Sunday, March 20, 2016

Robert Mapplethorpe Pop-Up Installation Hits The Streets Of New York City

Arresting images go on view outdoors in advance of the doc "Mapplethorpe: Look at the Pictures."
From: NewNowNext
Robert Mapplethorpe, one of the most influential—and controversial—photographers of the late 20th century, is the subject of Mapplethorpe: Look At The Pictures, a new documentary coming to HBO on April 4.

 In advance of the film’s arrival, an outdoor pop-up installation of some of Mapplethorpe’s iconic images were on view in New York this weekend.

 Larger-than-life photos were projected onto the side of shipping containers in the Flatiron District’s north plaza on 23rd Street and Broadway. Inside, a digital gallery of Mapplethorpe’s works and commentary from the artist himself were on view.

The pop-up was live Friday, March 18, from 6-11 pm, and on Saturday, March 19, from 6-10 pm, before heading to San Francisco, where it will be on view March 25 and 26.

Below, more details on the NYC popup installation.

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