Friday, August 12, 2016

Chris Hemsworth’s 10 Wettest Moments

Happy birthday, Chris Hemsworth!
From: NewNowNext
 Happy birthday to Ghostbusters star Chris Hemsworth, who turns 33 yesterday.

Speaking of Chris, we can’t help but notice he spends a lot of time wet. We’re not complaining, mind you—Chris looks hot wet. (He also looks hot dry, humid, moist and parched.)

Below, we revisit 10 of the Aussie actor’s hottest, dampest moments.


Jimmy Fallon used a unique technique to get Chris to reveal the plot of the next Avengers movie.

Chris young and hungry on Australia’s Home And Away.
Cave writhing.
Sweaty and evil in A Perfect Getaway.
Obligatory closeup.
Giving his all for the ALS ice-bucket challenge.
Wet Thor is the best Thor.
Actually, pissed-off, wet Thor is the best Thor.
Finally able to relax.
Brother Liam has nicely carried on the sopping Hemsworth family tradition.

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