Saturday, June 4, 2016

Celebrating Today June 4th

From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
 Angelina Jolie, who I hate to say it I liked and admired much more before she got with Brad Pitt turns 41 today. (Below with Antonio Banderas' ass)

 Actor Matthew Whittet, whom I was introduced to in Moulin Rouge! turns 41 today.






 I loved 'John Carter' his first few years in the ER, but tired of him by the time the show ended. (They should have kept him in the hospital, and scrapped the location shooting.) Noah Wyle turns 45 today.

 Ahh, Parker Stevenson, Parker turns 64 today. 
 Actor Philip Olivier turns 36 today. 



 Rachel Griffiths, so great to me in Muriel's Wedding, so truly amazing in Six Feet Under, so...ahh, OK in Brothers and Sisters turns 48 today.
 He has a hot bod, but anyone find Party Of Five's Scott Wolf more than a little annoying...Maybe it was the character on the show. Scott turns 48 today.







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