Thursday, September 1, 2016

September 1st is Building and Code Staff Appreciation Day

Happy Building and Code Staff Appreciation Day! If this is your field, then chances are you don’t feel the love every day, so live it up! Celebrate with a department lunch (that way you know you’ll be surrounded by like-minded people) or perhaps wear a smiley badge on all inspections you conduct today. If you don’t work in Building and Code, then today’s an opportunity to show your appreciation to those often overlooked people who ensure your building safety. Consider sending a box of chocolates and a note of thanks to the company or individual who performed your inspection to show you value their work, or at the very least, don’t be grumpy with your inspector today.

Since the origin of Building & Code Staff Day is unclear, it may well be a cry for recognition from within the industry itself – all the more reason to show your support!

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