Sunday, June 26, 2016

Jesse Eisenberg Tells Off Anti-Gay Troll At London Pride

"So fucked up."
From: NewNowNext
Sadly, it’s hardly news that there were anti-gay protesters spreading hate at London’s Gay Pride Festival over the weekend, but actor Jesse Eisenberg was still shocked at the hateful display when he passed by.

The 32-year-old Social Network star was pushing a bike through the street near the parade route when he spotted the group of demonstrators speaking into microphones and holding signs with Bible quotes.

He stopped to see what they were doing when one of the men asked him, “Is your mind closed?”

“Is my mind closed?” said Eisenberg, before walking away in disgust. “So fucked up.”

The actor is in London performing in a play he wrote called The Spoils, and you can watch his run-in with the bigots below.

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