On this blog you I am going to share my world with you. What can you expect to find here -- First of all lots of sexy men, off all shapes and types, something for everyone, as I can find beauty in most men. You are going to find that I have a special fondness for Vintage Beefcake and Porn of the 60's, 70's, and 80's. Also, I love the average guy, and if you want to see yourself on here, just let me know. Be as daring as you like, as long as you are of age, let me help you share it with the world! Also, you are going to find many of my points of views, on pop culture, politics and our changing world. Look to see posts about pop culture, politics, entertainment, sex, etc. There is not any subject that I find as something I won't discuss or offer my point of view. Most of all, I hope you are going to enjoy what I post. ENJOY!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016


From: Manhunt Daily
Fuenlabrada, Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
morboso fibrado
tio morboso y cañero

”The Camera”

28 year old straight guy from Janesville, Wisconsin

Favorite Underwear of the Day: December 6, 2007

It's cold today, gotta be a long john day.

25 Gays of Christmas

Pulse Nightclub Memorial Derails After Owner Refuses To Sell To Orlando

From: Queerty
The owner of Pulse says she can’t bring herself to sell the nightclub she founded in memory of her brother.

Barbara Poma revealed the news during a conference outside the club while clutching her husband’s hand.

“This decision truly came just from my heart and my passion for Pulse, and everything it’s meant to me and my family for the last 12 years since its inception,” Poma said. “So I think the struggle was you know, letting it go, and it’s just something I could not come to grips with.”

As The Orlando Sentinel reports, Mayor Buddy Dyer’s staff planned to buy the club for $2.25 million to turn the space into a permanent memorial to honor the victims of the massacre that killed 49 people and wounded over a dozen more last June.

“I’m distressed by the decision,” says District 4 Commissioner Patty Sheehan, “but I support Barbara’s decision.”

Poma isn’t quite sure what she envisions for the site’s future. She’s been raising money for the non-profit onePULSE Foundation, but most of the funds raised in 2016 will be going to the National Compassion Fund, while 10 percent will aid in building a “permanent memorial at the existing site of Pulse nightclub.”

On November 14th, The City Council had been expected to vote on whether or not to purchase the building, but Dyer kept delaying the vote since several commissioners had balked at the price.
“She offered a price and I just, from my perspective, wasn’t willing to pay the price that she wanted,” Gray told the Sentinel

“You never want to enter into a real-estate transaction while you insult the seller and I am deeply distressed by some of the things that were being said,” said Sheehan. “Barbara Poma is a victim in this, as well.”

Poma says the public debate about the proposed price “didn’t offend me.”

“Everyone’s entitled to their opinion and their feelings but, for me, it wasn’t about the real estate and the appraisal, it was about the emotion, what happened here.”

Poma’s decision was acknowledged in a statement by Heather Fagan, Dyer’s deputy chief of staff:
We understand that this was an incredibly difficult decision for the owners. We respect their decision and are hopeful the Pulse site continues to be a place of hope and healing that honors the victims.”

Dyer’s office says they’ll “continue to research and understand how other communities have approached the memorial process.”

Poma opened Pulse in 2004 to honor her brother John, who died of AIDS-related complications in 1991.

Terry DeCarlo, the executive director of the GLBT Center of Central Florida, helped Poma make her decision, encouraging her to “go with what’s in your heart.”

“I would not wish what this woman is going through on any person in the world,” DeCarlo says.

Right now, DeCarlo says it’s hard to know what the future of Pulse holds.
I’m sure, within the next few months, things will come out and [Poma], with input from others, people that were there and other organizations, will come up with a plan.”

From Your Blogger:  I think the best way to honor the victims is to reopen and make it a place of fun, life and love. All the reasons those that died that night were there. Their love and lives will live for ever with every beat of the music, the laughter of friends, and the kisses of love! 

Tom Ford thinks all men, straight or gay, should be penetrated at least ONCE in their lifetime

From: OMG
In a recent interview with GQ, designer/director Tom Ford stood by his previous remarks he made to the men’s fashion magazine of record that all men should experience sexual penetration at some point in their life, saying:
“I think it would help them understand women,” he argues. “It’s such a vulnerable position to be in, and it’s such a passive position to be in. And there’s such an invasion, in a way, that even if it’s consensual, it’s just very personal. And I think there’s a psyche that happens because of it that makes you understand and appreciate what women go through their whole life, because it’s not just sexual, it’s a complete setup of the way the world works, that one sex has the ability to literally—and is expected to and is wanted to—but also there’s an invasion. And I think that that’s something most men do not understand at all.”
LOL! OK, why did Tommy wait for GQ to drop this shiz? I wish he’d grabbed the opportunity when he was on THE VIEW last week… MISSED OPPORTUNITY. Would have loved to see Joy and Whoopi‘s faces!

Quote of the Day: Madonna on Trump winning the election, and how ‘women hating women’ caused a loss for Hillary

From: OMG
“It felt like someone died. It felt like a ­combination of the heartbreak and betrayal you feel when someone you love more than anything leaves you, and also a death. I feel that way every morning; I wake up and say, “Oh, wait, Donald Trump is still the president,” and it wasn’t a bad dream that I had. It feels like women betrayed us. The percentage of women who voted for Trump was insanely high.”
When asked why she feels women are to blame: “Women hate women. That’s what I think it is. Women’s nature is not to support other women. It’s really sad. Men protect each other, and women protect their men and children. Women turn inward and men are more external. A lot of it has do with jealousy and some sort of tribal inability to accept that one of their kind could lead a nation.”

– Madonna, on her feelings about how we ended up with Trump as President.

“SNL” Has The Perfect Christmas Gift For The Sensitive Little Boys In Your Life

Introducing "Wells for Boys."
 Saturday Night Live created a toy for all the little boys out there who don’t fit in when it’s time to play with the other male children — a well to “wish upon, confide in and reflect by.”

“Wells for Boys” from Fisher-Price is the faux-gift of the holiday season for any little guy who is a bit too sensitive to play with the more traditional toys of his peers.

 “Some boys live unexamined lives, but this one’s heart is full of questions,” the ad says.

Emma Stone served as the host of SNL on Saturday and played a mother who scolded one of her sons for questioning his brother’s well.

“That’s because it’s not for you,” she shouted. “Everything is for you and this one thing is for him!”

Check out the comedic commercial below.

Favorite Pic of The Day: December 6, 2007

From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things

Favorite Pic of the Day for December 6, 2015

From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
Scot by Peek Physique

Favorite Hunk of the Day: December 6, 2007

 John Allen Nelson
From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
 John Allen Nelson truly would make my top 5 list of favorite hunks, especially with his shaggy hair and facial hair. (like in the second pic) He was the only reason to watch the first season or 2 of Baywatch. Enjoy a trip down the best memories of John Allen Nelson.

Favorite Birthday Boys for December 6th

From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things

 Kin Shriner (General Hospital) turns 63 today.

 Ryan Carnes (Eating Out, Desperate Housewives) turns 34 today.





The 100 Grooviest Christmas TV Episodes

From: Deep Dish
Gimme a Break 
"A Kanisky Christmas"
December 22, 1983
The family surprises Nell with a special Christmas present - her mother! 
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