Thursday, September 10, 2015

Ask QC: Pissed On and Off

From:  Queer Click

Dear Ask QC

I’m 18 yo and have been going out with my new boy friend (22 yo) for around 3 months now. We’ve been getting along fine, both in and out of bed, except one thing that concerns me a bit that happened recently.

He suggested we take a shower together before sex and I though “Yeah great!” and, actually it WAS very very erotic until he said he needed to pee. No probs I said, the toilet is like only 4 feet away, then he said is it OK to pee in the shower… again I said OK but the next bit shocked me. He said could he piss all over me!

Well I don’t want to sound like a prude but I said “No!” and well it kinda spoilt the moment as you can imagine – in fact we didn't even have sex after that happened that night! It’s kind of been very awkward and playing on my mind and we haven’t mentioned this since then (it happened about a week ago). The thing is I realize that actually I’m not totally turned off by this, if only he had given me some warning then I could have psyched myself up to expect that.

Of course I realize when it comes to sex we both have to enjoy and be into the same thing, do you think I should suggest a shower with him again and then just piss on him - will he like that or would he only like being the person doing the pissing? Also can you tell me are there any hygiene issues with pissing on each other?

Are there any readers here who are into being pissed on or pissing on their partners and can they tell me how to go about it properly?

Yours truly,

Pissed On and Off.

What say you, dear QC readers? Any ideas or experiences to help Pissed On and Off find out whether he really likes Water Sports?

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