Monday, December 25, 2017


Or whatever it is! Hanukkah! Kwanzaa! They’re all good!
December 25, 2016
From: Badwolf Blog
 From the bottom of my butt, I wish you a happy whatever you’re doing today, and I thank you for making my 2016 so much better, just by reading the things I write and saying things back to me. I #lovewhatido and it’s all because of you guys.

I am so lucky to do what I do and so grateful for you! 😘😘😘

 Here’s a little winter holiday acrostic my friend James wrote for me that made me smile really big for about a whole day:

 Poem for Tyler

Come to Earth

Bright eyes, shards of heaven come to earth
Angelic form and visage, come to earth
Diamond the soul, come to earth 
Wise Apollo he of light, come to earth
Öden All father, come to earth
Lucifers gift of fire, come to earth
Fay child of love, come to earth

Thank you all for making me feel so loved. 😊

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