Tuesday, December 10, 2013


From:  Manhunt Daily
 That Cheyenne Jackson‘s jerk-off video is completely legitimate. The sort-of-confession came early last week in a column from the NY Daily News.

When asked about the video, Jackson “shook his head as if to say no comment” and flashed a smile at the oh-so-inquisitive reporter. Meanwhile, a friend and “source” dished how the leaked tape was likely a result of Jackson’s divorce from physicist Monte Lapka who, until this past August, was with the actor/singer for thirteen years. The friend stated:

Let’s just say he’s not doing anything to stop the presses over the tape. It can only help.”

We’re all about helping people achieve their dreams (and show off their dicks), so this would be a good time to tell you that Cheyenne’s got a new album out called I’m Blue, Skies. You should listen to that later tonight while bemoaning his absence from our list of the Best Naked Male Celebs of 2013. For now? You can just watch this jerk-off video that we were too stupid to post when it first leaked.

And speaking of leaking… That’s, um, quite a cum shot.

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