Friday, January 10, 2014

5 Photos Too Hot For Facebook

 What’s Quinn Jaxon doing wrong here?
Is it the jock? The pose? Or maybe his expression?
In the men’s underwear business, we have a tendency to overlook what is appropriate and go straight for what is hot. And of course, we love to share our latest and greatest finds with our devoted Facebook fans. However, some of our content has been deemed too graphic for Facebook. Not only have some of our photos been removed after being posted, but our social media guru has been banned on numerous occasions when attempting to spread the underwear love on Facebook.

 Jack Mackenroth might be showing just a little too much ass in this shot.
Any complaints here? 
How should we respond to these cyber-slaps on the wrist? Duh! We’re going to share those “graphic” photos right here, right now. These 5 photos may be too sexy for Facebook, but it would be a crime against cute underwear and half-naked men everywhere if we didn’t share these. 
 Quinn again!
Clearly this guy is too hot for Facebook.
 This photo of Stuart was taken down from
Facebook shortly after being posted.
Was the leather boots and whip too much? 

Jack Adams doesn't leave much to the imagination.
And maybe that’s the problem. 

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