Monday, June 12, 2017

Remembering Orlando One Year On

From: Gay Body Blog
It wouldn’t have been right to post as usual today, given that it’s one year since the atrocious attack on our brothers and sisters enjoying a night out at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando.

I felt the need to post something out of schedule, something extra, just to say that we will be thinking of them. Wherever we are around the world, whatever normal demands this day makes of us, we will all be taking some time to think of those lost on this day one year ago.

I would be remiss if I didn’t also say that we should use this day to reassert our individual commitments to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We should never allow voices of division to use such events to further divide communities, whatever their political/religious/ideological motivations may be.

Even if you didn’t personally know any of those lost, many feel certain that they would hope we would uphold the principles of love, tolerance, freedom and unity while we remember them.

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