Sunday, March 20, 2016

Smooth Moves

From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things

'All sports are games of inches.'

Given today's 'winter sports' theme, I couldn't think of a better set of images to include than this set from Frisky Frolic. I love the creativity of Jay's salute to winter sports, especially the simplistic and incredibly sexy way that Jay shot. They remind me a bit of being in old improv classes, where you only have your imagination to bring your character, and the scene, to life.

 Although Jay and his models used a few props, for the most part, the 'sport' comes through his models smooth moves. All sports are about movement, but most winter sports are about the slide, the glide and the friction between body and equipment as together they thrust forcefully, down or across, snow and ice.

Frisky Frolic
Frisky Frolic on Instagram

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