Wednesday, October 7, 2015

October 7th is Pet Obesity Awareness Day

We humans spend a lot of time fretting over our own, and one another’s, weight, going to drastic measures to prevent or fight obesity, but what about our beloved pets? Believe it or not, animals suffer greatly as a result of obesity too. Not only does it drastically impact their general health, it also reduces their overall quality of life, often interfering with daily activities and their enjoyment of things like walking and playing ball. It is difficult to deny our furry companions of the food they constantly beg for, and seeing the delight on their faces when they are given treats and scraps from lunch or dinner is one of the greatest things about having a pet. But doing this regularly is doing more harm than good.

To raise awareness about this issue and promote healthier diets for our pets, many animal lovers get together one day a year to celebrate Pet Obesity Awareness Day. Veterinarians often lead the events where owners are encouraged to bring their dogs and cats along to receive complimentary health examination and screening. They can then receive advice, tips and nutrition plans from professionals in the field to help them reduce the weight of the dog or cat and stop the problem escalating further tailored to their pets’ requirements.

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