Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Trump Doubles Down on Jailing Hillary: ‘Special Prosecutor Here We Come’

From: Towleroad

Donald Trump riled up a rally of his supporters in North Carolina on Monday, repeating his promise to investigate Hillary Clinton if he is elected president.

Chants of “lock her up” have become commonplace at Trump rallies and were even present at the Republican National convention in Cleveland.

During the second presidential debate on Sunday, Trump vowed to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Clinton over her emails if he wins the election.

Speaking in North Carolina Monday, Trump said, “If I win, we’re gonna appoint a special prosecutor. Because we cannot allow this to happen in our country. We can’t. We’re like a third world nation.”

Ironically, it was Trump’s call to prosecute Clinton that led many, both Republicans and Democrats, to compare Trump’s actions to that of a so-called ‘third world’ dictator.

This isn’t the first time Trump has tried to ape the arguments of his harshest critics in attacks against Clinton. During the first presidential debate, Trump attempted to convince viewers that he has the better temperament of the two candidates. That assertion drew audible gasps from the assembled crowd at Hofstra University.

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