Is bigger always better? For some apparently it is and body modifications seem to be a trend that is gaining lots of followers specially aficionados of big balls. Did you know that your scrotum, the thin sack of skin that contains part of your reproductive system, can be filled with 2.5 liters of fluid (the equivalent of about 7 cans of Coke!) A recent article on Vice explored the experiences a guy went through while getting his balls inflated with the saline injections method. He found the sensation of having his balls smacked somewhat pleasurable but the discomfort was so overwhelming and foreign that he ensconced myself in bed and waited until the other day when the saline dissipated and his scrotum went back to its usual wrinkled self. It is worth to note that scrotal inflation is a dangerous and a long-term practice could potentially cause permanent infertility, “scrotal emphysema” (in which air gets trapped in the tissue beneath the skin, resulting in the skin making a “crackling” sound when touched), and some potentially fatal complications, including embolisms and gangrene. Despite all that some love getting their balls inflated to unbelievable extremes. We ask you, are you into body modifications? Do you like BIG balls?

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