Thursday, June 22, 2017

Trump Demands 50% Tax Cut For Golf Club

From: Joe My God
ABC News reports:

The Trump Organization wants its tax bill cut in half at one of its high-end golf clubs, part of a longstanding Trump practice of using legal challenges and appeals to lower his corporate tax bills.
Donald Trump’s company, now run by his adult sons, Donald Jr. and Eric, has requested a property tax break of a quarter of a million dollars for the Trump National Golf Club, Westchester, in the village of Briarcliff Manor, New York, according to town officials.
The legal challenge is meeting with opposition from many citizens who resent having to assume the burden of paying additional taxes to support town services and the local school district.
According to local tax official Gloria Fried, the Trump Organization filed a tax grievance on Tuesday with the town assessor’s office in Ossining, valuing the course at $7.5 million, or half of the $15.1 million the town calculates should be the tax basis for the course.
This is the same course, spread over 143 acres in Westchester County, that presidential candidate Donald Trump listed on his publicly-filed financial disclosure report as being worth $50 million in 2016.
Fried said that in past years, the Trump Organization has paid their taxes — which are still being litigated for 2015 and 2016 in local courts — with checks stamped: “Paid Under Protest.”

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