Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Turns Out Donald Trump Once Fired A Woman For Using ‘Locker Room Talk’

And that “Celebrity Apprentice” contestant said something much less disturbing than “Grab her by the pussy.”
From: Huffington Post
When can we tell him he’s fired?
Oh, how the hypocritical tables have turned.

Just days after Donald Trump brushed off his 2005 brag about sexually assaulting women as nothing more than “locker room talk,” a 2010 episode of “Celebrity Apprentice” has resurfaced in which the Republican nominee fires a female contestant for exactly that.

The clip, which was tweeted out Monday from “The Daily Show” account, shows Trump dismissing professional wrestler Maria Kanellis after she said “crap” in his boardroom, a word much less obscene than the phrase “grab her by the pussy.”

“The reason why I said you were so arrogant was because you came in our dressing room and you took a crap and left the stench in the room,” Kanellis says in the video, referencing an incident with her fellow contestant, chef Curtis Stone.

The reality TV host then comes to the defense of Stone, the man who allegedly entered the women’s dressing room uninvited, and criticized the wrestler for her language. Trump called Kanellis’ story “a little below the belt” and said her comments were “sort of gross” and “disgusting,” before delivering the final blow.

“This is my boardroom, it’s not a locker room,” Trump said. “Maria, you’re fired.”

Last week, the Washington Post published a 2005 audio recording in which Trump made lewd, degrading comments about women with then-“Access Hollywood” host Billy Bush. In the clip, Trump suggested grabbing women “by the pussy” and said he had forcibly kissed women without consent. The 70-year-old issued a non-apology for the disgusting comments during Sunday’s debate.

“This was locker room talk,” Trump said. “I am not proud of it. I apologized to my family and the American people. I am not proud of it. This is locker room talk.”

So, does Donald Trump believe he is above the standards by which he judges people below him? It would appear so.

Editor’s note: Donald Trump regularly incites political violence and is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist and birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims — 1.6 billion members of an entire religion — from entering the U.S.

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