On this blog you I am going to share my world with you. What can you expect to find here -- First of all lots of sexy men, off all shapes and types, something for everyone, as I can find beauty in most men. You are going to find that I have a special fondness for Vintage Beefcake and Porn of the 60's, 70's, and 80's. Also, I love the average guy, and if you want to see yourself on here, just let me know. Be as daring as you like, as long as you are of age, let me help you share it with the world! Also, you are going to find many of my points of views, on pop culture, politics and our changing world. Look to see posts about pop culture, politics, entertainment, sex, etc. There is not any subject that I find as something I won't discuss or offer my point of view. Most of all, I hope you are going to enjoy what I post. ENJOY!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Very fuckin hot, sexy dude!

Bernardo Velasco

Beauty & Filth by BRYAN RAsHAUN

'Jayk’s shoot was my first nude shoot using strobes. His images are my favorite right now and too be honest, I didn't think they were going to turn out so well. He came in and stripped down right away, which was fine but he kept busy on his phone. Small talk seemed impossible and it wasn't looking good for the shoot. However, when we started shooting…he gave me exactly what I needed. The feedback from his shots has been great!'

 The first images I saw from Los Angeles photographer BRYAN RAsHAUN were the images ofJayk. I didn't initially remember I had featured Jayk on FH once before, (A Taste Of Honey) possibly because the look and style was so radically different than those in the previous piece. I love the feel of erotic glamour BRYAN created through his use of color, lighting, pose and glitter. I grew up in the 80's and the look and sophisticated image styling reminded me of so many images of models and celebrities I used to love as a kid. 

BRYAN beautifully blends style with skin and fashion and fetish within so many of his images. When I saw that his tumblr was named Beauty & Filth, the theme all came together. Most images, especially those that focus on the human form, blend the two themes together. Great artists know to skilfully create great beauty, yet at it's core, there is nothing really more raw, natural and magnificently dirty than the completely naked human body.

 At one point BRYAN thought for sure he was going to be a fashion designer, clothes were his obsession. You can feel this within his work and images. While he still loves clothing, making them paled in comparison to the idea of photographing them. During BRYAN's time in school for fashion design he began taking pictures of his friends for fun. 'We would put looks together and I would fuck around with my sad digital camera until we got something “cool”. Honestly, the images were only being used on Myspace to get attention. Doing this though, my passion for portrait and fashion photography began to grow.' 

 BRYAN had always bought magazines for the images, but the idea of being a part of creating those images didn't hit him until he began taking photos of one of his friends. He and an actor/model friend were playing around shooting when BRYAN realized he had eye for it. That brought him to Model Mayhem to seek out other models to shoot and build his book. Although his focus was keep developing his portrait and fashion work, BRYAN shares that the idea to shoot male nudes began to creep into his mind.

 'I love the male form and why not capture it my way was my thought. I was nervous about it though. How was I going to get a model willing to pose nude. At that point, I didn’t even have nude work in my portfolio. Plus, I didn't want to be the gay equivalent of those straight male photog’s who take pictures of nude or scantily clad women just to do it. If I did it, there would have to be a purpose behind it.'

 'It wasn't until Peter contacted me, expressing that he wanted to shoot, that I decided to try it. He had done nude work before and he felt like the right person for my first nude shoot. Peter’s shoot is a special one to me. I will never forget that experience. It was surreal, exciting, fun and he was easy to work with. The shoot with Peter led to the shoot with Chris #1. The energy around his shoot was totally different from Peter’s. Me being an emotional photographer (a term a past mentor used), energy is major for me.   If the vibe is off… it can throw the whole shoot if I let it. That was almost the case with Chris #1 and I became hesitant with shooting nudes for a while. Ultimately I couldn't shake the need to get back on the horse though and I began again. This time I wanted to add elements of fashion. Chris #2 was one of those shoots in that first attempt. The image of him with the black scarf is the result. I didn't want him to use the scarf in a normal way, so I had him drape it over his head like a hood and let it fall down in front of him. I let him play around with poses and got to capture the pose in the image sent. the way the line of his body followed the curve of his back was perfect.'

 'Like always though, I was ready to top that shoot but inspiration was lacking. After a while the idea for a tribal series came about. Rafael was a model I had shot before (clothed) and he responded to a casting call for the tribal shoot. I had the brilliant idea to draw on a Maori face tattoo for the shoot and I underestimated how much work would have to go into it. The design needed to be symmetrical and the lines needed to be clean. I didn't even have a design mapped out. I thought I could just draw a design on the fly. It was a disaster…he laughed at me while I continuously cursed myself every time I messed up. I was glad I’d worked with him before and we were comfortable with each other…I would’ve been embarrassed with someone new. Which is why with Jemar, I decided to just paint the black stripe across his face and not do anything intricate. The result was amazing. I loved how all the components came together to complete the look his wearing. Everything just worked and the light was amazing (all natural fill light). The shots from his shoot were my favorite for a while… until Jayk’s.'


The Weekly ShoutOUT™

This week we give a ShoutOUT™ to … Jonathan Slavin
From: NewNowNext

Jonathan is currently co-starring on ABC’s Friday night sitcom Dr. Ken, which has received terrible reviews but was a surprise hit in its first airing.

The CAPTION THIS Contest WINNER For October 7th!

From: Dlisted
…..and Mike Huckabee never called Uber again

Hair apparent

Steamy “Orthodox Priests” Disrobe (And Then Some) In Hottest Calendar We’ve Seen Yet

From: Queerty
 Makers of the annual Orthodox priest calendar are upping the ante for 2016, releasing some of the raciest and most risqué images in the calendar’s four-year history.

The hunky Italian models posing as Orthodox priests have provided the calendar with global attention since 2012, so this year, calendar organizers are putting the priests in extra-frisky scenarios and using the appeal to push a very strong message against hate.
 “Art has long been one of the main channels for social change,” said press representative Magdalena De Iona. “What we stand for is true love and free will. And that makes us think one day we will find common ground, in a better world.”

 Take the cover shot, for instance — Russian President Vladimir Putin and Moscow’s Patriarch Kirill I are depicted as each other’s brides in briefs and skimpy lingerie. Because why not?

"Big Fur"

BRAND NEW ARTWORK!....Want this Husky one?


Nashville’s Gay Rugby Team Strips Down, Showers Up for 2016 Calendar

From: Towleroad
As it did last year, the Nashville Grizzlies gay and inclusive rugby team just released its 2016 fundraising calendar and the rugby beef is on display again to raise money for the team and their hosting of next year’s Bingham Cup!

 Thomas Hormby of The Grizzlies tells Towleroad:

“We were founded in 2006 and are the only gay and inclusive rugby team in Nashville. Our goal is to create a safe space for players of all sexual orientations, backgrounds and experience level to learn about the sport and have fun.”

 Hormby adds:

“This is the first time in several years that we have played straight teams across Tennessee and the rest of the Deep South. We are in the middle of our season and are raising money to help make sure that playing rugby on an affirming team is affordable. We do our best to cover expenses via fundraising so rugby is accessible to everybody, even if they don’t have much  money.”

 Nashville is going to host The Bingham Cup in 2016, as we mentioned previously. Says Hormby:

“We will host the Bingham Cup, world championship of gay rugby, here in Nashville in May 2016. Named after Mark Bingham, who died in the September 11, 2001 attacks, the Bingham Cup is the biggest tournament in the world for gay and inclusive teams and this will be the first year it has been hosted in the South. We are expecting 45 teams and about 1,500 players and supporters. Registration began on October 1 and we already have players registered from across Europe, North America and Australia.”

Check out all the wet and sexy preview photos of the upcoming calendar (and find ordering info) below:

As Towleroad reported earlier this year, USA Rugby, the national governing body for the sport of rugby union in the United States, has signed “a memorandum of understanding” with International Gay Rugby ahead of next year’s Bingham Cup in Nashville.

Kangaroo Lost

Ryan McGinley: I Know Where the Summer Goes

Untitled (Black Bear), 2007-08

Introducing the Huntress--Marvel Style


Night Nurse #2

"Night of Tears... Night of Truth!" (January, 1973)

Hairy Bear

Bend and Fucking Snap

It’s a great photo. But if that was me, my mouth would be wide open. You shouldn’t waste a drop. Cheers, Adam…

Hairy Bear Ass

…too hot outside, your Uncle doing yard work completely naked…

Peyton Hillis

From the LA&M Art Collection:

Stogie Branded by Morgan 1988

Gay Workers of the World Unite

Construction worker

Working naked guy

Corey and friends


Suck That Cock

Benjamin Dambielle

Dmitry Dickov

Fuck Me Hard

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