktrump #goldenshowers#pleasestopthismadness #trumpdump |
I'm not a homophob or smthing , I have gay friends etc , so don't take this the wrong way but I know a homosexual man when I see one , by the way they walk, talk, make hand gestures, etc.... I am almost certain , the United States will soon to have their first gay/bisexual president .... I called it first. #butIaintsaidnothing 😴 #goldenShowers |
#RussiasBitch #GoldenShowers #notmypresident #whinylittlebitch #orangehitler |
#Trump #goldenshowers |
This wins all the things ever!!!! #goldenshowers |
Get 'em while they're warm. . . #trump #goldenshowers #goldenshowergate#makeamericagoldenagain #PEEOTUS #inauguration |
y'all i think i'm going to be sick...🤢 #goldenshowers #donaldtrump #NOTMYPRESIDENT #obama#thankyouobama |
Thought of the day #goldenshowers #goldenshowers💦🛀 #trump |
From: Wicked
Have any of you seen The Danish Girl? Thoughts? I have not yet seen it and was thinking of renting it this week on pay-per-view.
This Openly Gay Priest Had The Perfect Response To Vandals Who Stole His Church’s Pride Flags
“How dare they try and silence who we are and what we believe."From: NewNowNext
An openly gay Church of England priest is refusing to cower in the face of vandals who tore down the LGBT and transgender pride flags from his church in north London.

Father Andrew Foreshew-Cain, vicar of the St. Mary With All Souls church in Kilburn, discovered the flags had been removed early Monday morning.
The priest told BuzzFeed that they’d been flying just hours before as he led the final Sunday services at his progressive, pro-LGBT church.
“They must have brought a ladder because it’s quite high,” he remarked. “They’d have needed to get up there to cut the ropes and wheel it down. It’s not an accident, they haven’t blown away; it’s been done deliberately.”
Though he admits to feeling stunned when he first noticed the flags were gone, his feelings quickly turned to anger.
“How dare they try and silence who we are and what we believe and think that’s an acceptable response,” he commented. “Engage in debate all you like, tell me I’m wrong to my face all you like, but don’t vandalize my church.”
The Father later took to Twitter to express his unwillingness to bend to anti-LGBT naysayers.
Someone has cut down the rainbow & Trans flags from our Church over night. They wd have needed a 10ft ladder, so this is a deliberate attack pic.twitter.com/h4xAoPlTGV— Andrew Foreshew-Cain (@churchnw6) October 3, 2016
Just to say to the fellow Christians who did this, we will put them back, and you cannot silence us. No surrender pic.twitter.com/IGltBGuxJK— Andrew Foreshew-Cain (@churchnw6) October 3, 2016
Foreshew-Cain’s inclusive Anglican church began flying the LGBT pride flag in early 2015, adding the transgender pride flag this past March.
“Mostly the reaction has been enormously positive, and when we put the flags up photographs were taken and were retweeted a lot with a lot of very positive comments,” he said. “I’ve not had much negative responses at all.”
That’s what’s made this case of vandalism so surprising and troubling.
“It’s an attempt to bully and silence,” he explained. “It’s unsettling; it makes you feel…unsafe.”

Foreshew-Cain (on the right, in the picture left) is no stranger to feeling unsafe; as the first practicing vicar to marry another man, he’s faced incessant bullying from homophobic Christians.
“I’ve been attacked on the street,” he said, “I’ve been spat at, I regularly get called names. Only a few weeks ago I was walking along the street in a dog collar with a friend and got homophobic abuse shouted at me. They used the word ‘poofter.’”

In spite of this recent hiccup, Foreshew-Cain planed to go ahead with the first London meeting of Open Table, a new worship service “for queer Christians, led by queer Christians.” The initiative began in Liverpool and has since spread throughout the UK.
“My personal motto is ‘No surrender’,” he said. “Gay and lesbian people are not going away in the church. You can cut our flags down, you can refuse to licence us as priests, you can refuse to ordain us as clergy, but we’re already in the church. Get over it. We’re not going anywhere.”
#LGBTQ: There Will Be at Least ONE Famous Face at Trump’s Inauguration… Guess Who?
From: World of Wonder
Yes, reality TV star and transgender activist Caitlyn Jenner has accepted an invitation to attend the inaugural festivities of Emperor Cheeto on January 20.
Jenner, as you know, is a long-time Republican, who spoke at the Republican National Convention last year saying,
“It was easy to come out as trans. It was hard to come out as Republican.”
Jenner has praised Trump as seeming “good for women” and “very much behind the LGBT community.”
Oh, hon, you have NOT endeared yourself to Democrats, Independents, women or the LGBT community by accepting this invitation. And if you think most of the GOP’s bigoted, trans-phobic, anti-gay contingent is behind you, you are delusional. And check out VP-elect Mike Pence‘s record if you think Republicans are so great on trans-rights. They are using you to make it seem as though they embrace all, while they work to keep your white, privileged ass in the Men’s room.
Study claims Nutella can cause cancer
From: NeoGAF

The $44 billion palm oil industry, under pressure in Europe after authorities listed the edible oil as a cancer risk, has found a vocal ally in the food sector: the maker of Nutella.
Italian confectionery firm Ferrero has taken a public stand in defense of an ingredient that some other food companies in the country are boycotting. It has launched an advertising campaign to assure the public about the safety of Nutella, its flagship product which makes up about a fifth of its sales.
The hazelnut and chocolate spread, one of Italy's best-known food brands and a popular breakfast treat for children, relies on palm oil for its smooth texture and shelf life. Other substitutes, such as sunflower oil, would change its character, according to Ferrero.
"Making Nutella without palm oil would produce an inferior substitute for the real product, it would be a step backward," Ferrero's purchasing manager Vincenzo Tapella told Reuters. He features in a TV commercial aired in Italy over the past three months that has drawn criticism from some politicians.
Any move away from palm oil would also have economic implications as it is the cheapest vegetable oil, costing around $800 a ton, compared with $845 for sunflower oil and $920 for rapeseed oil, another possible substitute.

Ferrero uses about 185,000 tonnes of palm oil a year, so replacing it with those substitutes could cost the firm an extra $8-22 million annually, at those prices. The company declined to comment on these calculations.
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) said in May that palm oil generated more of a potentially carcinogenic contaminant than other vegetable oils when refined at temperatures above 200 degrees Celsius. It did not, however, recommend consumers stop eating it and said further study was needed to assess the level of risk.
The detailed research into the contaminant - known as GE - was commissioned by the European Commission in 2014 after an EFSA study the year before, into substances generated during industrial refining, identified it as being potentially harmful.
Janet Jackson! 19 Reasons We Are A Part Of The Rhythm Nation
From: NewNowNext
“Together Again” pays tribute to those lost to the AIDS epidemic.
“I lost a lot of friends and people that I worked with to this disease,” she told NewNowNext back in 2008. “I told some of the people at the label the concept for the song, and they didn’t think it was a good idea… I thought, ‘You know, this is really stupid.’ It was in my heart.”
The 23 Hottest Guys On “Game Of Thrones,” Ranked
From: NewNowNext
Jaqen H’Ghar
Jaqen H’Ghar (Tom Wlaschiha) is the BFF of Arya Stark, and the most… multi-faceted character on the show, by far.
17 States Where Gay Sex Is Outlawed
From: Advocate
RS 14:8
Louisiana is a case study in how law enforcement officers can hurt people legislators let stand laws that the Supreme Court has found unconstitutional.
Several men have been arrested in and around Baton Rouge in recent months as part of so-called sting operations during which they agreed with undercover officers to have consensual gay sex in private without any discussion of payment.
As the arrested men learned, some cops will spend substantial amounts of taxpayer money and policing time to arrange what they may or may not know are really unlawful gay hookups only to take into custody their would-be sex partners when outdated, unconstitutional and unenforceable sodomy laws persist.
While charges against the men arrested in East Baton Rouge Parish and the City of Baton Rouge were ultimately dropped because the men had committed no crime, the fact remains that they were arrested and humiliated and had been jailed
Naked Kombat,
porn star,
17 Creepy Stories That Show What Death Row Inmates Really Want For Their Last Meal
From: Brain Jet
Ronnie Lee Gardner
Charged with 2 counts of murder, Gardner was controversially executed in 2010 in Utah by a firing squad. Gardner ate a last meal of steak, lobster tail, apple pie, vanilla ice cream and 7-Up, before beginning a 48-hour fast while watching "The Lord of the Rings" film trilogy.
30 Kinky Terms Every Gay Man Needs to Know
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Cher! 23 Times The Dark Lady Wasn’t At A Loss For Words
From: NewNowNext
Cher on…Her Music:
“I was like hanging around with Anjelica Huston and Jack Nicholson, Warren Beatty, and I was singing ’Dark Lady.’ They’re making like fabulous art and I’m making ’Dark Lady.’ But then they were huge hits, and so, you know, somebody says, ’You can’t argue with huge hits, Cher.'”
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