Sunday, June 11, 2017

D.C. Capital Pride Parade Rerouted Over No Justice No Pride Protest

From: Boy Culture
A day ahead of the National Equality March in D.C., the D.C. Capital Pride Parade was disrupted by a group of protesters representating No Justice No Pride, who sought to call attention to the parade's “deeply problematic” sponsors.

 Joe.My.God. reports the protesters successfully blocked the parade, which had to be rerouted in order to proceed.

Among the sponsors the protesters find inconsistent with LGBTQ rights and equality: the FBI, the NSA, the CIA, Wells Fargo, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and the Federal Bureau of Prisons.

I must say, I do find some of those to be gross, er, partners, and it surprises me some would even want to sponsor Gay Pride, let alone be welcomed to do so. However, an argument could be made that we're taking back some of their money and using it to promote our equality and visibility; the money isn't going in the opposite direction.

And this year, with our rights on the line, it feels counterproductive to attempt to rob tens of thousands of people of their annual chance to march and show LGBTQ pride and have fun.

I can only surmise it will pit most of the community against this group and have the opposite effect.

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