Adam left home after finishing college in 2000 when He was 22 years old.His first stop on his international odyssey was Miami. Life was fantastic in South Beach.He was working as a personal trainer. Later, several porn companies attempted to induce him to work with them. At that stage in his life He rebuffed every proposal. The money was tempting, but the altar boy in him won out over the devil in me.
After a couple of years, He moved on to New York City where He started working as a flight attendant. He was flying long haul routes between Puerto Rico, New York City and South America.
Later, tired of life on the wing, but still in the Big Apple, He started dancing at the Gaiety Theater in the Time Squares area.
It was the first time in his life that people showered him with love, attention and affection, telling him He was handsome and beautiful. It was a sensory overload. Working there He met many people who were edging him ever closer to work in the skin trade. At that time He received the first official proposal from COLT Studio, in 2005.
A year later He crossed the continent to explore the fabled Golden Gate. It was there that He was enticed to work at the famous Nob Hill Theatre, a place He considers to be the cradle of my career in erotica. There in Baghdad-by-the-Bay He met most of the porn industry honchos. But COLT was still a distant thought in his consciousness.
When He was living in San Francisco He liked to visit Union Square, and He enjoyed long walks to Golden Gate Park. Also He liked very much strolling in the Castro Area, but He wasn't very familiar with the club scene. He was like a kid looking in on a candy store, but not really knowing how to get in.
He declares to be a huge fan of the Folsom Street Fair, and of the GAYVN Awards, so He have never missed one when I was living there.
When He was dancing in New York He met Mexican television producers who invited him to work with them. The idea of appearing in Latin television seduced him from the first moment. So He didn't sweat it and gladly moved to Mexico City. There everything was great. Mexico City is the largest city in the world, with the largest gay community on the planet. He loves Mexico, and He considers the ancient Aztec capital my second home. The warm and generous people, the colorful places, the floating gardens of Xochimilco, the dazzling flowers, the scent and flavors of tacos and quesadillas, the warmth of steam rising from piles of fresh handmade corn tortillas became an intrinsic part of him.
As He was preparing for my television debut I learned that I had to blunt my sharp gaucho accent. Nowadays you cannot identify his accent. He remembers going to language school to learn how to speak Spanish without a tell-tale South American accent.
He was doing live appearances at clubs in Mexico City and many TV commercials, and He was the poster
boy for one of the most important discos in the City. People there loved him, and still love him. “I think that was the key of my success in that country. To become one with the people.”
Later He decided to depart Mexico and accepted the longstanding COLT Studio proposal. It was then that He moved to San Francisco where his new, more sexual life blossomed.
He confesses He was not as interested in sex as much as my public might think. He was a very quiet and reserved person.
His first shootings were awesome. He felt remarkably comfortable. John Rutherford himself asked me more than once if He had not done porn before, because He was so natural onscreen. Of course, the reason He felt right into it was his pairing with the incredible Luke Garrett
But He confess that the one who captivated his undivided attention was sexy Italian Carlo Masi. He was single for five years, and the thought of a serious relationship was the last thing on his mind. But Carlo seduced him mind, body and soul; so They quickly decided to become boyfriends. Wonderful things began to unfold for them, as well as complications. They were living in San Francisco almost a full year, but later decided to move Carlos's home city: Rome.
At first it was a major challenge to adapt himself to European culture. The language, the way of life, the everyday Italian drama. He had never been in even casual contact with Italians, so total immersion in all things Italian was a shock to his system.
Carlo was his connection, my guide, my translator, my loving facilitator. He gently eased him into the stylish and glamorous Italian lifestyle that He have become enamored with.
He felt like a cultural chameleon. A simple boy from the grassy Pampas of the Rio de la Plata becoming fully Mexican by osmosis, then an American, and finally an adopted Italian. Three distinct and unique continents in the three short decades of his life. He could almost hear Madonna singing in my mind "Don't Cry for me Argentina...."
.With Carlo at his side they established a stable, steady and durable relationship. They talk all the time about our work, and try not to say things to upset each other.
His best experiences in the adult industry were meeting cool people including icons of the business like stars, directors and producers who He respects too much.
“To be honest, I was not interested in sex until I was 24 years old. I knew I liked men since I was a little boy, but not in an overtly sexual sense. At least not that I was fully aware of. I did like to watch them naked, and my dick got hard. Later I discovered how to have fun with a naked man, of course! My first gay experience was with a gym buddy. I didn't fully comprehend his approaches at first. He had to practically throw himself at me for me to get his drift. I guess you could say I was very green, and naïve for my age. But I've made up for it since!”

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