Sunday, June 11, 2017

History's 125 Hottest Gay-Porn Stars

From:  Boy Culture

Queens' Branson
Mike Branson 

One of the biggest superstars of the 1990s, Branson was renowned as a top not only for his ability to always be hard at work but to always have something nasty to say to whomever was on the receiving end of his claim to fame. Mountainous and manly and as good-looking as they come, he's burned into many a brain from his appearances in The Freshmen (1997), The Chosen (1997), Manhandlers (1997), Hardline (1997), California Kings (1997) and especially Basic Plumbing II (1998). Rumors abound as to what he's been up to for the past 14 years—an engineer, a lawyer, an environmental activist, a...circuit judge? (maybe a judge at a circuit-party wet teabag contest), suggesting he may be one of the most sought after whatever-became-ofs in porn.

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