Thursday, September 10, 2015

Survivor Slaps Huckabee and Kim Davis with $1.2 Lawsuit for Using 'Eye of the Tiger'

From: Wicked Gay
Mike Huckabee's unauthorized use of the 1980's classic "Eye of the Tiger" at the rally to celebrate the release of Kim Davis from her 6-day jail stint has apparently angered members of the band Survivor so much that they've slapped the 2016 GOP presidential hopeful and the defiant county clerk with a $1.2 million lawsuit. NBC News reports.

Paul Horner, a professor at Harvard Law School, spoke with NBC and thinks the '80s band has a strong case against Huckabee and Davis.

"Mike Huckabee and Kim Davis had no permission to use the song, bottom line," Horner said. "This whole incident is in the national public spot light right now, and Huckabee is running for president; he should have known better." Full story here!

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