Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Keep On Dancing: 7 Parties Across America To Be Loud, Proud And Queer As Hell!

From: NewNowNext

Sundays at Pony the “world’s tiniest tea dance” gets you grooving with classic crisco disco.

Twitter Trolls Lob Homophobic Attacks At Debate Moderator Anderson Cooper

The deplorables were NOT having him.
From: NewNowNext
 This past weekend Anderson Cooper became the first out gay man to moderate a general election debate.

It was historic, but not everyone felt that it was a good thing. Especially some of Donald Trump’s supporters—who were vocal and focused on Cooper’s sexuality and not the issues being addressed by the candidates.

They took their anger out on Twitter, some of which you can read below. Be warned they are full of graphic and homophobic slurs:

Thankfully there were plenty of people who loved Cooper as a moderator:

Do NOT come for our silver fox.

Twitter Transforms Sunday’s Debate Into An Epic Karaoke Duet

"Next up we have Hillary and Donald!"
From: NewNowNext
The second presidential debate had a more dark and intense tone to it, but that didn’t stop the internet from finding a bright spot in the grim 90-minute town hall.

When Hillary Clinton and Trump both held their microphones and walked around the stage it looked like the two were in the middle of a passionate karaoke duet, and Twitter took notice:

A photo posted by Erin Elizabeth (@erinlovesyouuu) on

Turns Out Donald Trump Once Fired A Woman For Using ‘Locker Room Talk’

And that “Celebrity Apprentice” contestant said something much less disturbing than “Grab her by the pussy.”
From: Huffington Post
When can we tell him he’s fired?
Oh, how the hypocritical tables have turned.

Just days after Donald Trump brushed off his 2005 brag about sexually assaulting women as nothing more than “locker room talk,” a 2010 episode of “Celebrity Apprentice” has resurfaced in which the Republican nominee fires a female contestant for exactly that.

The clip, which was tweeted out Monday from “The Daily Show” account, shows Trump dismissing professional wrestler Maria Kanellis after she said “crap” in his boardroom, a word much less obscene than the phrase “grab her by the pussy.”

“The reason why I said you were so arrogant was because you came in our dressing room and you took a crap and left the stench in the room,” Kanellis says in the video, referencing an incident with her fellow contestant, chef Curtis Stone.

The reality TV host then comes to the defense of Stone, the man who allegedly entered the women’s dressing room uninvited, and criticized the wrestler for her language. Trump called Kanellis’ story “a little below the belt” and said her comments were “sort of gross” and “disgusting,” before delivering the final blow.

“This is my boardroom, it’s not a locker room,” Trump said. “Maria, you’re fired.”

Last week, the Washington Post published a 2005 audio recording in which Trump made lewd, degrading comments about women with then-“Access Hollywood” host Billy Bush. In the clip, Trump suggested grabbing women “by the pussy” and said he had forcibly kissed women without consent. The 70-year-old issued a non-apology for the disgusting comments during Sunday’s debate.

“This was locker room talk,” Trump said. “I am not proud of it. I apologized to my family and the American people. I am not proud of it. This is locker room talk.”

So, does Donald Trump believe he is above the standards by which he judges people below him? It would appear so.

Editor’s note: Donald Trump regularly incites political violence and is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist and birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims — 1.6 billion members of an entire religion — from entering the U.S.

Trump Plot to Have Bill Clinton Accusers Sit in Family Box Foiled Moments Before Debate

From: Towleroad
Three Bill Clinton accusers – Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, Kathy Shelton – and Hillary accuser Kathy Shelton almost sat in Donald Trump’s private box at the debate but were told at the last minute by officials that they would be removed, the Washington Post reports:

The campaign’s plan, which was closely held and unknown to several of Trump’s top aides, was thwarted just minutes before it could be executed when officials with the Commission on Presidential Debates intervened. The commission officials warned that, if the Trump campaign tried to seat the accusers in the elevated family box, security officers would remove the women, according to the people involved, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the discussions were confidential.
The gambit to give Bill Clinton’s accusers prime seats was devised by Trump campaign chief executive Stephen K. Bannon and Jared Kushner, the candidate’s son-in-law, and approved personally by Trump. The four women — three of whom have alleged Bill Clinton sexually assaulted or harassed them years ago — were to walk in the debate hall at the same time as the 42nd president and confront him in front of a national television audience

The four women were part of a press conference pulled together by Trump less than 90 minutes before the debate in an effort to intimidate Hillary Clinton.

Watch that press conference here.

Trump Doubles Down on Jailing Hillary: ‘Special Prosecutor Here We Come’

From: Towleroad

Donald Trump riled up a rally of his supporters in North Carolina on Monday, repeating his promise to investigate Hillary Clinton if he is elected president.

Chants of “lock her up” have become commonplace at Trump rallies and were even present at the Republican National convention in Cleveland.

During the second presidential debate on Sunday, Trump vowed to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Clinton over her emails if he wins the election.

Speaking in North Carolina Monday, Trump said, “If I win, we’re gonna appoint a special prosecutor. Because we cannot allow this to happen in our country. We can’t. We’re like a third world nation.”

Ironically, it was Trump’s call to prosecute Clinton that led many, both Republicans and Democrats, to compare Trump’s actions to that of a so-called ‘third world’ dictator.

This isn’t the first time Trump has tried to ape the arguments of his harshest critics in attacks against Clinton. During the first presidential debate, Trump attempted to convince viewers that he has the better temperament of the two candidates. That assertion drew audible gasps from the assembled crowd at Hofstra University.

This Green Bay Packer Wore An Orlando United Shirt Under His Jersey Sunday Night

Haha Clinton-Dix showed his love for the LGBT community during Sunday Night Football.
From: OutSports
Haha Clinton-Dix showed his love for Orlando.
Green Bay Packers safety Haha Clinton-Dix showed his love for the LGBT community in his team’s Sunday Night Football game against the New York Giants by wearing an Orlando United T-shirt under his jersey. No. 21 wasn’t shy about showing off the T-shirt either, lifting up or taking off his jersey in several Instagram photos to demonstrate his support.

While he could not wear a patch or other display on his jersey (per NFL rules), he found a way to show his love nonetheless.

Landon Collins (left) and Haha Clinton-Dix show their No. 21 love.
Clinton-Dix, 23, was born in Orlando. He played college football for Nick Saban at Alabama and was drafted in the first round by the Packers in 2014. He’s been a full-time starter for the Packers almost since getting drafted.

It’s great to see Clinton-Dix wearing the rainbow heart of Orlando United. The tragic massacre that took the lives of 49 people in the gay bar Pulse has united the City of Orlando around the LGBT community. For that to translate to outward support from an NFL star like Clinton-Dix sends a powerful message about how far our community has come in and outside the sports world.

Trump and Clinton ‘Dirty Dancing’ Debate Duet Video Goes Viral

From: Towleroad
Yes, Monday night’s debate was dirty, but it wasn’t Dirty Dancing.

A meme hit the web once the debate ended that featured stills of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton speaking into their mics at the same time, while people imagined they were singing duets together rather than arguing about ISIS, health care, or, in Trump’s case, slinging petulant insults.

One contained the lyrics for “Time of My Life”, the song recorded by Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes and used in the film Dirty Dancing.

And someone at LuckyTV took that meme and ran with it, to the benefit of all of us.

If only the debate wasn’t so dirty.

Nobody puts Hillary in a corner.


Trump Allegedly Uses N-Word in Unseen ‘Apprentice’ Footage

From: Towleroad
Shortly after the Friday night leak of Donald Trump making vulgar remarks to Billy Bush about women, former Apprentice producer Bill Pruitt tweeted that recordings exist of Trump saying “far worse.”
Sunday, producer Chris Nee tweeted that when she worked for Apprentice producer Mark Burnett she signed a contract that contained a $5 million penalty for releasing footage without authorization.

She also talked about what she has heard are on the tapes:

Burnett, a Trump ally, is more than aware that any potentially damaging footage is in big demand and has been threatening those who might leak it, Buzzfeed News reports:

A powerful Hollywood ally of Donald Trump has threatened staffers who could release potentially damaging outtakes of the show, a source close to Mark Burnett told BuzzFeed News.
Burnett, the producer of The Apprentice, and his production company have not responded to requests for comment from BuzzFeed News and many other outlets since grotesque outtakes from another show rocked Trump’s campaign Friday, even as former staffers have suggested on Twitter (without clear evidence) that The Apprentice material could be just as damaging.
But the person familiar with Burnett’s thinking told BuzzFeed News that the producer is backing his star.

Burnett “is pro-Trump and has made clear to his teams that he will sue anyone who leaks,” the person said.

Earlier this month we reported on an AP investigation of more than 20 people connected with Donald Trump’s Apprentice franchise reveals that Trump regularly demeaned women sexually behind the scenes on the show.

The AP quoted one former crew member’s specific story:

“We were in the boardroom one time figuring out who to blame for the task, and he just stopped in the middle and pointed to someone and said, ‘You’d fuck her, wouldn’t you? I’d fuck her. C’mon, wouldn’t you?’ Everyone is trying to make him stop talking, and the woman is shrinking in her seat.”

The 2024 Presidential Debate: Max Emerson Vs… Ann Coulter?

"When I am president, I will not allow gays."
From: NewNowNext
 Everyone’s sharpening their knives for the last debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

But let’s flash-forward a bit to the 2024 presidential race—between Democrat Max Emerson and Republican Anal Rupture, er, Ann Coulter?

 Yes, it looks like the poisoned-tongue pundit will snatch the nomination eight years hence, on a platform of deporting immigrants and taking away a woman’s right to choose… when to leave the house.

 Max, meanwhile, seems to be running on the drag ticket—he promises he’ll make it so gays have the night off when Drag Race airs and put Alyssa Edwards on the $100 bill.

But is moderator Anderson Cooper being objective?

Watch the “debate” below.


From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
Like most of you, I always hated when my favorite sit-com had a clip show. You know, one of those episodes that looks new, but only has one or two new scenes, filmed only to set up a series of flashbacks to previous episodes. At the same time, when you love a great comedy show, you also know some of the best moments are usually from the some of the shows earlier episodes. FH turns 10 this week. On October 13th, 2007, I started the blog. What began as an outlet for my writing, and a place of course for hot naked men, has morphed over the last decade to what you see today. I never thought when I started it would last 10 weeks, let alone 10 years. That being said, I am proud of the what the site has become. I love love photography, the arts and creatively imaginative imagery. As much as I love the male form, I also have no interest in just posting images after image on a site, no matter how hot the photo, without thought, credit or investigation. 

Posting great imagery of naked men may have been the impetus, but getting to know the story behind those images is the motivator that keeps me going. Every time I think it's time to quit, an image, artist, model or story lures me in with questions and curiosities about how the image came to be. So... despite my feelings about sit-com clips shows, I am devoting the next week and a half of FH to celebrating. Not the sites anniversary really, but more the artists, models and stories that have inspired and kept me motivated the last 10 years. There is a little bit of looking back, but it is mostly a chance to once again spotlight some of the artists who have supported and contribute to FH over the years. Soooo, look for some old favorites, new images and shoots, and a few surprises as I celebrate what else, some of my FaVorites!

Hot Heebs of the Day - October 11, 2013

From: Hot Heebs
Shabbat Shalom.
Hilton Beach, Tel Aviv

Soul Singer Sade’s Child Comes Out As A Trans Man

"Today is the first day of the rest of my life."
From: NewNowNext
 Grammy award-winning soul artist Sade’s only child Ila Adu took to Instagram last week to come out as a trans man.

Though Sade and her family are famously private about their personal lives, Ila was so excited about his announcement that he had to share it with the world.

“Today is the first day of the rest of my life,” he wrote on the Instagram post, followed by needle and sun emojis and the hashtags #yaaassss and #proud.

20-year-old Ila is the only child of legendary singer Sade Adu and Jamaican-American producer Bob Morgan. They raised Ila together during Sade’s ten year break from music between 2000’s Lovers Rock and 2010’s Soldier of Love.

While the soulful chanteuse has yet to publicly comment on her son’s transition, Ila’s social media presence suggests that he is supported by his family and well-equipped for the next stage of his life.

SNL Takes on the Vulgar Trump Tapes

From: Towleroad
 Saturday Night Live opened its show last night by diving right in to the 2005 Trump tapes and the Republican nominee’s vulgar brags about assaulting women. Alec Baldwin returned as Trump who was asked what he would say to women voters offended by the “grab them by the pussy” remarks.

Said Baldwin’s Trump:

“I would say this, listen women, if you give me a chance I promise I can do a whole lot more than just grab it. I can also bop it, twist it, and pull it.”

The sketch then cut to Hillary Clinton (Kate McKinnon) for her reaction to the release of the tapes.

Watch it all go down:

Scorched Earth: Donald Trump Attacks John McCain, Paul Ryan, and the Rest of the GOP in Latest Tweet Storm

From: Towleroad
Well that didn’t take long.

Donald Trump went on a Twitter rant on Tuesday attacking Republican leaders and the Republican party itself after many top members either un-endorsed Trump or severely criticized him in the wake of ‘P—y’-gate.  (On Friday, a video leaked showing Trump bragging to Access Hollywood host Billy Bush about sexually assaulting women.)

Trump’s latest tweet storm is yet another indicator that he has decided to enact a scorched earth policy for the remainder of his campaign.

Trump began by blaming Speaker of the House Paul Ryan for his declining support, saying “it is hard to do well when Paul Ryan and others give zero support!” Trump also erroneously claimed to have won the second debate in every poll (major polls all have Clinton as the winner).

Trump went on to call Ryan “disloyal” and a “weak and ineffective leader.”

On Monday, Ryan told fellow Republicans that he can no longer defend or campaign with Trump. However, he refused to un-endorse him.

CBS News reports on Ryan’s conference call to GOP members:

In the wake of [Trump’s ‘grab them by the p—y’] remarks, House Speaker Paul Ryan held a conference call on Monday in which he said he won’t defend or campaign for Trump, but instead will devote the final weeks before the election to ensuring the House retains a Republican majority. He encouraged his fellow party members to make their own decisions about supporting Trump.
“You all need to do what’s best for you in your district,” Ryan told his members. He did not say that he was rescinding his endorsement of Trump.
The Republican National Committee (RNC) also held an emergency conference call on Monday evening led by its chairman, Reince Priebus. He reassured that the committee is in full coordination with the Trump campaign, and that nothing has changed in terms of supporting the top of the ticket, the audio recordings revealed.

ABC News reports on Ryan’s response:

Asked to respond to Trump’s criticism, a representative from Ryan’s office told ABC News, “Paul Ryan is focusing the next month on defeating Democrats, and all Republicans running for office should probably do the same.”

After launching his attack on Tuesday, Trump claimed that his “shackles have been taken off” and he can now campaign the way he wants to.

He then attacked the Republican party itself for being ‘disloyal’ while praising Democrats for being faithful to their nominee. Of course, he managed to get in a jab about how the Democratic primary was allegedly rigged against Bernie Sanders.

Trump even went so far as to say that “disloyal” Republicans “are far more difficult” to deal with than his opponent, Hillary Clinton.

Trump’s most recent tweet went after Senator John McCain for un-endorsing him.

Said Trump, “The very foul mouthed Sen. John McCain begged for my support during his primary (I gave, he won), then dropped me over locker room remarks!”

Watch McCain explain why he un-endorsed Trump during his Senatorial debate on Monday night, below.

Scathing Robert De Niro Rebuke of Trump Goes Viral: ‘I’d Like to Punch Him in the Face’

From: Towleroad
Robert De Niro delivers a scathing rebuke of Donald Trump in a video going viral on social media. The clip was put out by the #VoteYourFuture initiative on Friday.

Says De Niro in the clip

“I mean he is so blatantly stupid. He’s a punk, he’s a dog, he’s a pig. A con, a bullshit artist, a mutt who doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Doesn’t do his homework. Doesn’t care. Thinks he’s gaming society. Doesn’t pay his taxes. He’s an idiot.”

Adds DeNiro:

“Colin Powell said it best: he’s a national disaster. He’s an embarrassment to this country. It makes me so angry that this country has gotten to this point that this fool, this bozo, has wound up where he has.”
“He talks how he’d like to punch people in the face?… Well, I’d like to punch him in the face.”
“This is somebody we want for president? I don’t think so. What I care about is the direction of this country, and what I’m very very worried about is that it might go the wrong direction with someone like Donald Trump. If you care about your future, vote for it.”


Rudy Giuliani Floats New Trump Plan: Portray Hillary as ‘Attacker’ of Women Abused by Bill

From: Towleroad
Rudy Giuliani, as the only surrogate willing to step out and defend Trump since the emergence of the tape on Friday night in which he brags about sexually assaulting women, appeared on several morning talk shows Sunday.

Giuliani told Chuck Todd on Meet the Press that there’s no way Trump won’t show up to the debate, and there’s no way he’ll drop out of the race.

The interview then quickly got into a discussion of the tapes.

It’s not right to say it whether you’re a politician or you’re not,” said Giuliani, after excusing Trump because he made the remarks when he wasn’t running for president.

“He’s bragging about making unwanted sexual advances,” says Todd. “You’re saying that the words are wrong. How about the actions?”

Replied Giuliani: “Well, the actions would be even worse if they were actions. Talk and action are two different things.”

He then added:

“I’m not implying it was made up. I said we’re talking about things that he was talking about. I don’t know how much he was exaggerating; I don’t know how much is true. I certainly don’t know the details of it. But I do know that this is unfortunately the kind of talk that goes on among a lot of people and they shouldn’t talk about this. This is wrong. He realizes that. He understands it now.”

Giuliani ended the interview by previewing something he thought Trump might bring up at tonight’s debate – Hillary Clinton’s role as “the attacker” of women raped and sexually abused by Bill Clinton.

Said Giuliani

“I do believe there’s a possibility he’ll talk about Hillary Clinton’s, uh, situation – if it gets to that. I don’t think he prefers to do that, but I think he will.”

When asked to clarify what “situation” he was referring to, Giuliani added:

“What I’m talking about are the things that she has said and that have been reported in various books and magazines and other places about the women that Bill Clinton raped, sexually abused and attacked. Not Bill Clinton’s role – but her role as the attacker.”

Watch the Meet the Press segment:

The “Hillary as attacker” line of attack is one that Trump previewed himself in his “apology” video on Saturday morning, saying, “Bill Clinton has actually abused women and Hillary has bullied, attacked, shamed and intimidated his victims. We will discuss this more in the coming days.”

Giuliani also tried to play Trump’s remarks off as “exaggeration” on This Week with George Stephanopoulos:

And on CNN’s State of the Union, Giuliani again floated the idea of “gosh almighty there were plenty of things…particularly Hillary Clinton attacking the women who Bill Clinton sexually assaulted, sexually abused, and she was the leader of the attack against them…”

Randy Rainbow Gives Donald Trump Damage Control Advice: ‘Grab ‘Em By The P—y!’

From: Towleroad
Randy Rainbow plays Donald Trump’s Olivia Pope in his latest musical parody of the 2016 election.

Randy offers advice the Republican nominee (and his friends) advice on what they should do in the wake of the leak of a 2005 video in which Donald Trump infamously said that women will let him grab them by the ‘p—y’ because he’s a celebrity.

When things aren’t going your way, Randy says, don’t grab life by the balls, grab it by the–well, you get it. Watch below.

The Best Memes From Monday Night’s Depressing Presidential Debate

From: Queerty
Well, the reviews are in and it seems everyone agrees that last night’s presidential debate was depressing AF.

Basically, for 93 minutes straight Donald Trump spewed complete nonsense at the American people, downplaying the whole “grab ’em by the pussy” scandal, inviting Bill Clinton’s alleged former mistresses to sit in the audience, accusing Hillary Clinton of being a fraud, bullying women, and laughing in the face of a 12-year-old rape victim, then calling her the devil, then saying her heart is “filled with hate,” before finally threatening to use to the power of the Oval Office to jail her if he is elected president.

All the while, Madam President, er, Secretary Clinton sat quietly with daggers in her eyes and let Mr. Trump continue digging his own grave while her poll numbers skyrocketed. (She’s now leading him by double digits.)

It was a deeply depressing, deeply upsetting, deeply unnerving event on many levels and it left us wishing we could just fast forward to November 9 when this whole shit show is finally over with. But at least some creative meme makers were able to find humor in it all. Thank god.

Scroll down for some of our favorite memes from Monday night’s presidential debacle…

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