Saturday, June 4, 2016

Christian Rocker Trey Pearson Discusses Coming Out To His Family And Church

"[My dad] just hugged me for ten minutes and told me how much he loved me."
From: NewNowNext
Christian rocker Trey Pearson of the band Everyday Sunday appeared on The View Friday to discuss his newfound authenticity and his decision to publicly come out as gay after living in the closet through 7 years of marriage to a woman and nearly 20 years touring with his band mates.

“I grew up in a Christian home and church where I was taught that God hated homosexuality and I could choose to be straight,” Pearson told the women on the panel. “And I tried for a really long time. And I don’t think I was ever trying to lie to anyone. I was trying to convince myself that I could be something I wasn’t.”

In an open letter to fans earlier this week, Pearson described how he married his wife, Lauren, because he believed he could simply will his gayness away by living a straight life.

He wrote: “Trying not to be gay, has only led to a desire for intimacy in friendships which pushed friends away, and it has resulted in a marriage where I couldn’t love or satisfy my wife in a way that she needed. Still, I tried to convince myself that this was what God wanted and that this would work. I thought all of those other feelings would stay away if I could just do this right.”

But despite his seemingly parasitic relationship with Christianity and his church in general, Pearson said he feels closer to god more now than ever. He does, however, “want to see our church change.”

“I want to see my denomination change and I want to see people be willing to have the conversation in an open way where they’re willing to listen to people’s stories,” he said. “That’s why I think it’s so important to tell…It’s not just me. There are millions of people going through what I’m going through right now.”

Pearson said his ex-wife Lauren is now one of his closest allies. “She’s been my biggest supporter, my biggest advocate,” he told the ladies of The View.

In a separate email to NewNowNext, Pearson added: “Lauren my wife was the most gracious, loving person I’ve ever experienced. When I told her she hugged me and cried, thanking me for being honest with myself. When she did that I knew I had been set free.”

Though he’s single, Pearson revealed he’s not interested in jumping into the dating scene just yet.

“I decided to take at least a year to get to know myself as a gay person before starting to get to know who somebody else is in that sort of way,” he said.

You can check out the full interview below:

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